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Јацксон Холе Вхитеватер Рафтинг: Узбуђење малим чамцем

Дуга 8 миља кроз кањон реке Снејк води вас кроз мешавину мирних делова где ћете моћи да уживате у пејзажу и дивљини, као и узбудљивим брзацима. На овом мањем сплаву за 8 људи ваше вештине веслања биће стављене на пробу док вас водич води у велике таласе Кахуне и Лунцх Цоунтер-а, зато будите спремни да веслате снажно и уживате у намакању!
Цити: Јацксон
Sun 27 Oct
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Са почетком у $120.00
Sun 27 Oct
Са почетком у $120.00
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<ул><ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке кондиције<ли>Не укључује храну<ли>Током разговора наше особље у канцеларији ће прегледати процедуре пријављивања тог дана како би се ограничило време проведено у нашој канцеларији. Ово може укључивати потписивање е-одрицања за све и плаћање било каквог изнајмљивања мокрих одела унапред. <ли>На овом путовању ћете се натопити. Зато носите одећу која није од памука, синтетичка одећа је најбоља!
Шта да очекујете
Даве Хансен Вхитеватер и Сцениц Ривер Трипс
Прилично смо уверени да овај део беле воде дуг 8 миља има највећу концентрацију смеха у држави Вајоминг. Са брзацима класе ИИ и ИИИ као што су Тхе Лунцх цоунтер и Тхе Биг Кахуна, па чак и подводни водопад прикладно назван Цхампагне, ова река ће вас одушевити и одушевити. А са инспиративним кречњачким литицама, брдима Лодге Поле Пине и хоризонтом планинског врха Греи'с Натионал Форест, пејзаж ће вас сигурно импресионирати. Ово је тренутак на вашем одмору о којем ћете писати кући баки - то јест, ако она већ није у чамцу са вама!
Кањон реке Снејк
Ударите брзацима као што су Биг Кахуна, Лунцх Цоунтер и Ропе!
Јацксон Холе
Једини део за рафтинг на дивљим водама у Џексон Холу!
Путовања почињу у нашој радњи у центру Џексона!
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Коментара (279)
Andy S
Jul 2018
The people we dealt with were professional and friendly, from the person at the front desk to the bus driver to our guide. Several things had thrown off our plans, so we walked in around 11 am to see what they had available that day for white water rafting. We had thought about a standard boat for our 7 & 12 year old first timers, buy the only available one was at around 4:45. The person at the front desk did not pressure us at all and several times mentioned that the small boat would cost more. We decided on the small boat for our schedule, which was probably a mistake. Our guide Travis did an awesome job with a very poor crew. Our kids were pretty useless, which would normally be okay but that three of the other four passengers were 65 to 75 and at least two of them were useless paddling. An eight person boat does not work well with only four people paddling. Travis tried instructing and encouraging, largely to no avail. During the class three rapids the older woman in front of my wife lost cadence and clashed oars, causing my wife (an experienced rafter) to go overboard, which freaked out our seven year old son behind her. I think it was at that point that Travis decided we were a lost cause. On the final set of rapids he commented that all the other boats were going a left line, but he liked the right because there was some bigger waves. The right line actually missed most of the rapids in that section, but for our boat he was making the right call--and I think only a couple of us noticed. Overall, the prices for most of the rafting companies are very similar. We appreciated the free wetsuits for the kids. We wish that we had taken a standard boat with the kids, but that is on us. For younger kids the bigger boats are probably better. We wish that the boat crew was stronger, but that is fate. We would use Dave Hansen again and hope we get Travis, though he probably hopes otherwise.
Jul 2018
We have been coming to Jackson Hole for 25 years, but only started rafting as our children became a bit older. This whitewater trip is probably at the top of the list of 2 or 3 things that we do every single year that we come to Jackson Hole. We have since made 5 whitewater trips down the Snake with Dave Hansen and this was by far our best trip ever. To start-I learned more from Bill the bus driver and his 2 talks about the history of the region at the beginning and end of the trip that I have learned in the entire 25 years of coming to the Tetons and Yellowstone and listening to lots of guides, His stories were incredible and inspired me to read more history about the region. Billy the rafting guide was fun the entire trip down and kept everything in order as may daughter got launched out of the raft in one of the rapids. Billy had done a great job of telling us what to do in a situation like that at the very beginning of the float, we did it, and I never felt panicked during that 15 seconds, or so, that she was in the water. 1 day later-today-she fell off a horse and broke her wrist 200 yards into a trail ride. Go figure! We will see you next year, Bill, Billy and Dave Hansen
Jul 2018
I found this group on trip advisor . They are a well organized outfit very focused on safety . The front desk people were awesome and the guides, bus driver all terrific. I was nervous but the guide Brooks was terrific. There are many outfits in Jackson hole to choose from and we saw them on the river I think Dave Hansen’s boats looked sturdier and the guides all were great. Note :wear a bathing suit with quick dry clothes over it. You do not need to bring anything with you. You will get wet. The only negative I would say was at the end there was a long wait time while we waited fo people to change clothes afterwards . Wish they wouldn’t allow that to happen .

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