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Кеаухоу Манта Раи Нигхт Сноркел у Каилуа-Кона, ХИ

Мале групе и кратка вожња чамцем издвајају наше искуство.<бр><бр>Да бисте резервисали ову турнеју, потребне су основне вештине пливања и претходно искуство роњења. Гости морају бити у стању да препливају кратку удаљеност до наше даске за роњење и самостално се попну уз бочне мердевине за чамац. Гост мора бити у стању да разговара на енглеском да би разумео усмена упутства и безбедносне брифинге. Не препоручује се гостима који су били подвргнути операцији или имају ограничења у кретању/физичкој способности. Контактирајте организатора путовања за изузетке.<бр><бр>Роњење са нашим прекрасним Кона манта зрацима је искуство које не желите да пропустите. Никада нећете заборавити да ови нежни дивови пливају тако грациозно пред вашим очима. Наши стручни капетани и водичи у води покушавају да се постарају да имате најбоље могуће гледање.<бр><бр>Ово породично предузеће се поноси тиме што дели важност бриге о нашој земљи, океану, животињама , и једни друге.
Цити: Велико острво Хаваји
Sat 26 Oct
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Са почетком у $93.00
Sat 26 Oct
Са почетком у $93.00
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<ул><ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Бебе морају да седе у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Потребне су основне вештине пливања<ли>Потребно је претходно искуство у роњењу с маском и дисалицом<ли>Гости морају бити у могућности да се самостално попну уз мердевине за чамац<ли>Гост мора да буде у стању да разговара на енглеском да би разумео усмена упутства и безбедносне брифинге<ли>Ваша безбедност је наш приоритет! Ако ви или било ко у вашој групи желите прслук за спасавање, контактирајте нашу линију за резервације.<ли>Позовите да бисте потврдили доступност пре куповине.<ли>Наша политика Манта: Манта зраке су дивље животиње и острво Хаваји а Оцеан Тоурс не може гарантовати њихово присуство. Ако се манта не види у вашем ноћном изласку са нама, можете покушати поново друге ноћи или приликом следеће посете. Гости који су купили карте по нашој пуној цени онлајн резервације могу се поново вратити бесплатно. Карте купљене преко треће стране (као што је ТрипАдвисор/Виатор/Екпедиа...итд) или по сниженој цени могу се поново придружити за додатних 30 УСД по особи. Имајте на уму да број места може бити изузетно ограничен у одређеним периодима године. Обично смо веома успешни у проналажењу манта за вас; међутим, ако одлуче да узму слободно ноћење, трошкови везани за постављање чартера неће нам омогућити да вам понудимо повраћај новца. Ценимо ваше пословање и разумевање ових смерница.<ли>Не препоручује се онима који су недавно били подвргнути операцији или онима који можда имају ограничења у кретању/физичкој способности.<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема дезинфицирана између употребе<ли>Превозна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Водичи су обавезни за редовно прање руку<ли>Редовне провере температуре за особље<ли>Бесконтактно плаћање напојница и додатака
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (944)
Jul 2022
This is a must-try experience if you're in Kona. The staff was friendly and accomodating. Our diver Mike was amazing and he was able to take us to where most of the Mantas were the night we did snorkeled. He was also knowledgeable about the Mantas. The experience itself was surreal, a bit scary at the beginning because it was dark but once settled in, seeing them was a bit of a ballet. They came very close to us and seeing them that close was unforgettable. We were in the water for 30 minutes which for me was a good amount of time. The only other comment I have is that there were other tour operators in the harbor and the van was difficult to find as their name was on the side which wasn't as visible. Also, a tip to travelers who book, parking is usually on the side of the road so allot time to find parking.
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2022
Thanks for sharing Marie. We're thrilled to hear that you enjoyed snorkeling with Kona's amazing mantas while out with our expert guide Mike. I know the idea of jumping into the pacific ocean, at night with large animals can be a bit intimating at first but later turns out to be more magical than terrifying. Mahalo for taking the time to leave us a review and offer some tips to those reading. We hope to see you both again. Aloha.
Jul 2022
The manta rays were amazing. However, avoid this operator at all costs. We were left waiting to start for over one hour, without any explanation or any apology when the experience began. Moreover, unlike the floatation gear for the feet provided by other operators to keep one flat, they just handed over a noodle, which was insufficient to keep one flat and made the whole experience tiring than it needed to be. And no snacks or anything were offered unlike what was mentioned in the description.
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2022
Aloha Gaurav, Thank you for sharing your experience. I'm glad to to hear that you enjoyed snorkeling with the mantas but troubled to learn that you would recommend avoiding us at all costs to others...ouch. I would be happy to provide a bit of an explanation as to why you may have felt that you were waiting longer than what you should have been and address a few other details regarding your tour. For guests who book at 9:40pm, this is considered the "start time" or time when they need to arrive by to start getting ready and prepped to go out on our boat. It usually takes between 30-40 minutes to get everyone fitted with snorkel gear, put on the right size wetsuit, finish signing any waivers and then receive a manta briefing/boat safety instructions before getting on the boat. This information can be found under the "What to Expect" description on our TripAdvisor and Viator listing. We also mention it in our confirmation email that "one of our staff will help get you fitted with a wetsuit, snorkel gear and provide instructions before going out on our boat to see Kona's friendly mantas." The boat is scheduled to take the 9:40 guests out at 10:20pm and bring them back to the dock by 11:00pm. I confirmed with our captain who was running slightly behind schedule that evening as the manta action had been slow and he had been giving the guests on other tours a little bit longer in the water to try and see them. I know that finishing the preparation stage early and then waiting for the previous group to finish up can feel like you are waiting for a long period of time. Please know that we were giving each group the best possible chance to see the rays and do apologize for the wait. There are only a few companies (and when I say a few I mean 3 out of the 30 that I know of) that use ankle floats. The majority of other operators use noodles, floaty belts or nothing at all. We have looked into this option but find the ankle floats are more costly, and deteriorate quickly over time. For us, noodles have proven to be more durable, less costly and just as efficient. We understand that everyone has their own preferences and certain styles do and do not work well for others. I'm sorry that we did not have ankle floats available for you and that floating with a pool noodle made the experience more tiring. We do provide complimentary drinks and snacks on our tours. This was available upon arrival but our check-in attendant got a little ahead of herself and accidentally put the drinks and snacks away before you had finished your tour. We have discussed keeping all snacks and drinks out with our staff until every tour has finished for the night. Again my apologies for the inconvenience this may have caused. I hope this helps explains things a bit better and that we might have the opportunity to have you back out with us again. If you have any questions or if I can be of further assistance please feel to reach out via email or call our reservation line. Sincerely, Ashlie
Jul 2022
Outstanding team, we had a very pleasant experience with them. We got lucky to see dolphins as well . Kids liked hot chocolate and cookies after the trip.
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2022
Thanks for joining us Viktoriya. It was a pleasure sharing this fun adventure out with you and your family. Mahalo for the kind words and we hope to see everyone back out again. Aloha.

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