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Крстарење националним парком Кенаи Фјордс из Севарда

Укрцајте се на једно од најпопуларнијих крстарења дивљим животињама и глечерима на Аљасци и идите на невероватно шестосатно путовање кроз Национални парк Кенаи фјордс. Ова обавезна тура из Севарда нуди прилику да видите китове, птице и друге дивље животиње док крстарите поред алпских и плимних глечера међу фјордовима. Посетићете легла морских птица у националном резервату за дивље животиње на Аљасци и уживати у ручку док слушате коментаре капетана на броду!
Цити: Севард
Sun 17 Nov
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $190.85
Sun 17 Nov
Са почетком у $190.85
Шта је укључено
Водич за дивље животиње на броду
6-часовно крстарење за разгледање
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Допуштене су животиње услужне<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Бебе морају да седе у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Опције превоза су приступачне за инвалидска колица.<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Ради у свим временским условима, молимо да се обуците прикладно; слојеви се препоручују<ли>Препоручују се шешир, наочаре за сунце, крема за сунчање, двоглед и камера<ли>Доступна је вегетаријанска опција, ако је потребно обавестите их приликом резервације.<ли>Доступан је дезинфекционо средство за руке путницима и особљу<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема дезинфицирана између употребе<ли>Транспортна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Потребни су водичи да редовно пере руке<ли>Бесконтактно плаћање напојница и додатака
Шта да очекујете
Национални парк Кенаи Фјордс
У Националном парку Кенаи фјордови, преко половине копна је покривено огромним леденим пољем Хардинг, блоком леда од хиљаду стопа који датира из последњег леденог доба. Хардинг се разлива у свим правцима у облику глечера. Неки се протежу на северозапад у кршевита брда полуострва Кенаи. Други — тачније њих пет — сежу до мора дуж кршевите обале Аљаског залива.
Поморско национално уточиште дивљих животиња Аљаске
Поморско национално уточиште за дивље животиње Аљаске састоји се од 2.400 острва, ртова, стена, острваца, торњева и гребена и познато је по обиљу морских птица.
Политика отказивања
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Коментара (500)
Carol M
Jun 2018
I scheduled the Kenai Fjords National Park tour Alaska Collection, for a great Alaska experience for my grandkids. I am from Alaska so am well aware of the changing weather. When I booked I was told if the conditions are not good for touring the boat would be canceled. That is perfect because no one wants to go on an all day boat trip in bad weather. We arrived in Seward to discover a very dense fog. The boat was still going so I assumed it was clear on the water. Wrong! Not only was it foggy all day but the water was very rough and many people on the boat got sick. A lot of them got sick on the way out, and it was a 6 hour trip. The fog did not move much until the last hour of the trip and even then you could not see shore, only things that were very close to the boat. At one point during narration the captain told us he went by a glacier a while back but didn't mention it because we couldn't see it anyway. It was raining, windy, cold, foggy, and bad seas. People were puking all over the boat so that is the sound effects I remember. It was discussing! The crew was great, they did their best to keep the passengers happy. So my point is, who ever was making the call for the boat to go out totally missed it. I spent over $800 for a day if missery. No refund, no apology. They are out to fill their pockets at our expenses. IF I were to go on a tour again I would not book it until I was in Seward and could see for myself if the weather was good.
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2018
Dear Carol M, Thank you for taking the cruise with us, I am sorry you were disappointed with your day. Being from Alaska, you know the weather can change rapidly and we can not predict what will happen with weather during the day. One feature of the Kenai Fjords is that they are constantly changing and often the most challenging of days have redeeming moments of profound natural beauty. We do hope you do give us another chance as every day can be very different. If you have any further questions please feel free to contact me. Thanks. Geri Nipp General Manager
Jun 2018
Drove to Seward from Anchorage for the 6 hour national park cruise with Kenai Fjords Tours. The tour company has a large parking lot and they have shuttles to and from the dock area. There are stores to browse so don't worry about arriving early. Cruise is on a large, clean, well maintained catamaran. There are tables and seats which you select when you board, so get there early. A lunch is served. There are outside viewing areas on each deck. The ride is on average smooth but in the open water the rocking movement increased. I always felt safe and just mention this fact for anyone that has a tendency to get sick from a rocking motion on a boat. Our captain was great, he provided great narrative on the trip. The crew went the extra mile to make sure we enjoyed ourselves and they paid attention to every detail. We saw humpback, fin, orca whales, stellar sealions, harbor seals, and bald eagles. The captain identified the wildlife in view and provided plenty of time to take pictures and just enjoy watching the animals. The visit to a glacier was very well done, the captain took us very close and gave us ample time to take pictures and view the glacier. Overall this is a good value, take the trip, sit back and enjoy. It was still cold near the glacier and very cool when outside the boat in June so take a jacket with you. Binoculars would have been great.
Kedar C
Jun 2018
We did the 6-hour long national park tour and had a good time. Then why 3 stars? Because there are other, probably better options in Seward. Especially because we thought the other major carrier got better views of the orcas. First, we did not have big expectations. We got to see humpbacks feeding, orcas, dall porpoise, puffins, eagles, otters and sea lions. We got close to surprise glacier. We spend around an hour or so at the glacier. In the tour pamphlet, they said we would see 2 glaciers (according to the map, though it may change based on captain's decision). Tim (our captain) decided to not visit the other glacier due to traffic, which was kind of disappointing. I think people started getting bored in the end. The narration wasn't great either. On our way back, we saw a lot of orcas swimming but we were always some distance away. The other cruise carrier went super close to them a bunch of times and got great views. A lot of people were saying that we should have been on that other boat and we agreed! In general, we enjoyed the cruise but seeing that there are other options we couldn't help but think we should have gone with the other one major carrier. I think it mostly depends on the captain and we may be just weren't lucky. It was an enjoyable experience but could have been better.
Одговор домаћина
Jun 2018
Thank you for taking the time to write us a review. We strive to give our guest the best experience possible. We apologize for not meeting your expectations. On the National Park Tours, there are different routes. Routes vary based on wildlife activity, weather and ice conditions. If you would like to share with me more about your experience, you can contact me at (907) 224-4545.

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