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Најзанимљивије пешачке туре у Чарлстону

Наш двосатни пешачки обилазак Најзанимљивији део Чарлстона води госте кроз историјску француску четврт и јужно од Броад четврти у центру Чарлстона. Успут, ваш водич ће описати дугу историју, јединствену културу, архитектуру и географију Чарлстона и шире области, осликавајући детаљну слику о томе како је бурна прошлост Чарлстона формирала град који данас воле путници широм света. Видећете неке од најстаријих богомоља у граду, места сахрањивања, позоришта, тврђаве у луци Чарлстон и виле пре рата које гледају на воде река Купер и Ешли, међу многим другим историјским и сликовитим местима. Наши водичи такође нуде своје стручне савете о другим активностима, ресторанима и баровима које гости могу истражити након што заврше обилазак.
Цити: Цхарлестон
Sat 05 Oct
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Са почетком у $23.00
Sat 05 Oct
Са почетком у $23.00
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<ул><ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Допуштене су животиње услужне.<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Путници треба да имају најмање умерен ниво физичке спремности<ли>Деца морају да буду у пратњи одрасле особе<ли>Гости су сами дужни да понесу своју заштиту од сунца (крема за сунчање, капе, наочаре, сунцобрани) и кишну опрему <ли>НАСЛОВНО препоручујемо гостима да понесу флаширану воду. Није увек доступан за куповину на рути<ли>Молимо госте да се пријаве на локацији састанка 5-10 минута пре времена обиласка. Не можемо да чекамо за касне.
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Коментара (1000)
Oct 2019
Wonderful tour of Charleston, probably one of the best ways to visit the city. Our tour guide was really fun, dynamic and knowledgeable about the place. Really worth doing !
Oct 2019
Our tour was very detailed and informative and just the right length. We saw many interesting sights. I highly recommend it.
Jeffrey P
Oct 2019
It was a beautiful day... our tour guide was really informative I wished that the slave nurse I’m was included in the tour time especially since she emphasized the significance of the history. My only complaint would be that we were not dropped off where we began on the tour and had to find our way back to where we met which is the only way we knew how to find our car. Overall great trip oh and as a fan of Southern Charm I wished we could have gone by the home of one of the key players, at the end of the tour she mentioned her home and how she loved to be part of tours but didn’t go by the area even though she made it seemed like it was one of the streets that we just walk past so I was a little disappointed with that
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2019
I'm not sure if this guest is trying to reference the Old Slave Mart Museum or the "Slave Market" in this review. The stop we make at the Old Slave Mart Museum is easily one of the longer stops we make in the French Quarter, and is a stop that all of our guides are required to make. The legacy of slavery is hugely important to the history of Charleston, and thus it's always been crucial to us that we point out one of the most important sights tied to that legacy in the city. The City Market is sometimes referred to at the "Slave Market" because enslaved people could regularly be found there, selling various goods. They themselves were never bought or sold in that market. This City Market is not a stop on our tour, though we do begin our tours directly across from the Market, should guests wish to view it before the tour. Regarding the reviewer's other concerns, we do end at a different point from our meeting location to maximize the time spent viewing historic sights throughout the French Quarter and South of Broad neighborhoods. If guests view our itinerary here on TA, you'll see that our end location is different from our start location. Guides are always able to provide directions anywhere a guest needs to go at tour's end, but we do apologize if any of that information wasn't made clear to the reviewer. Patricia Altschul's house is a little more than a 20 minute walk from our tour end point, the closest the tour comes to that location. The guide may have mentioned that the house is easily accessible by car, but it's not nearly as accessible on foot. Again, we apologize if that information was not made clear to the reviewer. We like to mention its location to fans of the show who wish to view it for themselves, but our tours focus on Charleston history, not Southern Charm!

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