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Изнајмљивање е-бицикала на Исланд Тиме из Националног парка Ацадиа

Изнајмљујемо ебицикле за употребу на путевима у оквиру Националног парка Ацадиа. Састајемо се на паркингу центра за посетиоце Хулл'с Цове који се налази у оквиру Националног парка Ацадиа. Ова локација вам омогућава директан приступ саобраћајницама.
Цити: Бар Харбор
Mon 24 Feb
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $125.00
Mon 24 Feb
Са почетком у $125.00
Шта је укључено
Корпа или сталак
Употреба е-бицикла
Држач за мобилни телефон
Лекција је обезбеђена пре него што започнете своју авантуру.
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини.<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Вучите оставке које није дозвољено на ебициклима.<ли>Нема деце. Причвршћивање седишта је дозвољено на ебициклима.<ли>Сви возачи морају имати најмање 16 година или више.<ли>За време изнајмљивања ебицикла није дозвољено коришћење животиња<ли>Време почетка у Центар за посетиоце Хулл'с Цове је тачан.<ли>Ако излазите са брода за крстарење, мораћете да добијете сопствени превоз од брода до центра за посетиоце Хулл'с Цове.<ли>Ебике. напуњеност батерије траје 30 до 50 миља у зависности од напора и телесне тежине изнајмљивача.<ли>Сви ебицикли су класе 1 асистенције педалама због правила паркинг сервиса.<ли>Контактираћемо вас тако што ћете пошаљите поруку 24 сата пре времена почетка изнајмљивања да бисте потврдили локацију и време почетка.<ли>Сви ебицикли долазе са изолованом корпом, бравом, држачем за телефон, кацигом и мапом.<ли>Сви учесници морају да приложе. имати искуство у вожњи типичног бицикла са педалама.
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (106)
Oct 2022
I was looking forward to this excursion the most once off our cruise ship. I had advised the tour director that I was on a cruise ship and asked several times where to meet once we debarked. I never heard back from them so I assumed they would be waiting for us outside the ship. The morning of I got an email with the address of where I should go but no ride. I figured at this point I could take an Uber or taxi. However, after asking several locals, they advised me there are no Ubers and the taxis are all on tours. I called and spoke with a not so friendly person at the tour company and told her I couldn't get there and asked if they could pick me up. She said no and told me to walk. It was 2.5 miles and I had to be there within 15 minutes. I called back several times and advised of my situation and that I could get there by foot in 15 minutes. I told her since they won't pick us up, and I can't get there, that I would like to cancel with a refund. She said she would cancel but I wouldn't get a refund. Luckily I put this on my Amex card and will be disputing the charges but please take note NOT to book this excursion if coming off a cruise ship!!
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2022
Sorry you did not show up for the tour. We have a start time of 10am. The National Park service only allows us 30 minutes inside the park to deliver the ebikes. We contacted you via Viator messaging on the day before your ebike ride that you need to be at the Hull's Cove Visitor Center at 10am. You contacted us at 9:18 the morning of the rental saying you are still on the cruise ship and cannot make it by 10. We had many phone calls and text messages back and forth with many reasons why you cannot make it. It is 1.3 miles from your port to the visitor center. You could have easily walked to the visitor center and made it shortly after 10. We waited with the bikes until 11am. YOU NEVER SHOWED UP. To try and prevent this unfortunate event from happening again we will be messaging all Viator customers well in advance that if you are on a cruise ship, there will be no guarantee of when you can depart the cruise ship. You can cancel your ebike rental with a full refund if you do not want to risk missing the ebike tour start time. If you do not show up for your 10am tour start time then you will not be refunded. Once again we are sorry you missed the tour.
Oct 2022
First time e-bike riders. Good equipment, good, friendly, professional instructions and the Acadia Carriage Roads were awesome. Thanks for a great day!!
Sep 2022
My favorite way to experience Acadia in all it’s beauty. The bikes were a necessity traveling comfortably up and down around the hills. Easy to ride! The experience was great from beginning to the end! Would highly recommend!

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