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Ки Вест Сафари еко авантура са роњењем

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Цити: Кеи Вест
Wed 08 Jan
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $197.12
Wed 08 Jan
Са почетком у $197.12
Шта је укључено
Коришћење све опреме за роњење
Локални водич
Сафари тура од 2,5 сата
7,5% државног пореза на промет Флориде
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Морате да стигнете 1 сат пре времена поласка<ли> Постоје највише 2 одрасле особе по чамцу<ли>Обавезно – Безбедност наутичара на Флориди: Закон Флориде захтева да сви рођени после 1. јануара 1988. полажу испит за безбедност наутичара да би управљали чамцем. Сваки возач мора да покаже положен безбедносни тест за наутичаре пре поласка.<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема дезинфицирана између употребе<ли>Сва храна и пиће служиће чланови нашег тима, који ће предузети додатне мере предострожности како би обезбедили безбедну припрему као и сервирање.
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (136)
Apr 2018
We had a great time. Patrick booked our tour downtown he was funny and made our purchase experience easy. The next day we were greeted by Tyler and our guide was Jamie. These guys are great and very friendly. We enjoyed the tour. I'm not sure if there are any other places to snorkel but there wasn't a lot to see. We had fun splashing around in the water anyway. I would recommend this tour if you are visiting Key West.
Одговор домаћина
May 2018
Hey there, thanks for joining us on the tour and taking the time to share your experience with us. Make sure you hurry back and come see us again soon!
Mar 2018
I signed up for the Safari Snorkel tour. We were in Key West for one day with our cruise. I thought this would be the perfect excursion. It was absolutely terrible. Nothing as advertised. The tour cost $170 for two people. We were the only two people they had at the time for the tour. After about 2 minutes of explaining how to operate the boat, we followed the tour guides about 15 minutes away were they anchored the boats. At NO TIME were we given a tour of anything. Nothing was ever explained or mentioned. They kept their boat so far from ours and were going so fast we could barely understand the hand signals. We did not anchor at a beach. Instead we anchored near a woodsy area with power lines. Water was too cloudy and at no time did we see any fish. After that we followed them as they sped around Key West...again no tour no words exchanged. I was highly disappointed in this tour. I would not recommend at all!
Одговор домаћина
Apr 2018
Michelle, Firstly, thank you for your review. I assure you that we read each and everyone of them in an effort to constantly improve the experience for all of our guests. We spoke to the crew on that trip in which we were told that you informed them that you were well informed on the boat usage and felt comfortable with the vessel. I do apologize that you were not able to hear the guides throughout the tour, the tour is designed to take multiple boats on a tour of the key west waters, however our guides are not speaking the entire trip as it would be near impossible to yell against the wind and all the way to the last boat. The trip is designed to follow the lead boat as they guide the guests through the key west waters, back country and make multiple stops at snipes point and other local sandbars. At these stops they give insight on the local animals and other points of interest. Again, thank you for your review, we highly value any and all opportunities to improve our guests experience.
Kira S
Aug 2017

Our tour guide, Blake, was awesome! However, I booked this online and it wasn't as advertised... not even a little. For starters, it doesn't leave from hurricane hole marina and we had a REALLY hard time finding it. It was advertised as Swim and snorkel in crystal clear waters with more than 600 species of colorful fish, coral and other sea life. The listing talked a lot about reefs, etc. The mini boats were definitely really cool. We went out back country, which was stunning. But we didn't go to a reef, we went to a sand bar in the middle of nowhere and snorkeled mangrove forest, not reef. It was still really cool in it's own right, and definitely worth the trip, but I couldn't help but leave feeling disappointed. The listing had me pretty psyched up about the worlds third largest barrier reef and all the turtles and parrot fish I'd see. Instead it was barracuda and mangrove snapper. Still a cool trip, but tripadvisor/viator false advertised and mislead me.

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