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Мултимедијални обилазак Харлема за грађанска права

Прошетајте историјским улицама Харлема и упознајте се са локацијама повезаним са грађанским правима, Покретом Блацк Повер и Блацк Артс из 1960-их и 1970-их. Туристички водич рођен и одрастао у Харлему пружиће сјајан наратив објашњавајући историју, водич опремљен преносивим видео снимцима и звучницима који ће пружати применљиве снимке на путу, ово ће оживети историју.<бр><бр>
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Mon 23 Dec
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Mon 23 Dec
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<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Допуштене су животиње услужне<ли>У близини су доступне опције јавног превоза<ли>Опције превоза су доступне за инвалидска колица<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке кондиције<ли>Туристички и културни центар Харлем Херитаге је само неколико минута од Мид Менхетна преко експресне подземне железнице у центру града. <ли>Упут ће вам водич кроз Харлем представити многе ресторане и уметничке и културне институције које можете посетити у Харлему након што се обилазак заврши.<ли>Гости су добродошли да складиште пртљаг и торбе унутар Харлем Херитаге-а. Туристичко-културни центар током обиласка.<ли>Видео, музика и фотографије биће презентовани путем преносиве звучне и видео опреме.<ли>Маске за лице су неопходне за путнике на јавним местима<ли>Маске за лице су потребне за водиче на јавним местима<ли>Маске за лице обезбеђене за путнике<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу
Шта да очекујете
Ходајте стопама легендарних догађаја и лидера Харлемског покрета за грађанска права. Током периода од 2 сата посетићете цркве, позоришта, резиденције/куће повезане са периодом 1960-их и 1970-их у Харлему.
Аполо театар
Улазимо у предворје са рођеним и одраслим туристичким водичем Харлема који ће објаснити историју Аполо театра, гости ће имати одличну прилику да се сликају наспрам мурала забава који су започели своју каријеру у Аполо театру.
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (69)
Alx L
Jul 2018
The “Walk to civil rights sites in Harlem tour” is exhilarating, magnificent in its historical context and very emotional at times. Neal is a wonderful person with passion, knowledge and a great sense of humour. He is a man gifted with a plethora of information. Neal welcomed us in his atelier where we were shown his new designer t-shirts ‘Made in Harlem’. Obviously having earned the trust and respect of many passers-by we were introduced to many of his business partners, friends and family all hailing from the same part of town. We started with an intro on Malcolm X, Martin Luther King and Elija Mohammed, their different strategies within the framework of to the civil rights movement. During the tour Neal pointed out all the landmarks of important speeches, marches and events at the time. We visited several memorable places such as the celebrated Apollo where we were invited on stage! (unfortunately the theatre was empty during that time of day!) We had a drink in the extraordinary Paris Blues jazz club a joint that we visited later in the evening for some excellent jazz. A must. We also met people from the Senegalese community in Harlem and were given the lowdown on the demographical changes that took place and still do take place in this part of Harlem. The complete walk normally lasts 2,5 but we were so interested in everything Neal showed us we had a total walk of 4 hours filled with details about music, history and lots of architecture. While walking we listened to great songs the lyrics of which were so appropriate. We had a wonderful afternoon and will soon return. Thank you very much Neal for this extraordinary tour! Photo: AL the man on stage in Appolo
Jul 2018
This was no dry dusty history lesson. Neil is definitely a one-off. At first I was unsure what I had let myself in for as the initial impression was a bit disorganised. However, once it got going, it was a real gem. We were given a brief performance about the civil rights movement history and the speeches that had taken place right outside the premises, together with photos and film clips. I say performance deliberately as Neil reminded me of a performance poet with his expressive physical delivery. We then were launched on a tour of the main streets and buildings where events had taken place, interspersed with Neil’s personal history of growing up in the housing projects and how he survived. Neil played significant music as we walked the streets, and explained its meaning and relevance. As well as learning about the civil rights movement we visited an African Market and saw some newly-gentrified streets before finishing for a drink in one of the few remaining jazz bars. Unforgettable.
Apr 2018
Myself and my daughter experienced a very enjoyable tour of Harlem and heard the history of the birth of the civil rights movement by Martin Luther King and others. Neal was a great tour guide who had first hand experience of the difficult days in Harlem and how that area of NY has been radically and positively transformed in recent years. The initiatives of Civil Rights pioneers of Martin Luther King has had a profound impact on nationalists in the North of Ireland in their quest for civil rights in the late 1960's through street agitation. The tour highlighted to me many of these similarities and inequalities that were faced by both the black people in Harlem and of the Nationalists within the North of Ireland.

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