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Цити: палм Спрингс
Mon 21 Oct
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Са почетком у $189.00
Mon 21 Oct
Са почетком у $189.00
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Коментара (223)
Mar 2021
So I find the advertising on this tour to be a little misleading. The actual tour company website, trip advisor, and the agent when I called all made it seem like we would be stopping at numerous places/viewpoints in Joshua Tree national park as part of the tour. I assumed we would be seeing the popular parts of the park. However, our tour guide only stopped at one viewpoint, we saw a few Joshua trees, and then we headed back down the way we came.. pretty disappointing, being that it Was our first time visiting Joshua Tree and we hoped to see a lot more. I also asked the tour guide where we would be going and he named 3 different viewpoints, but we only wound up going to one.. I knew we would be spending a lot of the time in the car, as it was an off-roading experience, but I thought we would get out at numerous viewpoints and see different things, take pics, etc. They did say that this was an off roading experience,(which it was) and that we would be heading into Joshua Tree in the “back way”, but I thought that we would be seeing a lot more stuff. One other thing I find peculiar - the price doesn’t really match the experience. For example, trip advisor says that the tour price includes the admission fee for the park, but since we went the “back way” into the park, there were no entry fees for the park.. so what exactly did we pay $179 each for? To stop at one view point and see a few trees? However I will say our tour guide, Ben, was an excellent tour guide - very knowledgeable and great to talk to.
Одговор домаћина
Mar 2021
I am so sorry that you're experience did not match your expectations! If I may venture a guess, what you expected sounds more like our driving or van tour description from tripadvisor.... "Overview Explore the uncanny landscape of Joshua Tree National Park with a 4.5-hour van tour from Palm Desert, near Palm Springs. Enjoy the comfort of an air-conditioned van or SUV as you navigate soaring granite formations and groves of the park’s famously spiky trees, and capture unforgettable images of terrain that spans the Colorado and Mojave deserts. Trace a gentle trail into the rocks at Hidden Valley and Keys View, watch for the park’s reclusive wildlife, and experience the unique beauty of one America’s most remarkable national parks. Itinerary You'll start at Morton's The Steakhouse See address & details 1 Keys View Stop: 15 minutes See details & photo 2 Hidden Valley Stop: 30 minutes See details & photo 3 Joshua Tree Visitor Center Stop: 15 minutes See details & photo 4 Joshua Tree National Park Stop: 3 hours See details & photo You'll end at Morton's The Steakhouse" while our jeep tour description on Viator reads..... "The lush resorts of Palm Springs will feel a million miles away when you get out in the wilds of Joshua Tree National Park on this small group Jeep tour. Leave the city behind as you head off-road and over a rocky landscape some people say feels like being on another planet. See plants and rock formations that are unique to the desert, and learn what makes Joshua Tree so special. Itinerary You'll start at Morton's The Steakhouse See address & details 1 Joshua Tree National Park Stop: 3 hours - Admission included" In this case admission fee really means permit fees that we pay annually. I hope that clarifies and I apologize if we caused any confusion. I am grateful for the kind words about Ben!
Mar 2021
We had a private tour with Ron Who is extremely knowledgeable and love the dessert! Unfortunately, there are no blooming this year...
Mar 2021
We had a rough and tumble introduction to the beautiful Joshua Tree National Park, with a delightful and skilled 4 wheel drive master. As a couple in our sixties, who don't go off road much, we were a bit surprised by how bumpy the journey was, but Captain Ron navigated through some very challenging terrain with ease, and those bumps were well worth it as the price of admission to such awesome natural wonders. The good Captain loves to talk, and he is a wealth of information.
Одговор домаћина
Mar 2021
Captain Ron is an amazing guide and a wonderful person. We are lucky to have him. I am so glad that you enjoyed your tour. We hope you can join us again!

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