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Јосхуа Трее Хуммер Адвентуре из Палм Десерт

Провозајте се калифорнијском пустињом у удобном Хамеру на отвореном. Ова 5-сатна тура путује кроз легендарни Национални парк Џошуа Трее. Идите споредним путевима до парка и погледајте природне лепоте тог подручја док учите о његовом екосистему и историји од водича који је одобрио Национални парк. <бр><бр>Овај обилазак избегава прометне главне путеве у парку. Можете очекивати чак и до сат времена само да бисте ушли. Погледајте шта су други пропустили у истраживању на путевима одобреним за Парк, на којима мало ко може да иде.
Цити: палм Спрингс
Sun 20 Oct
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Са почетком у $199.00
Sun 20 Oct
Са почетком у $199.00
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Транспорт Х1 Хуммер
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<ул><ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке спремности<ли> Пиво, вино, газирана пића и грицкалице се могу унети на брод<ли>Носите удобне ципеле за ходање са затвореним прстима и лагану, слојевиту одећу лети и топлију одећу зими<ли>Највише 9 људи по Х1 Хуммеру
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Национални парк Јосхуа Трее
Наш шатл комби ће вас одвести у град Џошуа Трее где мењамо за наш Х-1 војни хамер да употпунимо вашу авантуру. Пењемо се на врх прелепог погледа који се зове Еурека Пеак који ће вам пружити задивљујући поглед на долину испод и поглед који се протеже све до Мексика.
Резерват кањона Биг Моронго
Смештена међу планинама Мали Сан Бернардино у Националном споменику од песка до снега, пустињска оаза у кањону Биг Моронго једно је од 10 највећих станишта памука и врбе у Калифорнији. Узводни крај кањона лежи у пустињи Мохаве, док се њен низводни део отвара у пустињу Колорадо. Постоје бројне стазе за шетњу и пешачење, укључујући шеталиште за инвалидска колица кроз мочварна и приобална станишта. На 31.000 хектара са надморским висинама у распону од 600 стопа на дну кањона до 3000 стопа на врху гребена, овај разнолик пејзаж је важан део природне и културне историје Моронго басена скоро две милијарде година.
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (154)
Oct 2019
Holy smokes! We covered so much ground and learned so many things we could have NEVER done had we been solo. Josh was full of information around every corner, he was nice, accommodating and made it fun. The Hummer was a great way to see Joshua Tree. It was very much worth it.
Oct 2019
We booked the hummer tour as we were in PS for only a short time and wanted to see Joshua Tree national park. Our hotel concierge called and booked it. Later I called the company and asked a bit about the tour and when I asked if we get a good view of the sunset he said yes. I read on Trip Advisor that there were amazing sunsets. We were in PS and they said a bus would pick us up from our hotel at 1.30. Nothing happened until 1.45 when we were called an they said they were getting Lyft driver to pick us up. A driver arrived but wasn't aware that we were with the hummer tour and we nearly didn't get into his car. We eventually got to the Westin hotel at Rancho Mirage and waited another 10 minutes for the van to arrive. We then piled in with 5 other people and drove to a roadside cafe where we sat and waited 20 minutes for Lewis our driver to fetch the hummer. We then got into the hummer (open, no air con). Lewis was very nice and knowledgeable, and none of this is his fault., I'm sure its just how the company is set up. We then detoured off the road to a spring area, walked around for about 20 minutes and saw one of the places where the fault lines apparently are. We then drove for another 20 minutes or and eventually took a dirt road off past residential houses. Eventually the houses disappeared and a sign said welcome to Joshua Tree National Park. There were no fences or gates, so I actually wonder if it was the real park or just next to it.....We drove up a winding road to the top of a mountain and the scenery was very nice Joshua trees etc. At the top we got out and walked around for about 15 minutes enjoying the beautiful views and then got back into the hummer and drove back. I think we were in the actual park (or what was supposedly the park) for about 90 minutes. we then drove back to the cafe, waited again for another 20 minutes and then we were all dropped off at our various hotels. The reviews we saw said that we would be given water and snacks - we were just given water. We got back to our hotel at about 6.45 feeling that we were short chained. for an investment of time of nearly 6 hours, we thought we would spend the majority of our time in Joshua Tree, instead of barely 1.5 hours. More time was spent hanging around. We didn't get to see any of the other attractions, the visitors centre, the homestead etc. We could have hired the nicest 4x4 for the money we paid and had money left over for lunch and driven ourselves around. The hummer thing is a bit of gimmick.
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2019
I'm sorry that you did not deserve the right tour! You were aboard our very popular open air tour. It indeed goes to Joshua Tree National Park in an area that only 4x4s can go. You must have missed seeing the entrance sign on the road. Our H1 adventure spends time in an Oasis at the San Andr as Fault for about 30 minutes before heading to the park, a detail other guests need to know in your review. It sounds like you wanted to see more of Joshua Tree aboard an air conditioned tour. This is called the Back roads tour and is on all our brochures and flyers. As to renting your own 4x4 to do a tour, I would not advise. You were on a military Hummer that takes all the bumps out of your trip. But, there is a reason the park requires a off-road vehicle...Many cars get STUCK! PLEASE read our brochures before purchasing a tour so you get on the right one.!!!
Oct 2019
Jeff was a fun and informative guide. We experienced the majesty of Joshua Tree in one fulfilling afternoon. One of the few must do experiences around Palm Springs.

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