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Јосхуа Трее Хуммер Адвентуре из Палм Десерт

Провозајте се калифорнијском пустињом у удобном Хамеру на отвореном. Ова 5-сатна тура путује кроз легендарни Национални парк Џошуа Трее. Идите споредним путевима до парка и погледајте природне лепоте тог подручја док учите о његовом екосистему и историји од водича који је одобрио Национални парк. <бр><бр>Овај обилазак избегава прометне главне путеве у парку. Можете очекивати чак и до сат времена само да бисте ушли. Погледајте шта су други пропустили у истраживању на путевима одобреним за Парк, на којима мало ко може да иде.
Цити: палм Спрингс
Tue 22 Oct
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $199.00
Tue 22 Oct
Са почетком у $199.00
Шта је укључено
Транспорт Х1 Хуммер
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<ул><ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке спремности<ли> Пиво, вино, газирана пића и грицкалице се могу унети на брод<ли>Носите удобне ципеле за ходање са затвореним прстима и лагану, слојевиту одећу лети и топлију одећу зими<ли>Највише 9 људи по Х1 Хуммеру
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Национални парк Јосхуа Трее
Наш шатл комби ће вас одвести у град Џошуа Трее где мењамо за наш Х-1 војни хамер да употпунимо вашу авантуру. Пењемо се на врх прелепог погледа који се зове Еурека Пеак који ће вам пружити задивљујући поглед на долину испод и поглед који се протеже све до Мексика.
Резерват кањона Биг Моронго
Смештена међу планинама Мали Сан Бернардино у Националном споменику од песка до снега, пустињска оаза у кањону Биг Моронго једно је од 10 највећих станишта памука и врбе у Калифорнији. Узводни крај кањона лежи у пустињи Мохаве, док се њен низводни део отвара у пустињу Колорадо. Постоје бројне стазе за шетњу и пешачење, укључујући шеталиште за инвалидска колица кроз мочварна и приобална станишта. На 31.000 хектара са надморским висинама у распону од 600 стопа на дну кањона до 3000 стопа на врху гребена, овај разнолик пејзаж је важан део природне и културне историје Моронго басена скоро две милијарде година.
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (154)
Joan F
Feb 2019
We were really looking forward to the Hummer Tour in Joshua Tree Park. Our trip began with drive to the Cochella Valley Preserve. This was okay, but easily done on your own with a car. Then drove to Joshua Tree area, where we had to wait while the hummer was picked up for our tour. We asked for the semi enclosed Hummer, but when the guide got back he said he couldn’t get it started.! Seriously?!! Since it was a very cold day we needed the semi enclosed one badly!! Was really surprised we had to wait around (10-15 min) for the Hummer to be brought over to the Visitor centre. This company should have someone else to shuttle the hummer...not having clients waiting around for them to fetch it!! We began our tour and to the credit of the company they had many coats and jackets available, as it was soooo cold! I just wish they had been washed and smelled a little better. The tour was freezing (our bad luck), so it was hard to find it enjoyable. I personally was wrapped up in three blankets, and was still freezing. Most importantly, we really expected we would be “totally” off road. The picture in the brochure shows a Hummer going over rock field. We had nothing like that!! We were on a dirt road all the way. A VW CAR was able to get to Eureka Peak, so the path we took was no big challenge for the hummer.! Think that was the most disappointing part of the tour! Expected far more excitement than what was delivered, especially for the price. They also advertise a 4 hour hummer tour. We were in the Hummer less that half that time! The rest is in a van...and the heat in the back didn’t work, after a cold tour!! Our guide Louis was okay...polite, but not exceptional. We had to ask him twice to stop the hummer so we could take a few pictures that wouldn’t be blurry!! The next day we drove our car through part of Joshua Tree Park, near where we went with the Hummer. The landscape, with all the rocky landscape and the proliferation of Joshua Trees was far better, and far more interesting than the Hummer Tour and only cost 30.00!! All in all I can not recommend this tour! It is very overpriced for what they deliver!! Take the drive through the park and you will see far more...in comfort!!
Jan 2019
Our tour guide, Justin showed our family a fun afternoon out! He was very knowledgeable about the desert, the flora, the fauna and the geology and history of the area. The hummer was comfortable and such a fun ride. As the sun went down, it got really cold in the desert, so we appreciated the extra blankets and jackets. We wish there had been more time to explore Joshua Tree itself, rather than a drive in and out, but we were able to go back another day and explore more ourselves. The sunset views we experienced on the hummer tour though, were really stunning, and the changing colours of the sky and desert are something so memorable for us all.
Jan 2019
We had a great time on our Hummer tour today with “blonde Josh!” He is passionate about the desert and very sweet. This is a great way to learn about Joshua Tree National Park and surrounding areas and It jump started my desire to go back on my own and explore more. Thank you Josh for sharing your love of nature, Coachella Valley and the Mojave Desert with us today!

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