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Доживећете и нашу Хелл'с Китцхен Фоод Тоур и Централ Парк Валкинг Тоур у овом невероватном искуству.<бр><бр>Бићете у рају на овој кулинарској експедицији у једном од најозлоглашенијих квартова Њујорка. Хелл'с Китцхен је лонац за топљење култура, таписерија која се огледа у укусним заустављањима на овом јединственом обиласку хране. Док се препуштате својим непцима, слушајте приче о старом Њујорку и његовим легендарним ликовима. Сазнајте како су огромна популација имиграната и организовани криминал помогли у обликовању овог сада напредног кварта у сенци неонских светала у позоришној четврти. <бр><бр>Следеће, одлазак са све те невероватне хране на најпознатији њујоршки начин.<бр><бр>За посетиоце, Централ Парк је дестинација из снова у Њујорку. За Њујорчане, то је наше двориште и волели бисмо да вас примимо! Нека вас ваш стручни водич води кроз ову огромну природну и архитектонску земљу чуда, док чујете приче које су подједнако одушевиле генерације становника и посетилаца Њујорка.
Цити: Нев Иорк Цити
Tue 19 Nov
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Са почетком у $135.00
Tue 19 Nov
Са почетком у $135.00
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<ул><ли>Услужне животиње су дозвољене<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке спремности<ли>Минимум Потребне су 2 особе по резервацији<ли>Доступна је вегетаријанска опција, ако је потребно, обавестите је у време резервације. Никакве друге прехрамбене потребе не могу бити задовољене на овој турнеји (без веганских, кошер, алергија на орахе, дијете без млечних производа или без глутена)<ли>Молимо вас да обавестите своје контакт информације (тј. имејл и број телефона) приликом резервације <ли>Ради у свим временским условима, молимо вас да се обуците прикладно<ли>Важи минимални број. Постоји могућност отказивања након потврде ако нема довољно путника да испуни услове. У случају да се ово догоди, биће вам понуђен алтернативни или потпуни повраћај новца.<ли>Потврда и тачна адреса састанка биће примљени у е-поруци у време резервације.<ли>Ако је време лоше, имамо и обилазак хране у затвореном простору за који се можете распитати!
Шта да очекујете
Паклена кухиња
Истражите најпотцењенију дестинацију за храну у Њујорку, Хелл'с Китцхен. Историја имиграната, живот банди на доковима и еклектична интернационална мешавина јела чекају вас на овом јединственом обиласку хране.
Централни парк
На пешачкој тури по Менхетну, Централ Парк је наше игралиште. Одмор на 843 хектара из чувене бетонске џунгле. Уживајте у овом огромном зеленом простору који морате да доживите и успут научите инсајдерске приче и преко 150-годишњу историју парка.
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (215)
Carolyn G
Oct 2018
We had taken tours through MWT before and enjoyed them so much we booked 2 private tours for our small group of 4 while in the city this trip. The food samples in Hell's Kitchen were delicious and plentiful! We enjoyed learning the back stories of these restaurants as well as the history of this unique area. Then, we went to Central Park and visited several different areas of the park to get an overview. Nancy was our tour guide and this is the second time she has lead our tours. She has a wealth of information and she sets the tour to your pace. We never felt rushed. It was a delightful day and we will definitely book future tours with MWT.
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2018
Thank you, Carolyn! Having repeat guests such as yourself is the ultimate testament to our success. We are delighted that you have enjoyed every bite and step along the way. We cannot wait to explore more with you in the near future.
luba b
Oct 2018
I have lived in New York for 34 years and thought I knew everything about New York until I took this food tour. I took my family on the Hell’s Kitchen and Central Park tour with Anna Belle. Let me start by saying Anna Belle was the best. I have gone on numerous food tours in other states and no one compares to her. She was kind and knowledgeable and engaging. Her knowledge of numerous topics and desire to give you the best tour possible was evident. I would highly suggest recommending her as your tour guide. And now to the most important part the food...every restaurant we went to was fantastic. On our way home my family and I tried to pick out our favorite food and we were all deadlocked. Between the different cultures and entrees everything was incredible. Furthermore our tour of Central Park was delightful and educational after hours of eating. I would recommend this tour to anyone whether you’re a native New Yorker or a tourist. From,Luba “the liberal”
Oct 2018
I for the price I thought that we'd get to try a nice sampling of restaurants to go back to during our stay in New York. There was 1 good sit down Gyu Japanese restaurant, but the remaining 3 places were essentially fastfood joints. For the type of food we sampled, I think there are cheaper tours available. We booked there Central Park tour as an addition at a discount, but even as the tour started, our guide repeated a few times that many people don't stay with her for that portion of the tour. It kinda felt like she didn't want to do that portion of the tour. I'm very surprised this tour has so many good reviews considering the cost of it.
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2018
Hi Michelle, I am upset with this review less for our company than for the amazing food vendors we work with in Hell's Kitchen. Labeling them "essentially fast food joints" is one of the most hurtful things I've heard someone say about these hard working, small family businesses that we have taken the time to get to know over the years. Fresh Portuguese sandwiches, Druze/Israeli goat cheese bourekas, and hand filled to order empanadas are probably the farthest thing from what anyone would label "fast food". I do not know if you were expecting sit down fine dining options, but we try to highlight the various ethnic cuisines that represent the diverse Hell's Kitchen neighborhood, while also supporting the small businesses that are the life blood of NYC. As for Central Park, Annabel said she goes over the route she will be taking, and then she mentions some guests do not make it for various reason....weather, too full, age. Not that she discourages anyone from joining. Then I was told that you decided to not take the tour because your mother was tired! You had Annabel as your guide, who is one of the most passionate people I know about this city and park, and that you did not get to experience her Central Park tour is very upsetting. Overall for the cost, you had a small group setting, 5 diverse and unique food stops, an incredible and knowledgeable guide who made sure to order extra for your mother's dietary requirements, and a beautiful Central Park stroll to learn the history and secrets of New Yorkers backyard. I'm sorry that you did not take advantage of it all. Alex Vice President Manhattan Walking Tour

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