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Ранч Куалоа - Тајна авантура на плажи на острву

Наша Сецрет Исланд Беацх Адвентуре је идеално место да се опустите и проведете дан са породицом и пријатељима и уживате у воденим спортовима и играма на плажи. Понесите своју крему за сунчање, купаћи костим, ципеле за воду, пешкир, сенке и камеру за дан на плажи испуњен забавом. Неке доступне активности могу укључивати вожњу кајаком, веслање на дасци, одбојку на песку, стони тенис или потковице и доступне су по принципу „први дође, први услужен“. <бр><бр>Поред активности, можете се само опустити и читати књигу у висећој мрежи испод палме која се љуља. Тушеви и свлачионице су доступни на Тајном острву, па понесите пресвлачење и пешкир ако планирате да се купате у океану. <бр><бр>Можете понети своје хладњаке за пиће и ручак/ужину ако желите … само стаклене флаше нису дозвољене … конзерве су пожељније да се избегава употреба пластике за једнократну употребу!
Цити: Оаху
Mon 23 Dec
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $55.80
Mon 23 Dec
Са почетком у $55.80
Шта је укључено
Избор забавних активности, укључујући кајак, роњење, веслање на дасци
Ручак у кутији са опцијом куповине целог дана
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Бебе морају да седе у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Не заборавите да понесете: купаћи костим, пешкире, крему за сунчање, наочаре и шешир<ли> ли><ли>Ради у свим временским условима, обуците се прикладно<ли>Распоред активности је подложан промени или отказивању због временских услова или саобраћајних услова.<ли>Обавезна пријава 30-45. минута унапред у благајни ранча Куалоа.<ли>ИД са фотографијом који одговара имену на резервацији потребном за чекирање. <ли>Само опција Целодневно Тајно острво укључује ручак у кутији. Све остале опције нису укључене у храну/пиће.
Политика отказивања
Све продаје су коначне. Није могуће поврат новца за отказивање.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (22)
Oct 2019
I booked this excursion for me and my extended family (6adults and 1 child and 1 infant). It stormed with lightening that day, so I called them and they said they’d do a complimentary one time rescheduling. So I scheduled it for Sunday. I then contacted my family and told them and they told me three of them were goin to church and wouldn’t make it. So my hubby called them again and told them that so she said she had to talk to her supervisor and they allowed a refund. Then the day before I was supposed to go, one of the adults broke her leg and wasn’t going to be able to show up, o told them that the day of my tour and the girl talked to her supervisor (without me even asking for a refund)and then gave me a refund. I mean, that’s customer service. The secret island is great. The day we went, only 15 of us had signed up total so it was t too crowded. If it was more people, it wouldn’t have been nice. We went on a Sunday early morning the 9 tour and it was perfect. Cuz the 11 tour was way more full. And there wouldn’t have been enough equipment for everyone. Check out my insta kylimomma to see pics.
derek f
Sep 2019
Before our tour we had a meal in the cafe, The "check out chick" Mo was so rude. I watched her serve others and she was a bad advertisment for National Tourism. The Secret Island Tours was very average... nothing to compare with all of the other beaches we have visited this trip, and the staff all need a lesson in hospitality. The bus driver was great and the lady at the ticket office was helpful. The least favourite of all our tours in Oahu!
Одговор домаћина
Sep 2019
Aloha Derek...we are very sorry to hear about your experience with us. This is actually quite surprising to hear, as Mo is usually very sweet. Rest assured that providing top quality Ho`okipa (hospitality) is very important to us, as such we will be looking into this further and following up with the appropriate corrective actions. Please contact us directly at [email protected] if you would like to discuss this further. Again, we are sincerely sorry for the service received and will be working to make the necessary improvements. Mahalo!
Sep 2019
great low-key "tour" altho I dont know that I would actually call it a tour compared to their other ones. It was fun riding the Little Ferry boat over to the island and then doing all of the things that were available for us to do when we got there. If you are looking for an adventure or snorkeling I don't recommend this one, but if you want a laid back relaxing little trip to a beach that isn't heavily populated with a bunch of other people then this is the 1 for you. There was also a huge influx of man o'wars while we were there and a couple people got stung but the guides had a vinegar to spray on the stings, so that was a plus!

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