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Кеи Ларго Сноркелинг Тоур - УКЉУЧУЈУЋИ изнајмљивање маске, пераја и прслука

Роњење је забавно, безбедно и лако на Сундивер ИИИ. Придружите нам се у 2,5-сатном подводном обиласку до плитких, унутрашњих, коралних гребена који се налазе у "Светски познатом" националном морском резервату Ки Ларго, познатом и као оригинални државни парк Џона Пенекампа. Наша љубазна посада је специјализована за децу, породице и оне који први пут роне. Бићете потпуно запањени подводним светом који живи на обали Ки Ларга. Висококвалитетна опрема за изнајмљивање (маска, пераје, плутајући прслук) је УКЉУЧЕНА уз све туре с дисаљком које пружа Сундивер. <бр><бр>**НИЈЕ УКЉУЧЕНО: ДИАЛИЦА<бр>Продајемо веома приступачне висококвалитетне сувенирске дисалице од 100% силикона доступне у више боја. Доступно за куповину током пријаве.
Цити: Кеи Ларго
Sun 20 Oct
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Са почетком у $68.00
Sun 20 Oct
Са почетком у $68.00
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<ул><ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Допуштене су животиње услужне.<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Бебе су обавезне да седи у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>ВАЖНА ПОРУКА: МОРАТЕ да знате да пливате да рони са Сундивером. Ако не знате да пливате, али желите да се придружите породици, можете остати на броду и уживати у вожњи чамцем.<ли>** ПРОВЕРИТЕ ПОЛИТИКУ: МОРАТЕ да се пријавите најмање САТ пре путовања. време.<ли>** НЕМА РЕФУНДАЦИЈА за пропуштање брода. Без изузетака.<ли>ВАЖНА НАПОМЕНА: МОРАТЕ да знате како да пливате да бисте ронили са Сундивером. Ако не знате да пливате, али желите да се придружите породици, можете остати на броду и уживати у вожњи чамцем.<ли>Маске за лице су неопходне за путнике у јавним просторима<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку. доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Друштвено дистанцирање се примењује током целог искуства<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема се дезинфикује између употребе<ли> Водичи обавезни да редовно перу руке<ли>Редовне провере температуре за особље<ли>Провере температуре за путнике по доласку<ли>Плаћена политика боравка код куће за особље са симптомима<ли>Транспортна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Маске за лице су потребне за водиче у јавним просторима<ли>АЖУРИРАЊЕ: Због пандемије Цовид-19 више не укључујемо изнајмљивање дисалице уз овај пакет , међутим, нудимо висококвалитетне силиконске дисалице за продају приликом пријаве. Можете понети сопствену дисалицу.
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Коментара (521)
May 2013
My husband and I originally had a reservation with Keys Diver, and they called the night prior to confirm, they said their boat was full but they had a spot for us with another tour company and that they would ensure we got on another boat. The next morning we got over there and nobody had written down where we were to go! Their boats were all full with a 150 kid tour group…but they quickly called and got us on a group that was going out with Sundiver…which, luckily, was right across the street and near our hotel. There were only about a dozen people on this boat, which was awesome! I love snorkeling in a smaller group where you are not constantly bumping into others. The captain and first mate were hiliarious, making jokes and making our whole experience a fun one. They took us to something called White Rocks I believe? It was a huge, beautiful reef and from the moment we got into the water, we were surrounded by sea life! The coral is amazingly beautiful here, and every kind of fish we could imagine, everywhere we turned we were seeing beautiful sea life…AMAZING! They only go to one reef to maximize the time you spend in the water, which was perfect! The time was more than adequate…in fact I was pretty tired from all the swimming by the time we got back on the boat. Great trip, The only suggestion I have for the tour company is that they get an air horn or something to notify the snorkelers when it's time to get back on the boat...yelling is very hard to hear when you are out on the water. My husband kept swimming further out and didn't hear them hollering that it was time to leave...a loud horn would alleviate this issue.
Feb 2013
First, about the reef: the John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park, on the National Register of Historic Places and designated a protected natural resource, is the only underwater park in the United States. It's principal feature is the coral reefs which are the only barrier reefs in the continental US. The reefs are also a refuge for fish of many species and colors and shapes. These featues make snorkeling here a fascinating experience. Sundiver Tours makes the trip wonderful through personalized attention from a friendly and committed staff. I took two trips with First Mate Mary, one skippered by Captain Ken and the other by Captain Bobby. All three of these folk love what they do, are highly knowledgable, and care very much about both the safety of their snorkelers and the preservation of the reefs. I can't recommend Sundiver Snorkeling Tours any more highly - don't miss the reefs, and do it with Sundiver. One more word of advise - on one trip we had a disabled snorkeler, and on e other we had children - it's safe and easy and even if you think you can't do it because of age or physical limitations, call and ask them - I'll bet they can accommodate you.
Dec 2012
We made a reservation for the 3:00pm snorkeling tour. We were traveling from just north of Fort Lauderdale where our hotel was located. It was a Saturday and traffic driving down to the keys was stop and go the last 15 miles to Key Largo. They said to be there at 2pm to purchase tickets. I called just before 2pm and told them we'd be there but were stuck in traffic. I called at 2:25 pm just a couple miles from them and said we would be there in just a few minutes. She then told me there were no more spots for my family of five. Needless to say we were very upset and dissapointed. My kids were really looking forward to it. I understand if you don't show ten to fifteen minutes before they can sell your spot, but we were in contact with them and showed almost a full half an hour before the boat left. So no snorkeling for us and a long drive back:(
Одговор домаћина
Dec 2012
First let me say sorry your missed the trip to go Snorkeling, We strive to show everyone a great time. Also, let me say I think its unfair you gave us a 1 star out of 5 because of heavy traffic causing you to miss the deadline to purchase your tickets. Company policy is to purchase tickets one hour before and you were 30 minutes late. This 2 weeks of the year is our busiest and have to stick to company policy to fill the boat with customers we need to make it through the slow seasons (Which will be for the next 3 months). We have people all the time say they are 15min away or 20min away and then never show up, or get lost, or change their mind and never call back. Then we are stuck with empty spots on the boat. This is why the 1 hour policy is enforced. We are very sorry and did not intentionally want to cause you a wasted trip. To give us 1 star and hurt our hard work of getting a 5 stars average for running a wonderful snorkel trip when it was not our fault is not fair. There was heavy traffic and you were 30 min late, Very Sorry. I hope one day if you are back we can make it up to you and show you why we have a 4 1/2 star average and hopefully you will want to share your ACTUAL experience with others and I guarantee you will be putting 5 stars, we offer the best snorkel tour in town and our customers always leave the boat happy.... Again, Sorry and have a great New Year.... PR Rep Mike Theiss

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