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Излет кајака и сноркел у Лахаина

Ова еко авантура на западном Мауију почиње у мирним водама јужно од града Лахаина. Веслајте мирним и плитким водама испод високих планина Западног Мауија. Роните на прелепе коралне гребене и погледајте тропске гребенске рибе. Хавајске зелене морске корњаче се редовно виђају. Повремено наиђите на неухватљиве фоке монахе, делфине и орлове зраке. Ово је одлично место за посматрање китова у сезони (јануар-мар). Тоур се налази на погодном месту у нашој продавници у улици Фронт 505 у центру Лахаине.
Цити: Мауи
Sat 08 Mar
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Sat 08 Mar
Са почетком у $89.00
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Коментара (159)
Aug 2021
This trip was amazing. We kayaked out into a gorgeous barrier reef and got to snorkel to our hearts content. We saw plenty of beautiful turtles and fish. Bring plenty of sunscreen or even a rash guard if you’re prone to sunburning. I’d even recommend going on the earlier tour when the sun isn’t as harsh. Our guide was super friendly and kind. Can’t wait to go back!
jessica p
Jul 2021
This was a fun excursion. We had kind of a big group and so it seemed to impact the overall trip. We got to do some snorkeling, see some cool things and then go to deep water. I would certainly recommend as a way to get out there and see some fish. This is how it goes. You get to the shop. The email advises to get there 15 minutes early--I couldnt tell if that was 15 minutes before the 7 am meeting or 715 start and we had traffic SO we got there around 655 but it worked out fine. If you need to use the bathroom they have a key they will give you. There are nonsecure cubbies you can leave your stuff in They will hand you some stuff--you fit for flippers. Then you put that in a bag with the snorkels. They we walked down to beach. The kayaks seat two so if you have an odd numbered group you will share boat with a new friend. We kayaked a short ways to the area to snorkel. The coral is very close to surface, and this is heavily trafficked area but if you have patience you will see some cool things different fish and I saw an eel. As this is by the coast it is diffrerent experience than if you are used to going on snorket trips off boats. You are allowed to swim out to close the breakers. The area is fairly large and once you have mask on harder to find people so if with family I would discuss your plan before you get in the water For us we stopped and put our kayaks on beach while doing this so you could leave your hat/glasses for instance on the kayak. Apparently sometimes they stop somewhere an anchor to snorkel-I dont know how that would work to get in and out of the boat. But I asked the guide if I could bring my hat/glasses and he said basically it was "on me" but I think what he meant was it? might get wet? I definitely recommend glasses and hat as you will get burnt otherwise--there is a netting at the front of the Kayak so I think even if you did snorkel from anchored area off shore you would be ok. Then after this you get back in the kayaks and go out to a deep area past the reef. Then you go back. We had pretty basic snorkeling and kayaking skills (I last snorkeled ? 25 years ago My kids have snorkeled on their own but had never been on snorkeling trip before. ) and did fine but they dont give you a lot of guidance so I guess if you are timid about this sort of thing or not sure how to clear mask/snorkel etc might ask guide before start. Maybe if the group was smaller. While the fins give you power I would not do this trip if I was not a competent swimmer. With as packed as Maui is I was just grateful to get on a tour. I recommend this as a good basic tour, getting you out into the coral safely and into deep water. Suggestions: -bring dry clothes so you can explore Lahaina after -use a rash guard and lots of sun screen (reef safe of course) I -wear old hat and glasses if worried about losing them but wear them -maybe look up the fishes of Hawaii before so you know what you are looking at. It would have been cool if they had a paster or something in the shop. -leave your shoes at the shop. -bring some cash for tip
Jul 2021
This was one of our favorite activities on our trip! I wish it could have lasted longer. My husband and I had the best time on both the Kayak and Snorkel adventure. Our guide was so kind and knowledgable and really made sure we were in great spots to snorkel. The area was beautiful, and it was a small group which was really nice. I would highly recommend! Just an FYI for anyone thinking of doing the excursion solo, you will be paired with another person to sit in a two person kayak. This occurred for two solo people during our time. It seemed to work out find, but thought it would be good to share if anyone was considering it!

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