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Прошетајте историјским улицама Харлема и упознајте се са локацијама повезаним са грађанским правима, Покретом Блацк Повер и Блацк Артс из 1960-их и 1970-их. Туристички водич рођен и одрастао у Харлему пружиће сјајан наратив објашњавајући историју, водич опремљен преносивим видео снимцима и звучницима који ће пружати применљиве снимке на путу, ово ће оживети историју.<бр><бр>
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Wed 06 Nov
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Wed 06 Nov
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<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Допуштене су животиње услужне<ли>У близини су доступне опције јавног превоза<ли>Опције превоза су доступне за инвалидска колица<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке кондиције<ли>Туристички и културни центар Харлем Херитаге је само неколико минута од Мид Менхетна преко експресне подземне железнице у центру града. <ли>Упут ће вам водич кроз Харлем представити многе ресторане и уметничке и културне институције које можете посетити у Харлему након што се обилазак заврши.<ли>Гости су добродошли да складиште пртљаг и торбе унутар Харлем Херитаге-а. Туристичко-културни центар током обиласка.<ли>Видео, музика и фотографије биће презентовани путем преносиве звучне и видео опреме.<ли>Маске за лице су неопходне за путнике на јавним местима<ли>Маске за лице су потребне за водиче на јавним местима<ли>Маске за лице обезбеђене за путнике<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу
Шта да очекујете
Ходајте стопама легендарних догађаја и лидера Харлемског покрета за грађанска права. Током периода од 2 сата посетићете цркве, позоришта, резиденције/куће повезане са периодом 1960-их и 1970-их у Харлему.
Аполо театар
Улазимо у предворје са рођеним и одраслим туристичким водичем Харлема који ће објаснити историју Аполо театра, гости ће имати одличну прилику да се сликају наспрам мурала забава који су започели своју каријеру у Аполо театру.
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (69)
Aug 2020
An awesome tour. Very educational to the history of harlem, as well as african american history. In addition, I went during the time of Covid and we were required to were masks and follow social distancing rules which I felt was well done by Harlem heritage tour. Would recommend this to anyone out there touring Harlem for a day....well worth the two hours!!
Jun 2020
My 17 year old daughter and I went on the tour highlighting the life of Malcolm X when he lived in Harlem, in February 2020. Neal was such a knowledgeable guide - he took us to the exact spots where Malcolm X made his mark in Harlem. He knew so much about the surrounding neighborhoods, and their connections not only to Malcolm X, but also to other civil rights leaders. The tour therefore had the feel of an intricate web of connections between those in the civil rights movement in the United States. The tour took place within the radius of only a few city blocks, and we were able to stand at the actual locations where this history unfolded. I was excited because it really expanded on my knowledge of Malcolm X and the civil rights movement. My daughter, having more than a passing interest in the history of the Civil Rights Movement, but not any historical memory of it, was very impressed and excited, and I think she’ll remember this tour for the rest of her life. I give this tour my highest recommendation. We’ll do another of Neal’s tours next time we’re in NYC.
Feb 2020
I have lived in New York City for more than a decade, but I embarrassingly have spent very little of that time exploring Manhattan. I live in Brooklyn and work in Manhattan, and it's easy to get into a routine of commuting back and forth every day, only spending time in the small radius of your office and your apartment, and not taking advantage of all that this incredible city has to offer. The Harlem Heritage Tours are a perfect example of something I should have done years ago. What prompted me to get out of my bubble and explore Harlem was a book I had been reading, Manning Marable's Malcolm X: A Life of Reinvention. I am a dedicated but slow reader, and it took me months to read this wonderful book. When I finished, I realized that so much of Malcolm X's life (including his death) was in the very city that I lived in and I could probably go see some of the locations mentioned in the book in person not far from my home. A quick online search led me to the Harlem Heritage Tours, and specifically, in amazing serendipity, to a Malcolm X focused civil rights tour. I had astonishingly finished the biography of Malcolm X on the anniversary of his death, and in his honor they were doing the civil rights tour that day with a focus on him. I hightailed it up to Harlem just in time to take the tour and I'm so glad I did. The tour guide was Neal Shoemaker, who was born and raised in Harlem. I couldn't imagine a more well-informed tour guide on the subject. He not only seemed to know everything about Malcolm X and many other civil rights leaders who made a lasting impression on Harlem and the world, he had a personal history with the neighborhood, since it is where he lives and grew up. I went to the tour hoping to see the places where Malcolm X had been, and I did, but I also learned about many other civil rights leaders and important writers like James Baldwin; saw other famous sites of Harlem, like the Apollo Theater; and got a sense of the neighborhood as it is has evolved over the years from the unique perspective of a local. I can't recommend the Harlem Heritage Tours more highly. It was stunning to see videos and images of the people we were learning about standing in the places where we were standing. Walking around the neighborhood with Neal as our guide, the history I had been reading about for so many months was brought vividly to life. These tours are an invaluable resource for anyone who wants to learn more about a major part of New York City and its important place in world history. If you have the chance, put on your walking shoes and head up to Harlem for a tour!

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