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Ки Вест Сафари еко авантура са роњењем

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Цити: Кеи Вест
Fri 10 Jan
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Fri 10 Jan
Са почетком у $197.12
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<ул><ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Морате да стигнете 1 сат пре времена поласка<ли> Постоје највише 2 одрасле особе по чамцу<ли>Обавезно – Безбедност наутичара на Флориди: Закон Флориде захтева да сви рођени после 1. јануара 1988. полажу испит за безбедност наутичара да би управљали чамцем. Сваки возач мора да покаже положен безбедносни тест за наутичаре пре поласка.<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема дезинфицирана између употребе<ли>Сва храна и пиће служиће чланови нашег тима, који ће предузети додатне мере предострожности како би обезбедили безбедну припрему као и сервирање.
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Коментара (136)
Oct 2018
I'm still trying to wrap my head around how this is allowed but it was a really fun activity! You can have no boating experience and they just let you drive a speed boat. If you're over 29 there are no courses or exams required. Negatives - the dock is kind of weird when you first arrive. It looked deserted but once we walked around the back we finally found where we were supposed to be. They asked if we wanted snorkel gear but said it would be an additional charge. Odd since it's called a 'snorkel safari' and the website states it's included. We declined. The boat looked a little old and beat up. The gas gauge was stuck on 'E' the whole time. The motor made a terrible sound when it started but they told us it was 'normal'. Positives - SUPER FUN. We were the only people signed up so it was like a private tour. Our guide Calvin was helpful and friendly. He answered all of our annoying Key West tourist questions and taught us things about the wildlife and plants on the island. He had no problem being our photographer and stored our water in his cooler for us. The tide was high when we went and it was pretty windy so the water wasn't as clear as it can be. But we did still see some wildlife and it was gorgeous scenery. Although I'm not really sure what Calvin could have done if we did have any issues with the boat - he was very reassuring and checked on us often. If you're looking for an adventure I would recommend this 100%!
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2018
Greetings, Thank you for joining us on the Snorkel Safari Tour, we are glad to know you guys enjoyed the tour. We will let Calvin know how great he did. If you took any great pictures while on the trip, please share them with us on Facebook. We love to see our guests having a good time. Thanks
Jul 2018
We have been on the snorkel trip four times now and enjoyed it every time. We went twice last year before the hurricane and twice this year. This year the water wasn't as clean, I'm assuming it is hurricane related as we saw some of the debris throughout the keys. They also ran out of the good beer on our way back and I had to drink Coors Light. Other than those two details, the trips were all great. We look forward to going again on our future trips to Key West.
Julie S
Jul 2018
Having been to Key West and other tropical destinations, I’ve done plenty of snorkeling, parasailing, and jet skis (and really enjoy them). But this was one of the coolest things I’ve done! You drive your own 2-seater speed boat while following a guide in their own boat. I think they can take up to 5 or so boats in a tour, but we got lucky and it was just us! Our guides were Carlos and Hunter (who was in training). You follow behind at about 150 yards so it’s not like you’re up each others’ tails. You do get to open up the engine all the way (once you’re out of the no wake zone, of course). We snorkeled amongst some mangroves on our first stop. I saw a juvenile black tip shark and a 6’ nurse shark - so cool! Then they took us to Snipes Beach where it’s like your own private oasis on a sand bar out on a deserted island. Absolutely beautiful! The guides were amazing and so funny! As I said, we loved it so much, we did it two days in a row. You’d be crazy not to do this tour when you’re in Key West!!

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