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7-дневна улазница за музеј америчке револуције у насељу Џејмстаун

Посетите насеље Џејмстаун и Музеј америчке револуције у Јорктауну и уроните у америчку колонијалну историју. Ова комбинована карта пружа 7 узастопних дана неограниченог улаза у сваку од историјских атракција које су такође повезане 23 миље дугим сликовитим Колонијалним парком. Имаћете невероватну авантуру замишљајући какав је живот некада био када посетите насеље Џејмстаун и Музеј америчке револуције у Јорктауну.
Цити: Виллиамсбург
Sun 20 Oct
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Sun 20 Oct
Са почетком у $28.90
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<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Погодно за све физичке нивои фитнеса<ли>Историјски Џејмстаун није укључен.<ли>Паркинг је бесплатан у насељу Џејмстаун и Музеју америчке револуције у Јорктауну.<ли>Обедујте у кафићима и купујте у музеју. продавницама ако тражите било шта или вам је потребан залогај.<ли>Деца морају да буду у пратњи одрасле особе<ли>Улазница важи 7 узастопних дана неограниченог улаза у Јаместовн Сеттлемент и Америцан Музеј револуције у Јорктауну<ли>Одштампајте и понесите све ваучере на путовању да бисте их искористили за купљене активности, атракције и услуге.<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом.<ли>Опрема. /опрема дезинфицирана између употребе<ли>Водичи потребни за редовно прање руку<ли>хттпс://ввв.хисториисфун.орг/велцоме/
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Коментара (124)
Aug 2021
This trip was pretty interesting… I expected it to be your average history location, as many places around here just have boring signage, explaining this and that and blah blah blah. I was here with my sisters and parents, and not all of us are super hyped for historical info. But the exhibits here were really cool, immersive, and interactive. We layer down on the boat beds and rolled around and pretended there was a storm, strokes the pelts in the houses, and we actually climbed a ladder into an area we weren’t allowed into… a worked spotted us and came over but was really kind and just told us it was for safety, but it was cool that we even got a view of that part. Got some delicious icecream, and oh boy that was great! The cafeteria food made me feel like I was back in highschool. I got a corn dog and chicken fingers. Also a bottle of green tea. The lady working the food was alone, and she was a bit rude when we asked for specific options, questioning why we’d want our food a specific way even though it was for allergies. It was along the lines of “why wouldn’t you want a bun with your burger??” The cashier was super kind and nice to be around though. I’ll also say the gift shop prices were much better than other places around here, $0.45 post cards and cheap posters, I got one for $5.99. It was quite the interesting adventure and dive into the past! Only off putting part was seeing some white dude dressed as a native, didn’t think people were allowed to do that. Seems cancel culture hasn’t reached him yet!
Jul 2021
The settlement is very interesting and educational. Seeing how the Indians of the time lived was very cool, as were the recreated working boats. The recreated settlement was really educational - don't miss the demonstration of how to load and fire a flintlock rifle. Really enjoyed our visit.
Jul 2021
This was a great experience! The museum was very nice and informative. The movie at the beginning of the museum had a few violent scenes for sensitive children (nothing extremely graphic, just tough for my tender hearted girl). The Powhatan village was wonderful and our favorite part. All the interpreters were very engaging and informative. The fort was interesting but not as interactive as the Powhatan village. The ships were neat but we spent little time there. We had lunch in the museum cafe and that was a good experience. (Much better than lunch at the Colonial Williamsburg art museum cafe!). My kids gave this experience 10 stars out of five! Definitely worth a visit!

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