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Цити: Кеи Вест
Wed 06 Nov
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Wed 06 Nov
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Коментара (952)
Apr 2018
This was our first time visiting Key West and I wanted to go on a snorkel excursion. After much research, I chose Sebago over Fury because of good reviews. And frankly, when we arrived to the island, I was glad because Fury is like a bully on the island, they are everywhere. The snorkeling trip was nice, the staff were knowledgeable, but in all honesty and as a experienced snorkeler, the water was too rough and we should have gone elsewhere. I snorkeled for about 15 minutes and had to get out. I wish they would have just gone to another location or cancelled it altogether. I do have several recommendations for continued improvement. #1. Get a sound system (mic and speaker) so everyone aboard can hear your snorkeling demonstration and instructions. Get another one for the captain as well. We can't hear you so please get a sound system aboard. #2. Play some fun carib music to put people in a happy mood. I heard the radio play for only part of the trip and then it was shut off. Turn it on and encourage people to dance, the children would have loved it! #3. As much as I wanted to believe the staff were having a good time,I felt some burnout from the captain. Relax, and get to know your customers. I realize there is alot of responsibility and this was the second trip of the day, however and I noticed you rarely spoke to customers unless you had to. Whereas past snorkeling trips I've been on, the Captain is the funnest person aboard. You set the tone for the entire trip, use that to your advantage!! My two cents, take it or leave it. Overall, I am glad I chose Sebago over Fury.
Apr 2018
We did the afternoon snorkel trip in February 2018. I had searched several different companies and finally settled on Sebago. Booking online was very easy. Staff at check in friendly. The crew and the captain were super friendly and went out of their way to make sure we had a good time. There were about 30 people on our trip but it wasn't crowded at all, there was plenty of room on the boat, it was very spacious. It was a very easy and enjoyable 50 minute cruise out to the snorkel grounds and we enjoyed the sun and scenery. the water was a little chilly (74ish) but still super fun. We saw lots of fish, I won't say it's the greatest snorkeling I have done but very fun nonetheless. Once back on the boat it was basically a lovely, relaxed (not frat like) booze cruise with beer, wine and soda for the sunny 50 minute ride back to dock. They have some basic snacks onboard for purchase - think cheetos and potato chip bags for like $2, reasonable. And you can bring your own snacks too. I thought that this trip was an excellent value and one of the highlights of our Key West trip, I highly recommend Sebago. Fyi afternoon trips book up much more quickly than mornings. But I think afternoon is way better as it is a better time of day to consume adult beverages!
Mar 2018
We sailed out with Captain Morgan (male) and Ren. Although the waters were rough and weren't able to go to the reef, they made sure we had a good spot to snorkle and what seemed like an extended time with kayaking. The food was light and delicious - perfect for a boat ride. Ren was super funny and as a native knew a lot about the wild and marine life.

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