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Кетцхикан Раинфорест Кану и шетња у природи

Истражите Кетцхикан на начин на који су домороци радили на овом излету кануом у прашуми и шетњи природом. На овој 3,5-сатној турнеји по Аљасци, веслајте кроз нетакнуто језеро у Националној шуми Тонгасс док од свог стручног водича учите о историји Кетцхикана и природним лепотама. Прошетајте кроз прашуму са својим водичем и научите о шумској флори и фауни. Не заборавите да пазите на домаће дивље животиње Аљаске!
Цити: Ketchikan
Sat 21 Sep
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Са почетком у $126.74
Sat 21 Sep
Са почетком у $126.74
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Гаранција безбрижног излета на обалу
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Грицкалице у аљаском стилу
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Путници би требало да имају барем умерен ниво физичке спремности<ли>Молимо да наведете назив вашег брода или хотела када резервишете турнеју.<ли>Деца млађа од 12 година морају да буду у пратњи одрасла особа<ли>Деца морају имати најмање 40 фунти (18 кг) да би стала у потребне прслуке за спасавање.<ли>Ради у свим временским условима, обуците се на одговарајући начин<ли> Деца од 13 до 17 година морају да имају потписан образац родитељске сагласности да учествују у одсуству родитеља или старатеља
Шта да очекујете
Национална шума Тонгасс
Током заустављања на обали, ваш стручни водич ће водити кратку шетњу природом наглашавајући флору и фауну прашуме, укључујући биљку месождерку, росицу, која користи своје пипке да ухвати мале инсекте. Након веслања назад, гости се поново укрцавају у аутобус и враћају се на пристаниште брода за крстарење.
Политика отказивања
Све продаје су коначне. Није могуће поврат новца за отказивање.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (48)
Aug 2019
Cole was an awesome guide! His knowledge of the area and interesting stories made the trip exceptional!
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2019
Thanks for sharing! Dale E Smith Director of Sales & Marketing
Aug 2019
It started with an engaging bus trip to the site. (Potties are available for one last pit stop before boarding your canoe.) I hope I remember the name of our guide correctly...Tyler (who had just graduated from Gonzaga) met us and got us ready for our trip. He was patient and helpful with getting my Mom in the canoe. She has limited mobility but he took his time to make sure she got in and out of the canoe easily. He was a wealth of knowledge about the area and what we were seeing. And he was funny too. It's a beautiful place! Our canoe trip took us into the Tongass National Forest where a yummy snack of homemade salmon dip, jelly, bread, chowder, coffee, and hot chocolate were waiting for us. It was all very good! We then took a nature walk within the Tongass and it was beautiful. I wanted to see more. Canoe trip back was fun and worth the sore muscles the next day. Book this adventure...you won't regret it!
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2019
Thanks for the detailed review and the recommendation!!!! Dale E Smith Director of Sales & Marketing
Aug 2019
Wow, wow, wow. From the moment of getting into the van, our guide Doran started sharing information about Ketchikan’s history, people, geography, and ecology. This continued throughout the tour to Totem Blight Park, Harriet Hunt lake and the nature trail. So much information in such a short time, delivered with spontaneity and humor that made it easy to take in and remember. His storytelling skills made the totems come to life. He let us create echos at the lake and that was an amazing experience. He kept safety at the forefront and was the penultimate professional. His love of the place was contagious. Laughter rang throughout the day from the youngest of us (8) to the oldest (75), from British to Scottish to American. We felt like old friends at the end of the day. We certainly could spend more time listening to Doran love on Ketchikan. Ok, disclaimer. He’s our son. But this tour enabled us to see him in his element and we were so impressed. We learned so much about the town, the totems, the lake, the plants and about him. He shared his excitement freely with the entire group. We may be proud parents but the company should be proud too.
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2019
Sounds like a great trip, thanks for sharing. I'll pass along your praises to Doran. Dale E Smith Director of Sales & Marketing
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