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Јосхуа Трее Хуммер Адвентуре из Палм Десерт

Провозајте се калифорнијском пустињом у удобном Хамеру на отвореном. Ова 5-сатна тура путује кроз легендарни Национални парк Џошуа Трее. Идите споредним путевима до парка и погледајте природне лепоте тог подручја док учите о његовом екосистему и историји од водича који је одобрио Национални парк. <бр><бр>Овај обилазак избегава прометне главне путеве у парку. Можете очекивати чак и до сат времена само да бисте ушли. Погледајте шта су други пропустили у истраживању на путевима одобреним за Парк, на којима мало ко може да иде.
Цити: палм Спрингс
Sun 20 Oct
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Са почетком у $199.00
Sun 20 Oct
Са почетком у $199.00
Шта је укључено
Транспорт Х1 Хуммер
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке спремности<ли> Пиво, вино, газирана пића и грицкалице се могу унети на брод<ли>Носите удобне ципеле за ходање са затвореним прстима и лагану, слојевиту одећу лети и топлију одећу зими<ли>Највише 9 људи по Х1 Хуммеру
Шта да очекујете
Национални парк Јосхуа Трее
Наш шатл комби ће вас одвести у град Џошуа Трее где мењамо за наш Х-1 војни хамер да употпунимо вашу авантуру. Пењемо се на врх прелепог погледа који се зове Еурека Пеак који ће вам пружити задивљујући поглед на долину испод и поглед који се протеже све до Мексика.
Резерват кањона Биг Моронго
Смештена међу планинама Мали Сан Бернардино у Националном споменику од песка до снега, пустињска оаза у кањону Биг Моронго једно је од 10 највећих станишта памука и врбе у Калифорнији. Узводни крај кањона лежи у пустињи Мохаве, док се њен низводни део отвара у пустињу Колорадо. Постоје бројне стазе за шетњу и пешачење, укључујући шеталиште за инвалидска колица кроз мочварна и приобална станишта. На 31.000 хектара са надморским висинама у распону од 600 стопа на дну кањона до 3000 стопа на врху гребена, овај разнолик пејзаж је важан део природне и културне историје Моронго басена скоро две милијарде година.
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (154)
Sep 2019
First of all we only booked 24 hours in advance and managed to get a place on the sunset tour which we were thrilled about!!! We were picked up 2:30pm prompt in what we thought was the hummer (later to discover this wasn’t the real hummer) Jeff was our driver and tour guide, and what a guy he was!! Amazing!! His knowledge was incredible so was his driving, tour and I have to say he gave my mum and I one of the best days of our life!!! I’m not over exaggerating (I’m British we don’t do that. Ever) it was the best tour I have ever been on. I was so emotional (we’re British we don’t get emotional) at the end of the tour as the sun was setting over the beautiful desert as Jeff put on some beautiful music to set the scene. We changed into the “real” hummer after around half an hour. Oh boy it was amazing!! Real bumpy on the back roads but that’s what made it such fun!! We saw the San Andreas fault line (learned that the film with the Rock was completely impossible and couldn’t really happen) we saw all the windmills, Jeff told us all about them and answered all our questions. We then went to the Joshua national park oh my this was the best part!!! Jeffs knowledge was brilliant he took us to all the best parts, he stopped and helped us with photo taking and helping us walk up and down the rocks hills he was just brilliant. I have so many photos to treasure (even though they don’t do justice to the actual scenery). I cannot reccomend this tour enough. Myself and my mum were with 3 other ladies who were lovely and we all had so much fun and learned so much. Honesty worth every single penny. Jeff was so knowledgable, makes you feel so relaxed and made sure we got the best tour for our money. I cannot put into words how good this tour was. If I could give more stars I would because 5 stars doesn’t do it justice. Thank you for giving my mum and I one of the best times of our lives we loved every single second.
Sep 2019
We booked our tour from Palm Desert to Joshua Tree and our driver was super courteous and informative. It was my partners birthday and he really enjoyed the adventure. Neither of us had done the tour despite living in the valley. I definitely recommend it. We took the tour in June and it was not too hot at all.
Sep 2019
We made our first visit to Joshua Tree National Park this past summer. My daughter and I signed up for the Joshua Tree Adventure Tour offered by Adventure Hummer Tours. We had a great time. Josh, our driver, is a local and he was just wonderful! Very knowledgeable about the area and it’s history. It was like hopping into the back seat of a good friend’s really cool Hummer and going off roading thru the park. You get to travel the backroads and see things you would never otherwise see if you were just driving the paved roads. We went on an evening with a full moon and it was just beautiful! Highly recommend Adventure Hummer Tours. It’s the best way to experience the park. Josh-thank you! :)
Одговор домаћина
Sep 2019
What a great outing with a FULL MOON. Thanks for sharing and your contribution. We work hard to make sure guests enjoy our National Park in the best way possible and that includes having great guides like Josh.

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