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Тура уклетих Вегаса и Лов на духове у Лас Вегасу

Ова живахна и сабласна турнеја по уклетом Вегасу одвешће вас до уклетих места Елвиса, Мајкла Џексона и Либерачеа. Ово искуство омогућава посету таквим језивим локацијама нудећи обилазак уклетих са водичем и лов на духове, који садржи најмрачније сабласне тајне Града греха.
Цити: лас Вегас
Mon 23 Sep
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Mon 23 Sep
Са почетком у $119.95
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<ул><ли>Дозвољене су животиње услужне<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Минимална старост је 13 година<ли>Деца од 13 до 18 година морају да буду у пратњи одрасле особе<ли>Алкохол није дозвољен у аутобусу
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Коментара (148)
Jun 2018
Ghost Tour Review We just wanted to say how much we enjoyed our "personal" Haunted Vegas ghost & hunt tour with J.B. and Ryan. Our guides were friendly, knowledgeable, and always made sure that we were having fun (mission accomplished!). The bonus was using the EVP, temperature gauge & divining rods to explore our haunted surroundings. We managed to contact spirits at various sites, something our daughter truly enjoyed (she's a paranormal empath). This tour is highly recommended to anyone visiting Las Vegas ... it's a terrific opportunity to learn more about its ghostly secrets.
Одговор домаћина
Jun 2018
Thank you mvshwirzke, all of us here at Vegas Specialty Tours appreciates you taking the time to leave this descriptive review of our tour. It is usually very active at the sites we take you to at night, but the spirits are not on our payroll so there is never any certainty that there will be activity. We are very confident though that everyone will have fun and be EDUTAINED (yes I just made up that word) as we aim to teach fascinating history while adding dynamics to the tour that keep everyone entertained. Thank you again and next time you visit Las Vegas be sure to consider our other tours the Vegas Mob Tour and the Goodsprings Ghost Hunt. They are all wonderful tours built by our team.
Jun 2018
My sister and I love a good ghost story and local history. This tour ticks all the boxes. Our guide was entertaining and knowledgeable and we had a fun group of people on tour with us. A Great Fun night we recommend for people looking to do something a little different.
Одговор домаћина
Jun 2018
Hi Madra27, Thank you for coming on our tour. We are all happy to hear that you enjoyed the tour, thank you for the review.
Jun 2018
This tour was the highlight of our trip to Las Vegas! We're long-time fans of ghost hunting shows on television, so we were fully aware that a real ghost tour never guarantees that you'll make contact, but we were optimistic! During a pizza dinner, we learned how to use the equipment (dowsing rods, EMF meter and temperature sensor). Then, we boarded a private tour van to our first destination while watching a video presentation to give us background information on our stops. Over the next couple hours, our guide David walked us through various haunted points in Las Vegas. We had several points in the tour where our EMF meters indicated intelligent responses to questions, and where the spirit box David was using produced possible voices. Definitely the real deal...no set-ups or plants. We were so impressed and are already planning to book the tour to Good Springs when we return next year!
Одговор домаћина
Jun 2018
Hi Kathleen, Thank you for taking our Haunted Vegas Tour. We are all very happy to hear that you enjoyed the tour. We try to incorporate as much as possible into the tour to provide the most entertainment as possible. We look forward to having you on the Goodsprings Ghost Hunt on your next visit. Thank you agian!

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