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7-дневна улазница за музеј америчке револуције у насељу Џејмстаун

Посетите насеље Џејмстаун и Музеј америчке револуције у Јорктауну и уроните у америчку колонијалну историју. Ова комбинована карта пружа 7 узастопних дана неограниченог улаза у сваку од историјских атракција које су такође повезане 23 миље дугим сликовитим Колонијалним парком. Имаћете невероватну авантуру замишљајући какав је живот некада био када посетите насеље Џејмстаун и Музеј америчке револуције у Јорктауну.
Цити: Виллиамсбург
Sat 19 Oct
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Sat 19 Oct
Са почетком у $28.90
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<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Погодно за све физичке нивои фитнеса<ли>Историјски Џејмстаун није укључен.<ли>Паркинг је бесплатан у насељу Џејмстаун и Музеју америчке револуције у Јорктауну.<ли>Обедујте у кафићима и купујте у музеју. продавницама ако тражите било шта или вам је потребан залогај.<ли>Деца морају да буду у пратњи одрасле особе<ли>Улазница важи 7 узастопних дана неограниченог улаза у Јаместовн Сеттлемент и Америцан Музеј револуције у Јорктауну<ли>Одштампајте и понесите све ваучере на путовању да бисте их искористили за купљене активности, атракције и услуге.<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом.<ли>Опрема. /опрема дезинфицирана између употребе<ли>Водичи потребни за редовно прање руку<ли>хттпс://ввв.хисториисфун.орг/велцоме/
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Коментара (124)
Jul 2019
We visited this settlement on a beautiful, hot day, and enjoyed a great afternoon there. You can walk round a Powhatan village, climb aboard three replica sailing vessels and spend a good hour or two strolling around a replica stockade listening to stories of how guns were fired, the work of the blacksmith, the carpenter or just try to understand how life was inside the settlement. A great day out and a must see if you are in the area.
Jul 2019
Jamestown is mostly the site where Jamestown existed with a recreated stockade ‘fence’. It is amazing to us that we even know where it is located. There is a monument, church, The tour guide told a good story even though it was overly long, slow and somewhat boring during parts of the story. All this said, it was interesting to hear the story of Jamestown standing on the site where it all happened. Interesting stories. There was a long time standing for part of the story telling. May have been too long for young children. Some parts require walking or standing in the sun.
Jul 2019
The Jamestown Settlement included a modern museum with exhibits with placards explaining the significance of the items in the exhibits, movies to assist you in understanding the role of the Powhatan Settlement in the revolution, the Powhatan Settlement and ships. The Powhatan tribe lived around the outside of the gated town. The settlement allowed people to see how the Powhatan people lived including food, tents as well as their skills. Presenters provided insight into many aspects of life for the Powhatan people. When studying the Powhatan people, it is important to note how they view the quality of human life and how they treated their prisoners of war. Three battleships were docked and open for tour at the settlement. These ships were used for battle, but also for transporting people between the New World and England. See what life was like for the sailors and passengers. Presenters provided some insight on how the ship was used and use some visitors to demonstrate important tasks of operating a large ship. The museum provided several sets of clean indoor and outdoor restroom facilities, cafeteria, and several gift shops throughout the museum and outdoor settlement. Parking: Free Tickets: Purchase separately or as a triangle tour package. With the 7-day Triangle Pass, visit as often as you like during that 7-day period.

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