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Карта за Хамилтон на Бродвеју

Hamilton is the story of the unlikely Founding Father determined to make his mark on the new nation as hungry and ambitious as he is. From orphan to Washington's right-hand man, rebel to war hero, a loving husband caught in the country's first sex scandal, to the Treasury head who made an untrusting world believe in the American economy. George Washington, Eliza Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson and Hamilton's lifelong friend/foil Aaron Burr all make their mark in this astonishing new musical exploration of a political mastermind. Experience a fresh look at the era of the Founding Fathers.
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Sat 29 Mar
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Са почетком у $137.18
Sat 29 Mar
Са почетком у $137.18
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All taxes, fees and handling charges
All taxes, fees and handling charges
All taxes, fees and handling charges
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Меетинг поинт
Отворите у Гоогле мапама
New York City
226 W 46th St,
Please note tickets will be emailed as an URL ticket from: [email protected].

Due to extensive fraud prevention, your ticket delivery may be delayed. However, tickets will be delivered no later than 2 weeks prior to the performance. Once the URL ticket is delivered, please have your ticket ready by clicking on the link provided and displaying the ticket on your phone at the theatre. The ticket’s unique barcode is only valid for one entry.

Please do not be late! Some shows will not seat late arrivals until a suitable pause in the performance. Late seating is entirely at theatre management discretion.

