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Обилазак Холивудских знаменитости и кућа славних аутобусом са отвореним врхом

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Цити: Лос Анђелес
Mon 23 Dec
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Са почетком у $35.00
Mon 23 Dec
Са почетком у $35.00
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Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживање<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Доступна су специјализована седишта за бебе<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са слабим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Деца морају бити у пратњи одрасле особе<ли>Молимо да дођете најмање 15 минута унапред<ли>Маске за лице потребно за путнике у јавним просторима<ли>Опрема/опрема се дезинфикује између употребе<ли>Транспортна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Водичи обавезни да редовно перу руке<ли> За водиче је потребна вакцинација против ЦОВИД-19
Шта да очекујете
Холивудска Стаза славних
Почећете одавде, јер се налазимо на Булевару славних, близу звезде Марлин Монро. Ово заустављање је пре него што кренете у обилазак. Молимо вас да дођете 20-30 минута унапред. У случају да имате на уму одређену звезду коју желите да видите на Булевару славних, обавестите нас и ми ћемо вас упутити тамо.
Холивудски знак
Имаћете прилику да видите и усликате светски познати знак из тржног центра Долби Тхеатре и научите о историји ове знаменитости.
Сунсет Стрип
Сунсет Стрип је био и још увек се дешавало у Лос Анђелесу и ваш туристички водич ће вам рећи зашто
Родео Дриве
Возите се поред најскупљих продавница на свету, на исти начин као што је то урадила Џулија Роберт у филму Лепа жена, то је обавезно
Беверли Хилс
Беверли Хилс, ово је место где желим да будем, Беверли Хилс... сећате се песме, одвешћемо вас тамо да видите Мансионе, домове филмских звезда, можда чак видите славну личност или две. Показаћемо вам знак Беверли Хилса.
ТЦЛ Кинеска позоришта
Пошто се налазимо на Булевару славних, блок од Кинеског позоришта, молимо госте да се појаве на 20-30 минута. унапред да бисте имали довољно времена да погледате Стазу славних и отиске руку и стопала у Кинеском позоришту. Ово ће бити ваша прва станица. Овде се одржава скоро свака велика филмска премијера, а наравно и отисци руку и стопала звезда
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Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (1000)
Aug 2016
Some things about my family's recent LA trip were a let down. But the highly entertaining tour of Hollywood we took with this company was the unmistakable highlight of our entire time in Los Angeles. The open top van was comfortable and perfect to get an outstanding view of the city. We went up into the mountains and experienced the famous Hollywood hills. Cruised legendary Mulholland Drive. A motorcycle passed our van, and the tour guide said "That's Keanu Reeves!" I thought the guide might have been putting us on, but we came to a red light and there, right next to us, was Mr. Matrix on his cool motorcycle. We clapped and yelled hello. He nodded to us. Very cool. Speaking of cool, this tour guide, who called himself Josh Breezy. He was the definition of Hollywood cool. Goatee. Tattoos. Said he was a musician. And he was hilarious. Great stories. We stopped at a view point in the mountains and got out for a beautiful view of Hollywood sign and the city. We took a family photograph that is now in place of honor on kitchen refrigerator. We saw dozens of celebrity homes. Katy Perry. Gwen Stefani. Al Pacino. Beyoncé and Jay Z's Beverly Hills rental house, which we learned is for sale at $50 million. The tour mixed the glamour of gorgeous Beverly Hills mansions with Hollywood studios and the rock music history of Sunset Strip. If you plan to visit LA this summer, you must take the Open Bus Tour, and see if you can get Breezy for a guide. And the manager Tony gave us a good rate, $25 each person for a solid two hour show. I hope Josh makes it in music but when he does Hollywood will be losing a darn good ambassador. TC Johnson.
Elmer F
May 2016
Honestly a van tour of Hollywood and Beverly Hills was my wife's idea of a good time. Our family spent five days in LA. And I knew I would get talked into taking a movie star home tour, but wasn't looking forward to it. Then the lines at the amusement parks were long. The Dodgers beat my team. Things were not looking good for our May vacation. And then it's time for this damn driving tour of LA, and believe me, I had been doing all the driving on the vacation so being in a car was not my idea of fun. How wrong I was. This movie star home tour turned out to be the highlight of our Los Angeles vacation. The weather, cool but sunny, was as if ordered up by the Gods as we drove in this open top van through the city. So comfortable. We went into the hills and got a stunning view of LA, including the blue Pacific in the distance! While in the hills, we saw homes of Katie Perry, Quentin Tarantino, Justin Timberlake, Sacha Baron Cohen and Drew Carey. In Beverly Hills, we saw Playboy Mansion, Beyonce and Jay Z's rental house, the house where Michael Jackson died and an Elvis house. We saw the house that was used for filming OJ's home in a TV show I lived, "The People vs. O.J. Simpson. We even saw a celebrity. Strolling around a Beverly Hills park was none other than Brian Wilson, the genius behind all the great Beach Boy songs. The Beach Boys were a favorite band of mine in college and Wilson was kinda my idol. Seeing him was not only a highlight of the vacation, but a thrill of a lifetime. He waved to us after the entire bus yelled "Hello Brian!" My youngest son is really into cars. We saw and got good pictures of a $3 million Bugatti in Rodeo Drive, the place where all the rich folks shop. The only bad part was that it came to an end. After a two hour cruise in the beautiful LA weather I wanted, in the words of the Beach Boys, the "fun, fun, fun" to continue. Oh, and we also got to see all the rock music history of the Sunset Strip. The tour we chose was sensational. And it was just damn luck 'cause we were walking the street in Hollywood, passed a couple of sales agents, and were charmed by a guy named Tony. The tour turned out to be every bit as good as he said it would be. And the price was decent - he gave us a discounted rate of $25 per person, and this turned out to be a deal compared to the price of beer at Dodger Stadium. Did I mention that those Dodgers beat my beloved Tampa Bay Rays? If you go to LA, the lines will be long at the amusement parks, the beach kinda ordinary, the Dodgers might beat your team, but do not pass up a chance to really see the city with "Hollywood Sightseeing - Open Bus Tours.'
Apr 2016
So I decided to take a Hollywood tour because my in-laws were coming to Hollywood. I considered several tour companies but chose this one mainly because the staff are friendly and the open buses are much nicer than most of the (if not all) other tour companies. The tour was great and the guide was hilarious. We visited many famous spots in Hollywood and Beverly Hills. Honestly I had thought that I could google and follow a route to see the celebrity homes but the guides know so many details about the hot spots and can even spot the celebrities driving by in the cars which I would never have seen. Aside from the breathtaking view of Los Angeles and the Hollywood sign driving through the hills was very nice. My 80-year old in-laws were happy too so it works for all ages.

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