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Хоонах Вхале Тоурс

Хоонах Вхале Тоурс је породична компанија за посматрање китова која послује из Хоонах, АК. Приликом овог обиласка бићете на приватном обиласку чамца за 6 путника који излази у Ледени мореуз. Током обиласка имаћете прилику да видите све врсте дивљих животиња југоисточне Аљаске, укључујући ћелаве орлове, морске лавове, морске видре, понекад мрке медведе и орке и наравно грбаве китове! Наше туре трају између 3 и 3,5 сата и гарантујемо да ћете видети китове или вам вратити новац. Чамац је катамаран за 6 путника, са шетњом око палубе, грејаном кабином и купатилом на броду. Такође нудимо грицкалице и пића.
Цити: Хоонах
Sun 16 Mar
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Са почетком у $248.00
Sun 16 Mar
Са почетком у $248.00
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<ул><ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Доступна су специјализована седишта за бебе.<ли>Деца морају да буду у пратњи одрасле особе<ли>У зависности од повољних временских услова . Ако откажете због лошег времена, биће вам враћен пун новац
Шта да очекујете
Хоонах Вхале Тоурс
Када изађете на нашу турнеју за посматрање китова, бићете у Леденом мореузу (водено тело). Видећете грбаве китове (гарантовано!), морске лавове, видру и ћелаве орлове. Чак имате прилику да видите мрког медведа дуж плажа, орке и пуффине како лете.
Политика отказивања
Све продаје су коначне. Није могуће поврат новца за отказивање.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (123)
Sep 2022
Had such a good time on this tour. The weather was not great, whales were a bit sleepy, but Jordan did a great job spotting whales, communicating with other boats, and staying out a bit longer to make sure we had a great time. We ended up seeing some amazing things. The best thing about this tour was the size of the boat, small, only six total people on the boat, felt really smooth on the water, no problem with motion sickness, and it allowed for intimate looks at whales without a bunch of people to look over. Would highly recommend this tour!
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2022
Thank you for taking the time to leave us a review! Glad to hear you liked the boat and tour. Have a great rest of your year!
Sep 2022
What a fantastic day!! This whale tour was exceptional!! Jordan - our Captain took us out on his boat and he found some whales dispite the rain outside!! The boat is clean, comfortable and warm. They provide delicious treats for guests and coffee and hot chocolate! Jordan cares about his guests and made sure we saw several whales close up!! We saw humpbacks AND we saw a family of ORCAS!! He went above and beyond to be sure we had the best possible day!!! He had as much fun as we did!! We had a group of 6 on board and the boat was the perfect size. The weather turned into a pretty day and we had a day all of us will never forget!!! We would go again tomorrow if we could!!!!
Mona T
Sep 2022
Fabulous experience with knowledgeable Alaska resident Captain Jordan! This is your best option for whale watching in Icy Strait! Our tour was scheduled from 12:00-2:30 - during that time we saw countless humpback whales and had the opportunity to converse with and learn from the Captain. As we were returning to the dock, he received a message from another captain regarding the location of orcas moving through the area. He asked if we wanted to go back out - and of course we did! Captain Jordan gave us extra time (and increased his expenses by burning more fuel) so we would have a chance to see the magnificent creatures - and we did! We have memories to last a lifetime. While returning to the dock we learned how Captain Jordan’s grandfather came to Alaska from Norway and developed a successful fishing business, both his parents own and operate businesses in Hoonah, and his brother has a dungeoness crab fishing business. It was evident we had made the right choice in booking with this hard working local Captain! The coffee, hot chocolate and yummy blueberry muffins (baked by Jordan’s wife with blueberries picked at Hoonah) provided were a much appreciated kindness.
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March 2025