Some other things to remember:
- Please turn off cell phones prior to the start of the show. It’s not just courteous to the other patrons; it’s the law in New York.
- Everyone entering the theatre must have a ticket; regardless of age.
- Most Broadway theatres do not allow children under the age of 4 years to attend the performances. Also, some shows may not be suitable for children under 12. Please check with us if you are not certain.
Крајња тачка
Ова активност се завршава на месту састанка.
Додатне информације
  • Wheelchair accessible
  • Public transportation options are available nearby
  • Suitable for all physical fitness levels
  • Recommended for ages 10+
  • Children under the age of 4 are not permitted in the theatre.
  • If you have Accessible Seating requirements, please call our customer service team at 888-651-9785 to inquire about availability prior to completing your booking.
  • Best available seats are assigned by theater at time of purchase and will be listed on your actual tickets.
  • Due to fraud prevention, your tickets will be delivered no later than 2 weeks prior to the performance.
  • PHOTO ID: Guests ages 18 and older must present a valid government-issued photo ID. Guests under 18 may also show a school ID, birth certificate or social security card (Photo is not required). Guests under 12 must be accompanied by an adult who meets these requirements.
  • Guests who do not comply with these policies will be denied entry or asked to leave the theatre.
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Позориште Ричарда Роџерса
Погледајте Хамилтона на Бродвеју у позоришту Ричарда Роџерса!
Хамилтон - амерички мјузикл
Из креативног тима који стоји иза Тони наградом награђеног Ин Тхе Хеигхтс долази дивље инвентиван нови мјузикл о отрцаном младом имигранту који је заувек променио Америку: Александру Хамилтону. Добитник награде Тони, Греми и Еми, Лин-Мануел Миранда, држи перо и излази на сцену док је неочекивани отац оснивач одлучио да остави траг у новој нацији гладној и амбициозној као што је он. Од сирочета копиле до десне руке Вашингтона, бунтовника до ратног хероја, вољеног мужа ухваћеног у првом сексуалном скандалу у земљи до шефа Министарства финансија који је натерао неповерљиви свет да верује у америчку економију, Хамилтон је истраживање политичког мозга. Џорџ Вашингтон, Томас Џеферсон, Елиза Хамилтон и доживотни Хамилтонов пријатељ и непријатељ, Арон Бер, сви присуствују овој револуционарној причи о ватреној прошлости Америке испричаној кроз звуке нације која се стално мења. Кандидат за награду Тони Томас Кејл режира овај нови мјузикл о снимању, изговарању свог мишљења и преокретању света наглавачке.
Richard Rodgers Theatre
See Hamilton on Broadway at the Richard Rodgers Theatre!
Hamilton - An American Musical
From the creative team behind the Tony Award-winning In The Heights comes a wildly inventive new musical about the scrappy young immigrant who forever changed America: Alexander Hamilton. Tony, Grammy, Emmy Award winner Lin-Manuel Miranda wields his pen and takes the stage as the unlikely founding father determined to make his mark on a new nation as hungry and ambitious as he is. From bastard orphan to Washington's right-hand man, rebel to war hero, loving husband caught in the country's first sex scandal to Treasury head who made an untrusting world believe in the American economy, Hamilton is an exploration of a political mastermind. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Eliza Hamilton, and lifelong Hamilton friend and foe, Aaron Burr, all join this revolutionary tale of America’s fiery past told through the sounds of this ever-changing nation. Tony Award nominee Thomas Kail directs this musical about taking your shot, speaking your mind, and turning the world upside down.
Richard Rodgers Theatre
See Hamilton on Broadway at the Richard Rodgers Theatre!
Hamilton - An American Musical
From the creative team behind the Tony Award-winning In The Heights comes a wildly inventive new musical about the scrappy young immigrant who forever changed America: Alexander Hamilton. Tony, Grammy, Emmy Award winner Lin-Manuel Miranda wields his pen and takes the stage as the unlikely founding father determined to make his mark on a new nation as hungry and ambitious as he is. From bastard orphan to Washington's right-hand man, rebel to war hero, loving husband caught in the country's first sex scandal to Treasury head who made an untrusting world believe in the American economy, Hamilton is an exploration of a political mastermind. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Eliza Hamilton, and lifelong Hamilton friend and foe, Aaron Burr, all join this revolutionary tale of America’s fiery past told through the sounds of this ever-changing nation. Tony Award nominee Thomas Kail directs this musical about taking your shot, speaking your mind, and turning the world upside down.
Richard Rodgers Theatre
See Hamilton on Broadway at the Richard Rodgers Theatre!
Hamilton - An American Musical
From the creative team behind the Tony Award-winning In The Heights comes a wildly inventive new musical about the scrappy young immigrant who forever changed America: Alexander Hamilton. Tony, Grammy, Emmy Award winner Lin-Manuel Miranda wields his pen and takes the stage as the unlikely founding father determined to make his mark on a new nation as hungry and ambitious as he is. From bastard orphan to Washington's right-hand man, rebel to war hero, loving husband caught in the country's first sex scandal to Treasury head who made an untrusting world believe in the American economy, Hamilton is an exploration of a political mastermind. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Eliza Hamilton, and lifelong Hamilton friend and foe, Aaron Burr, all join this revolutionary tale of America’s fiery past told through the sounds of this ever-changing nation. Tony Award nominee Thomas Kail directs this musical about taking your shot, speaking your mind, and turning the world upside down.
Richard Rodgers Theatre
See Hamilton on Broadway at the Richard Rodgers Theatre!
Hamilton - An American Musical
From the creative team behind the Tony Award-winning In The Heights comes a wildly inventive new musical about the scrappy young immigrant who forever changed America: Alexander Hamilton. Tony, Grammy, Emmy Award winner Lin-Manuel Miranda wields his pen and takes the stage as the unlikely founding father determined to make his mark on a new nation as hungry and ambitious as he is. From bastard orphan to Washington's right-hand man, rebel to war hero, loving husband caught in the country's first sex scandal to Treasury head who made an untrusting world believe in the American economy, Hamilton is an exploration of a political mastermind. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Eliza Hamilton, and lifelong Hamilton friend and foe, Aaron Burr, all join this revolutionary tale of America’s fiery past told through the sounds of this ever-changing nation. Tony Award nominee Thomas Kail directs this musical about taking your shot, speaking your mind, and turning the world upside down.
Show 7 више заустављања
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All sales are final. No refund is available for cancellations.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (29)
Отворите у Гоогле мапама
Jan 2025
Hamilton is an amazing show! Music, performers, direction - all fantastic. I would watch it over and over again. P.S. If you need to use the women’s bathroom during the intermission, think quick, line was exorbitant and ran into the theatre.
Jan 2025
What more is there to say about the best show ever produced on Broadway. It is amazing, indescribably original, unparalleled. Have seen it 7 times and could see it 100 more.
Nov 2024
I booked Hamilton before we left for NYC. So convenient and good seats. Easy to use app allowed me to have the tickets in my phone.

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