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Лет балоном преко Блек Хилса

Ова авантура ће остати са вама заувек! Уживајте у задивљујућем лету балоном на врући ваздух изнад долине Кастер и светски познатог државног парка Кастер. Смештен на само неколико миља од планине Рашмор, Националног парка Црази Хорсе и Винд Цаве, ваш лет изнад планина, долина, језера и прерија, један је од најбољих начина да видите Блацк Хиллс. Можете уочити лоса, антилопу, јелена и бивола, а можда чак и неухватљивог планинског лава. Прелепа Блацк Хиллс је једино место на свету где можете да присуствујете тако историјском, дивљем пејзажу и богатој дивљини из балона на врући ваздух!
Цити: Цустер
Wed 06 Nov
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Wed 06 Nov
Са почетком у $375.00
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Лет балоном на врући ваздух
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<ул><ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Деца морају да буду у пратњи одрасле особе<ли>Минимална старост је 4 године <ли>Морате назвати или е-поштом Блацк Хиллс Баллоонс увече пре лета између 18.30 и 20.00 за ажурирање статуса лета и проверу времена.<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема дезинфицирана између употребе<ли>Транспортна возила се редовно дезинфицирају<ли>Водичи обавезни за редовно прање руку
Шта да очекујете
Национална шума Блацк Хиллс
Када балон буде спреман, нежно ћете се полетети у небо на приближан 1-сатни лет изнад Националне шуме Блек Хилс. Ако сте нови у летењу балоном, бићете изненађени тишином и спокојем које ћете наћи високо изнад крошњи дрвећа. Заиста је магично. По слетању, земаљска посада ће спаковати балон док ви и ваш пилот прославите лет уз бесплатан шампањац, лагане грицкалице и причу о пореклу летења балоном на врући ваздух. Летови полазе при изласку сунца и зависе од временских прилика и увек по нахођењу вашег искусног пилота.
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Коментара (237)
Emil L
Jul 2017
First of all, it wasn't my first time on a hot air balloon. The excursion starts at 5-15am in Custer, SD at the meeting point. That means, if you are staying in Rapid City (as we were) you have to wake up at 3-45am to get there on time. They're trying to catch the calmest time of the day, that's why they do it that early. It was a little challenging for us, but doable. Especially when you expect a nice scenic flight over the gorgeous Black Hills. After we had met with the pilots, we hopped into their van and were brought to a field near Stockade lake (about 10 min. drive from Custer). The weather was calm. I must say, that the crew seemed very professional and got the balloons up and running very fast. Our pilot, Damien, was very friendly and nice guy as well. Unfortunately, the biggest disappointment for me was the flight itself. Instead of a scenic flight through the Black Hills, we ascended to an altitude of about 1000 feet (yes, you get gorgeous views of surroundings, but you can get comparable views from many lookout spots in Black Hills), and then basically stayed in the same area for the next 45-50min. The whole excursion was within roughly 1 mile radius from the departure spot. Maybe the winds were not cooperative that day, but again, it was very calm and from what I can see from the other people's pictures, it's pretty much their routine to stay around Stockade area lake. So don't expect flying for miles over the peaks, lakes and cliffs. Upon landing, we were served mimosas with crackers, cheese and muffins, which was nice. But I'd rather had a longer flight. So overall my kids (10 and 6 y.o.) enjoyed the experience since it was their first time, but I was not very satisfied. They definitely need to work on a better flight routs in different wind conditions, so that people can really enjoy the Black Hills.
Одговор домаћина
Jun 2018
Hi there! Thanks for taking the time to leave a review. We remember that flight well because Mother Nature just didn't cooperate. We were forced to stay in the area (when you are at the mercy of the winds, it happens sometimes) but she did provide views of the beautiful Custer Needles, which is very rare. The Black Hills can be unpredictable at times, but flying here is definitely worth it, we hope it made your stay here memorable.
Alex W
Jul 2017
Our ride with Black Hills Balloons was wonderful. I had never been up in a balloon before and was pleasantly surprised to discover how calm, smooth, and relaxing the ride was. It really is a surreal experience to be floating above the world in a colorful balloon while wildlife run beneath us -- there were dozens of deer and at least a couple of what appeared to be elk spotted during our flight. The South Dakota scenery is especially gorgeous from up high, and we happened to fly on a beautiful morning with clear skies so that we could see for miles in every direction. Our pilot Damien, a fine Irish gentleman, was very funny and knowledgeable (he was glad to answer any questions anyone had about how the balloon works), and was a calming presence for my girlfriend who is a bit terrified of heights (she ended up loving the trip). Special thanks to all of the crew on the ground who also worked hard to make sure we had a great experience. There seemed to be at least 3 crew members per balloon waiting to assist when we landed and they were all very helpful. And the post-flight mimosas, snacks, and funny balloon history lesson were a great ending to an amazing experience! I can't say enough good things about our experience flying with Black Hills Balloons and would gladly ride with them again when we come back to Custer. Note: The early morning trip can make for some dew on the ground and chilly temperatures (at least until the sun is fully up!) so bring an extra layer of warm clothes and socks that you can shed as the temperatures rise.
Одговор домаћина
Jun 2018
Hi! Thanks for taking time to leave such a descriptive review. We're so glad you enjoyed your experience; the flight, the beautiful views, the crew and the mimosas. And happy to hear your girlfriend enjoyed the flight, despite her fear of heights. Come fly with us again!
Jun 2017
Wow! What a fun morning. The only downside was the early wake up time, but it was worth it. The balloon ride was surprisingly smooth, and the landing wasn't rough at all, just a few little bumps. The post-flight muffins and mimosas were a nice treat. Damien and his crew were fantastic. If you have the time and money when you're visiting the Black Hills, I highly recommend a flight with Black Hills Balloons.
Одговор домаћина
Jun 2018
Hi there! Thanks for taking the time to leave a review. Oh, that early morning wake up....It's not our favorite part either but it assures the safest and calmest flight. Thanks for flying with us, we're so glad you enjoyed it!

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