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Полудневни излет са роњењем на гребенима на Флориди

Дођите да нам се придружите роњење на неким од најлепших гребена у оквиру Националног морског резервата Флорида Киз и државног парка Пеннекамп. Имамо много могућих гребена за истраживање: меласу, лакат, француски гребен и чувени Христ из бездана на сувим стенама. Ова заштићена подручја нуде прилику да се виде корњаче, пегави орао, мурена и разне врсте риба. Ови специјални гребени су део трећег по величини система живих гребена на свету и ЈЕДИНОГ живог коралног гребена у САД. Заустављамо се на две различите локације на гребену. Свако заустављање одређује капитен на основу услова дана. Не можемо да гарантујемо ниједну конкретну локацију.<бр><бр>У настојању да смањимо количину пластике за једнократну употребу која завршава у нашим океанима, препоручујемо да понесете флашу воде за вишекратну употребу. Имамо хладњаке за воду у нашој радњи и на нашим бродовима за вашу удобност!<бр>
Цити: Кеи Ларго
Mon 13 Jan
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Са почетком у $65.00
Mon 13 Jan
Са почетком у $65.00
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<ул><ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Допуштене су животиње услужне.<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Не препоручује се за трудне путнице<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема се дезинфикује између употребе<ли>Транспортна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Водичи су обавезни за редовно прање руку<ли>Редовне провере температуре за особље
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Коментара (812)
Aug 2022
My family and I enjoyed a wonderful experience snorkeling off the coast of Florida! We were a group of first timers, and the first mate made sure to talk to each of us and address any and all concerns we may have had. We visited two different dive sites—albeit a little close together to one another—and explored a shipwreck and a shallow coral reef. Wildlife was thriving in both snorkeling excursions, and we were graced by a plethora of fish and jellyfish as well as a couple turtles poking their heads around. Definitely load up on the sun screen, there was only a singular bottle of reef-safe sunscreen going around on the boat, so make sure to get your fill! Overall we had an excellent experience, and I’d highly recommend the trip for anyone looking to snorkel off the Keys.
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2022
Thanks for taking the time to let us know about your experience. We are very pleased for the 5 stars.
Aug 2022
The team at Pirates Cove was fantastic! They were humorous, yet also sincere about safety. It was an excellent experience with my son. The waters were so clear, and we saw an array of fish, and a lot of really neat coral.
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2022
Thank you for sharing with us. Please come again!
Aug 2022
Trip started out great, thought for sure this would be a 5 Star review. Nice, clean modern boat. Very personable crew. The Good: I asked the Capt if we could hit the Christ statue, and she commented if not too many boats we will try. No guarantees. Sure enough, we pull up and the Christ statue is our 1st stop. Great!! My girlfriend is new to swimming, and has never wore a mask or fins. I am a PADI certified ex-commercial diver and dive boat owner and am very comfortable in the water. I wanted no pressure from me to intimidate my girlfriend so I put on my gear and asked the Capt to help my girl and I swam away. After 10 minutes she had her in the water, with a mask and snorkel and she was checking out fish and sea life and was very happy. I really appreciate the way the Capt took the time to work with Yenny. Thanks!!! The bad: I asked at the ticket window if we had time to go to the store for BEER and some snacks, and asked if beer was permitted. She said sure. I even joked that I was going to be back in a minute with a keg of beer. She laughed and said great, no problem. Me and my girlfriend shared a 12oz Stella beer on the ride out. We made the aforementioned dive and had a wonderful time. As we rode to the next stop, we shared another (12 oz divided by 2 people! This is now approx 1.5 hours after our first SHARED 12 oz beer.) As I was sipping, the Mate looked at me and made a throat cutting gesture and then told me 'no more diving for you' in front of 10-12 other paying customers. The mate the looks at the Capt and said she "discovered who drank the beer" as though a great mystery was solved. (they looked in the trash can for empty beer cans?) I was beyond embarrassed but chose not to engage further until a little more private setting presented itself. I was already flabbergasted to be publicly called out and chided in front of strangers. After the boat cleared, the mate informed me since I had a beer I could not go back in the water. I was completely blindsided. No signs in the office. No signs on the boat. No disclaimers on the company web page. I don't know if this was the mates personal policy, or company policy, as it was not stated any where. I was beyond surprised that I could legally operate a motor vehicle after consuming 12oz of beer in 2 hours, but could not swim around on a snorkel boat.
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2022
We do have a No alcohol prior to Snorkeling or Diving. I reget the staff did not make it clear that for safety reasons we only allow alcohol consumption always and only after participants are completely done with snorkeling or diving. For safety reason and insurance reasons the crew is not to allow anyone in the water if they have consumed alcohol on the boat.

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