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Јахање Јацксон Холе у ​​националној шуми Бриџер-Тетон

Излети на јахању са професионалним и искусним водичима са најближим и најбољим погледом на Гранд Тетон. Нудимо вожњу од 2 и 4 сата заједно са вожњом на вечери кроз величанствену лепоту Националне шуме Бриџер-Тетон. Доживећете невероватан поглед на планине Гранд Тетон док се пењете све више и више кроз дивље цвеће и гајеве Аспен Трее. Деца морају имати најмање 6 година да би се возили јер је безбедност наша примарна брига. Препоручујемо шлемове који су бесплатни.
Цити: Јацксон
Sat 16 Nov
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Са почетком у $88.00
Sat 16 Nov
Са почетком у $88.00
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Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживање<ли>Не препоручује се за трудне путнице<ли>Не препоручује се за путнике са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Деца морају да буду у пратњи одрасле особе.<ли>Молимо да дођете 30 минута пре заказаног времена вожње.<ли>Ако имате посебне дијететске потребе, понесите своју храну. испуните ове захтеве.<ли>Политика плаћеног боравка код куће за особље са симптомима<ли>Јахање у широм отвореним националним шумама и парковима. Аутоматско социјално дистанцирање и доста свежег ваздуха на нашим коњима и стазама. Ту су и столови за пикник који су лако доступни далеко од других путника ако желите да се удаљите од других док чекате своју јахање.
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (326)
Aug 2021
Wonderful horses and a beautiful environment. It was a very leisurely ride with @ 14 other guests over mountainous terrain.
Aug 2021
First and foremost, this ride is not for beginners or someone who doesn't have experience on a horse. The terrain for the four hour ride is pretty steep up and down hills, if you don't feel comfortable on a horse, I would not recommend this. Also, this place isn't very professional so if you want good service this isn't it. As many of the other reviews state, when you arrive there is no check in process or direction (not even a sign) that says horseback riding wait here. We kind of just stood around until I sought someone out and asked what to do. The workers provide no explanation for timeline, or expectations over the next hour. For example, it doesn't take much to say "Hi! welcome, in 30 minutes we will be giving a safety overview and then we will begin getting everyone on their horse. This could take a while so please be patient with us." There was literally zero communication. We booked the 4 hour ride at 9:30 and didn't start getting on our horses till 10:30, an hour plus later without any explanation. With the four hour booking, you are promised a picnic. Let me assure you, this is not a picnic. Our food was literally two slices of white bread and sandwich meat. The meat wasn't even in the bread, no cheese, no lettuce, no tomato, nothing. Literally just two slices of bread and lunch meat with a bottle of water and chips in a zip lock bag was sitting out in the sun for an hour prior to the ride starting. The guide didn't ask anyones level of comfortability on a horse or give us any guidance. There were a couple people who were really experienced in our group who could have been put on more difficult horses while the beginners could be on mellow horses. Anyways, as we started the tour the guide talked for about 10 minutes but unless you were on the first horse behind him then you couldn't hear anything. After that silence. About an hour into the ride, the group began to trot and one man fell off his horse because his saddle wasn't tight enough and he slipped to one side. As other reviews mentioned, the guide really didn't seem to care. Luckily, the man was okay and proceeded to ride once the saddle was fixed. Another rider ended up cutting their finger and was left to just rub the blood off as the guide brought no first aid kit. It seems pretty irresponsible to me that you would take a group of riders out for four horse without even a pocket size first aid kit. As we approached our picnic area, I quickly realized it was not a picnic area. There was no where to sit besides the ground. I'm glad i brought my own water and snacks because the "lunch" provided at that point was hot from being in the horse pack. During the ride there were quite a few other horse situations. Kicking, biting, running without notice, etc. That isn't really the companies fault but you get the sense that these aren't very disciplined horses. Bottom line, this place is not professional but the views are gorgeous and the price is reasonable. If you feel comfortable on a horse and don't mind narrating your own adventure then you will probably enjoy this.
Aug 2021
wranglers we’re super nice and knowledgeable. Views were great and horses were well trained. Great experience

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