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Погледајте популарне музичке комаде прошлости и садашњости у емисији Легендс Ин Цонцерт у Миртл Бичу. Стручни уметници изводе омиљене песме и плесове легендарних звезда као што су Мадона, Елвис Присли и Мајкл Џексон током емисије која окупља пет врхунских наступа у једној посебној вечери. Ново најсавременије позориште опремљено најбољом аудиовизуелном и светлосном технологијом ствара магичну ноћ музичке и плесне забаве са свим вашим омиљеним.
Цити: Миртле Беацх
Mon 18 Nov
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Са почетком у $47.95
Mon 18 Nov
Са почетком у $47.95
Шта је укључено
Улаз за Легендс Ин Цонцерт Схов
Рута и мапа
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Отворите у Гоогле мапама
Миртле Беацх<бр>2925 Холливоод Др, Хви 17 Бипасс
• Имајте на уму: акти су подложни променама без претходне најаве
• Легендс Ин Цонцерт Тхеатре - 2925 Холливоод Дриве, Миртле Беацх, СЦ 29577
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Шта да очекујете
Легенде на концерту
Легендс Ин Цонцерт, Највећа светска емисија Ливе Трибуте Схов има стално променљиву поставу врхунских трибуте уметника који изводе највеће хитове уз подршку бенда уживо и професионалних талентованих плесача. Наше најсавременије позориште се налази на згодном месту у срцу града на Броадваи ат тхе Беацх – врхунској дестинацији за куповину, ресторане и забаву на обали Каролине, тако да смо у центру и лако их је пронаћи!
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Коментара (287)
Отворите у Гоогле мапама
Oct 2019
This is one of those things that you attend and you think "I paid $50 to watch high-end karaoke." To be fair, it's really good high-end karaoke. Just, try not to think too much about it. I went in October, and the performers were Barry White, Garth Brooks, Whitney Houston, The Blues Brothers, and Elvis. I thought everyone was quite good in their own way, with the standout definitely being Elvis. The Blues Brothers were really good but so many people have done that act for so long, it's getting long in the tooth. Whitney nailed the look and the movements, but needed a little better higher range for the songs. Garth also nailed the look and movement, and did a decent job with the voice. I'm not that familiar with Barry White but the performer was awesome, both in voice and performance. Special shout-outs to the back-up dancers, whose routines were energetic and did a great job with backstage quick changes. Also to the very, very talented musicians. A couple of negatives. The sound mix on the vocals was not good. And somehow got worse throughout the evening. Barry's vocals were nearly inaudible at times, and by the time Whitney got on stage hers were deafening. The sound on the instruments also fluctuated some. The guitarist was amazing, and I'm sure he appreciated you slowly moving the volume up on him through the evening, but as a musician I'm sure he knew that everyone else needed to be heard. Also, make note this event is popular with a slightly older crowd, who will come in groups, and will spend the entire time talking at each other. Between the gradual deafness that can occur as we age and the level of volume in the show, these people will shout at each other throughout the show. They will also pull out their phones with the brightness cranked to the max and constantly photograph and even film the show, even though they were told not to. I guess older people weren't taught that it's not ok to pull out your phone and film this performance. Legends doesn't seem to care that this happens. The people next to me did this the entire time. They were told ONCE to put the phones away. I don't blame Legends for hard of hearing people, but I do blame them for not monitoring things better. And I guess be prepared for people shouting things to the performers? I wasn't aware heckling was a thing, but maybe older people weren't taught that it's not ok to yell things at the performers. I felt particularly bad for Elvis, as he had women saying things to him and interrupting him. He did his best to quiet them down, but Legends, y'all may need to step in and say something next time. I didn't pay to hear some drunk lady fawn over and Elvis impersonator, I paid to hear Elvis. So enjoy the show, and hopefully either your crowd isn't as ill-behaved as mine, or the Legends staff is more on top of it next time.
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2019
Thank you so much for your recent review on Tripadvisor. Unfortunately, it is hard for us to control how much the crowd enjoys the show by getting involved, however, we definitely will make sure our staff is more aware of any video or audio taping that might be going on. We definitely appreciate the tip. We appreciate you and would welcome you back with open arms on your next visit. Thanks again, Christopher Tucker General Manager
Oct 2019
The show at Legends was amazing! The talent of the entertainers, dancers and band was top notch!! Extremely professional and fun!! A MUST SEE when in Myrtle Beach. You will think you are watching a first rate show in Vegas!
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2019
Wow, thank you so much for the accolades on Tripadvisor. It's great that you mentioned Vegas because that is where it all began! We will definitely forward on all the positive compliments to the cast, band, and the legends. We appreciate you and hope to see you again soon. Stay Legendary, Christopher Tucker General Manager
Oct 2019
This was so much fun. To sign to oldies and see some legends again was an amazing night of fun for me and my husband. Well worth the Money.
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2019
Wow, thank you so much for your recent 5-star review on Tripadvisor.com. We were happy to see that you and your husband had an amazing evening with us. We appreciate you and hope to see you again on your next visit to the area. Stay Legendary, Christopher Tucker General Manager

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