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Ки Вест Сафари еко авантура са роњењем

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Цити: Кеи Вест
Thu 09 Jan
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Са почетком у $197.12
Thu 09 Jan
Са почетком у $197.12
Шта је укључено
Коришћење све опреме за роњење
Локални водич
Сафари тура од 2,5 сата
7,5% државног пореза на промет Флориде
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<ул><ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Морате да стигнете 1 сат пре времена поласка<ли> Постоје највише 2 одрасле особе по чамцу<ли>Обавезно – Безбедност наутичара на Флориди: Закон Флориде захтева да сви рођени после 1. јануара 1988. полажу испит за безбедност наутичара да би управљали чамцем. Сваки возач мора да покаже положен безбедносни тест за наутичаре пре поласка.<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема дезинфицирана између употребе<ли>Сва храна и пиће служиће чланови нашег тима, који ће предузети додатне мере предострожности како би обезбедили безбедну припрему као и сервирање.
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Коментара (136)
Jul 2018
Great even with young children (11, 8, 5). Wide catamaran is perfect platform and has plenty of seating and space even with ~25 passengers which I think is the max they take. Sodas and beer included, and even with some music, this was NOT a party boat atmosphere, just relaxed. Capt. Chris was very personable and takes his job seriously which is exactly what you want. Mate Leilani was also very nice, helpful and informative. We saw lots of dolphins up close, and when snorkeling saw stingrays and schools of parrot fish.
Anne M
Jul 2018
I was so disappointed in this tour. The staff was extremely unprofessional and the snorkeling was one of the worst I have experienced. Let me start at the beginning. Our confirmation email told us to arrive 1 hour prior to our departure time. When we got to the marina, no one was there. That was not a huge deal since the boss and another employee showed up about 15 minutes later. However, while we waited, the boss started complaining excessively about one of his employees within ear shot. Very unprofessional. Well, we waited, and waited, and waited. Our tour guide finally showed up when we were supposed to be departing out of the marina. Our tour guide then disappeared for 15 minutes. Come to find out, he was being yelled at by his boss in the office. How do I know this? Our tour guide shared that as his reason why we were departing so late. Again, very unprofessional (both the tour guide AND the boss). While we were getting loaded into our boat, another employee talked about "how baked out of his mind" he was when he was inspecting the boats for that day. To say the least, we were not impressed and we hadn't even left the dock yet. There was very little instruction on how to operate the boat. On top of that, our tour guide pulled so far ahead of us the majority of the trip he was barely within eye sight. When we got to the island to snorkel, it was a huge let down. We could only snorkel in a very small area near the shore due to the turbidity of the water. We were also hemmed in by mangroves covered in fire coral. The only thing we were able to see were a few minnows. We were told we could explore the island, but honestly, there really wasn't anything there. To top it all off, our tour guide was pretty awful. He was not knowledgeable about the local ecosystem we were touring, or anything, for that matter. It left the conversation very stinted and uncomfortable. To sum up, I would definitely not recommend this to anyone, even if the price was lower.
Jun 2018
We did the Safari Snorkel Tour as we wanted a combo boating and snorkeling adventure and the ages worked for our group and the times worked for our port call on the cruise ship. While we had a little fun in the boat and snorkeling this was not a good adventure and not really a tour. The website and by phone they told us to arrive an hour in advance for instructions for one of our group due to his age. We got there an hour in advance and the woman running the stand wanted nothing to do with us and told us to come back as everyone was out, the guys would need to have lunch and there was nothing there for us to do. She told us to go away and come back in half an hour. What a start! Then we got back in half an hour, and the guys were back and annoyed that we weren't there earlier, and they kept saying that our one group member needed to take the exam and if he didn't pass the group was leaving at 3pm anyways. There was no instruction. He was handed a written handout and an exam and told to take the exam. The boats themselves are very small speed boats with 40hp Yamaha outboards. There was about 60 seconds of instructions on working the controls and then they lead guy took off at a fast rate of speed and everyone tried their best to work the speedboats and follow him. Not everyone was familiar with operating a speedboat so there was some difficulty with the group. After about 40 minutes or so at top speed in the boats we arrived at a small beach on an island for the snorkeling. Probably the worst snorkeling location I have ever been to. It would be hard to find a worse location. The beach was in a channel with a pretty fast current, so you could only go along shore or you would be swept away. And along the shore there were some large mangrove tree roots. And a sandy muddy bottom. With nothing to see. And with low visibility. A few schools of minnows. A few fish in the mangrove tree roots. Really. This was it. The tour guy said we could walk around the island but you couldn't go very far and there was really nothing to see anyways. Then another 30-40 minutes of speedboat at top speed to get back to their base. And that's it. Pretty lousy, impersonal experience.

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