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Тура уклетих Вегаса и Лов на духове у Лас Вегасу

Ова живахна и сабласна турнеја по уклетом Вегасу одвешће вас до уклетих места Елвиса, Мајкла Џексона и Либерачеа. Ово искуство омогућава посету таквим језивим локацијама нудећи обилазак уклетих са водичем и лов на духове, који садржи најмрачније сабласне тајне Града греха.
Цити: лас Вегас
Mon 23 Sep
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Mon 23 Sep
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Коментара (148)
Kristi M
Jul 2018
I found this company online when I was planning our last trip to Vegas....a graduation trip for my son, who is big on ghost hunting. When I purchased our tickets, I immediately noticed that I had booked the wrong day. I called to see if they could change it, and talked to Adam. He was AWESOME, and took care of our reservation right away. Definite 5 star customer service. We did the Haunted Vegas tour on 6/26/2018. At first, I was worried that I had wasted my money. The meet spot is at the Tuscany...right on the casino floor. My first thought was...what kind of business is this, that they don't even meet in one of the restaurants or meeting rooms. Boy was I ever wrong!! The entire tour was fabulous! JB, our tour guide, was the best. He was not the typical cheesy tour guide type. Very informative, and extremely interactive with everyone. My son was one of two teens in our group, and he was very patient with them (this was my son's first experience actually ghost hunting), and answered all questions completely. Ryan, our shuttle driver/guide, was awesome too...so much interesting info. We had so much fun...so much so, that we are planning our next trip to Vegas so we can do the Goodsprings tour next. Thank you all for a very memorable experience, and we hope to see you again soon!!
Одговор домаћина
Sep 2018
Kristi, Thank you again for taking our tour. It is not our intention here at Vegas Specialty Tours satisfy or to please our guests. It is our intention to amaze our guests. See you again soon!
Barbara B
Jun 2018
J B was our tour guide and he was awesome. We were given ghost hunting equipment and guided on how to use them. The tour was very informative with Vegas history and who is known to haunt the sites we stopped at. Even though i don't know if I caught an orb (which I think I might of, I will submit my photo to J B who was more then willing to look at all photos, he is very passionate about his job) there was a lady who definately did in front of Red Foxx's house. My boyfriend also really enjoyed it and said he would do the haunted mob tour they offer the next time we make it to Vegas. I wish they did this in Tampa.
Одговор домаћина
Sep 2018
Barbara ~ Thank you for posting such a great review. JB and the rest of our guides are all very passionate, enthusiastic and extremely knowledgeable about the tours. We are glad that your boyfriend enjoyed the tour and we look forward to having you both on the Vegas Mob Tour. I have to warn you though, there are no ghosts on the Mob Tour. The boys may have helped create some of the ghosts but that tour is more of an historic tour. Our other ghost tour, the Goodsprings Ghost Hunt, takes you to an old haunted mining town. We look forward to having you visit us next time you are in Las Vegas. Thank you again!
American G
Jun 2018
I love going on ghost tours in different cities and pretty picky about the tours. This company didn't disappoint! This was a van and walking tour combination that met at the Tuscany Resort. Your ticket includes a nice pizza dinner so you leave full and happy! You board a nice clean air-conditioned van and the tour is off. We stopped at 3 different places so you could stretch your legs and had a chance to ghost hunt with equipment. It was a great way to see Vegas from a different prospective and hear all the interesting history of the area. If you looking for something fun to do at night besides the typical bar/casino scene, this is it! They also leave you with a nice parting gift. Thank you for the great night and will definitely recommend your tour.
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2018
Thank you American G! We appreciate this fantastic review....especially from someone who is "picky about the tours". Our team does the absolute best to create an unforgettable experience and it sounds like we hit our mark again! Thank you and on your next visit please be sure to join us on our other tours.....the Goodsprings Ghost Hunt and the Vegas Mob Tour.

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