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Кајак Тоурс

Фаирвеатхер Каиакс се налази у једној од најлепших области на југоистоку Аљаске. Мали град који се зове Хоонах, Аљаска. Не само да се осећате као код куће када дођете овде. Људи овде чине да се осећа као код куће. Тешко је отићи након посете. <бр><бр> Фаирвеатхер Кајаци главни циљ је да вам покажу искуство које се дешава када се ваш излет заврши. Не само да ћете отићи срећни и опуштени након што сте на води. Наш циљ је да вам покажемо тако добар провод да ћете размишљати о својој следећој посети пре него што одете. <бр><бр> Фаирвеатхер Каиакс вас води у мирне воде где искуство кајакаштва није превише тешко и увек постоји шанса да видите дивље животиње.
Цити: Хоонах
Fri 27 Dec
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $150.00
Fri 27 Dec
Са почетком у $150.00
Шта је укључено
Обезбедићемо прслуке за спасавање, весла, кајаке и сукње са спрејом. Као и пончо за лагану кишу ако је кишни дан
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности
Шта да очекујете
Напустићемо град Хоонах и путоваћемо поред старог кампа за дрвосече. После тога ћемо изаћи на место које ми локално становништво зове Лонг Исланд.
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (77)
Jul 2022
Had a fantastic experience on our trip. Felt very stable and secure and Cody was an excellent guide. Very easy process getting in and out of the kayak and a very cheery crew on the safety boat. Would do it again in an instant.
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2022
I'm happy that you felt comfortable and safe on the tour with me. I do my best as well as my crew to make it a pleasant experience. If you do decide to come back to Alaska and take the tour with us again. We would enjoy seeing you again and love to have you on the trip. Come back anytime, we'll be here.
Jul 2022
This was the highlight of our 10 day Alaska cruise! Dave gave us a guided tour of some of the more scenic spots along Hoonah's coastal waters. He even spotted a bear and its cub giving us plenty of time to paddle closer and take pics/video. Cody and Michelle followed along in the safety boat and Michelle took some great pics of us kayaking. Since there was just the two of us in the kayak, Dave allowed us to get used to paddling at an easy pace. About half way through the trip when my friend did not feel so good, we stopped and he was able to board the safety ship while Dave joined me in my kayak to finish the trip. This is a family run operation by locals and NOT the corporate outfits operated through the cruise ships. When we returned to the ship and I mentioned to another traveller that we had seen a bear and its cub while kayaking he replied "Wow I went on bear tour through the cruise ship and saw nothing!" Cody, Dave and Michelle were great. As my friend was in wheelchair, Michele and Cody even drove us back to the port to make sure we caught our ship in time before departure. Would highly recommend this to anyone considering a kayaking experience on an Alaska cruise. Many Thanks to our new friends in Hoonah!
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2022
That was a beautiful day to be out on the water and we are glad that we were able to be accommodating to the both of you. We are also so glad that it was the highlight of your trip! You'll always be welcome back and we do hope you make it back up!
Jul 2022
We had fund kayaking and learning about the Hoonah community. Our hosts/guides were knowledgeable and friendly.

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