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Јахање Јацксон Холе у ​​националној шуми Бриџер-Тетон

Излети на јахању са професионалним и искусним водичима са најближим и најбољим погледом на Гранд Тетон. Нудимо вожњу од 2 и 4 сата заједно са вожњом на вечери кроз величанствену лепоту Националне шуме Бриџер-Тетон. Доживећете невероватан поглед на планине Гранд Тетон док се пењете све више и више кроз дивље цвеће и гајеве Аспен Трее. Деца морају имати најмање 6 година да би се возили јер је безбедност наша примарна брига. Препоручујемо шлемове који су бесплатни.
Цити: Јацксон
Fri 15 Nov
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Са почетком у $88.00
Fri 15 Nov
Са почетком у $88.00
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Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживање<ли>Не препоручује се за трудне путнице<ли>Не препоручује се за путнике са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Деца морају да буду у пратњи одрасле особе.<ли>Молимо да дођете 30 минута пре заказаног времена вожње.<ли>Ако имате посебне дијететске потребе, понесите своју храну. испуните ове захтеве.<ли>Политика плаћеног боравка код куће за особље са симптомима<ли>Јахање у широм отвореним националним шумама и парковима. Аутоматско социјално дистанцирање и доста свежег ваздуха на нашим коњима и стазама. Ту су и столови за пикник који су лако доступни далеко од других путника ако желите да се удаљите од других док чекате своју јахање.
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (326)
Jul 2021
Enjoyable ride with magnificent views. Saw two deer on our ride. Our guide was nice enough to take pictures of each group with the Tetons in the background.
Jul 2021
I’m giving this 3 stars because my horse behaved, the guide was nice, and the park itself was beautiful. I’m being generous because the people running the show were clearly unorganized. We arrived at 9 am, as requested, for a scheduled start time of 9:30 am. We didn’t even get on a horse until almost 10:30. Everyone around us was annoyed. I heard afterwards that this happens every single day. Of course it takes time to get people saddled up. The schedulers should plan for this, and clearly they are not. Moreover, once we were on the ride ride, unless you were the first rider behind the guide, you never heard a word the guide said. Not only was this a lost opportunity to learn about the forest, it was also a safety issue. There should be a guide at the front leading and another bringing up the rear. We had a 13 yo fall off his horse (the horse, near the end of the pack, was spooked by something) and the guide was unable to respond quickly. Even worse, when the guide called in to HQ on his walkie-talkie, no one answered! Thankfully the boy wasn’t seriously injured. Later, we saw a woman from a different group fall off her horse when her horse and one in our pack started kicking each other when we passed their group on the trail. She later told us her horse was at the end of the pack because it “didn’t like other horses following behind it” and it was known to “be a bully.” (I would suggest this horse is not a viable option for inexperienced riders, given its known temperament.) Finally, take a bottle of water with you on the ride! We were on the 4-hour ride, and by the time we stopped for lunch, we were parched. Unfortunately for us, the sack lunch only contained a child-size juice pouch! We had asked about taking water along before we left the corral and were discouraged “because there’s no place to pee out there.” (Read: no bathrooms) Take water anyway. Again, the views were fantastic and my horse was well behaved but definite improvements are needed by the operator to make this a 5-star experience.
Jul 2021
Buck was a great guide! Fun family experience with beautiful scenery. 2 hour ride was plenty for us. 7 year old, 16 year old and parents all had a blast. Great group of ranch hands. Will do again.

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