Услуга романтичне авантуре, “Романтиц Евентс ЛЛЦ” је дизајнирана да организује најважније догађаје у вашем животу, остављајући вам прилику да импровизујете и играте главну улогу у њима, а затим их оставите у вашем сећању заувек
Цити: Кеи Вест
Tue 11 Mar
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Коментара (15)
Nicola B
Sep 2022
I have been trying to get ahold of this company with no luck. In regards to planning the event with them. Can someone pls call me back. Thanks
Sep 2022
I have reported this as fraud. No communication and number given, no one answered. I booked 2 months in advance, and when trying to cancel 48 hours prior, was told that i would not recieve a refund.
Mar 2020
Romantic events were helping me to make a proposal for my wife. It is true that the most beautiful sunsets are in Key West, but if you want to make a proposal you should find a place which is not so crowded.
Thanks a lot for a unique location, fantastic decoration and video shoot which will remind us about one of the most important moment in our lives.
Одговор домаћина
Mar 2020
Dear K7038XS
It was a pleasure to helping you with marriage proposal . We really appreciate you taking the time to share your feedback and being so open with us.
We so happy for you guys! You are very beautiful couple !!!
We hope you'll come and see us again soon, for another reason of course !!!