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Цити: Њу Јорк
Mon 18 Nov
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Mon 18 Nov
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ЛЕГОЛАНД Нев Иорк Ресорт
Невероватно вас чека у ЛЕГОЛАНД® Нев Иорк Ресорту! Возите се, пењте се, прскајте и градите свој пут кроз седам тематских земаља на врхунској дестинацији ЛЕГО® тематског парка! Пронађите нас у долини Хадсон, само 60 миља од Њујорка!
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Коментара (554)
Отворите у Гоогле мапама
Aug 2021
Legoland is the epitome of corporate America. This place was so soulless and sterile that it hurt. Speaking of hurt... The rides are all designed for small children, yet adults are required to accompany them. Almost none of the rides are able to accommodate an adult over 6 feet tall without significant pain and or bruising injury. Fortunately, the rides are shorter in duration than any other park, which is good for me, but bad for my kid. The lines are still obnoxious. Naturally, you can pay an exorbitant rate to 'cut' the line. - I never figured out what the target age group here is. The rides are amusing to 5 year olds, but the legos themselves are suitable for older children. Kids older than 9 will likely hate the place, as will adults. - The park would fit on about 5 acres, but they sprawled it out to make it seem bigger, which means there are long walkways that wander all about, but unlike real theme parks there is no landscaping or natural barrier, so you can do nothing but stare at the horizon as you take a forced march across the 'desert'. Also, they were just paved routes with large curbs. If your child trips and falls, they are getting hurt. It's not like other parks where they'd land on grass or in a shrub. - There is no shade. They have very few umbrellas, trees, or any other features that give you reprieve from the sun. The lines aren't covered well, either. - Food is insanely, insanely expensive. $15 for a crap chicken sandwich with fries? $14 for a can of beer? We weren't there on a particularly busy day, yet there is basically nowhere to sit and eat your meal, either. Tables in the cafeteria were hoarded, probably due to the lack of shade outdoors. - They do provide a lot of legos to play with. That's cool, I guess, if you like playing with legos in the sun. Also, I'm not paying $80/person to stand there and watch my kid spread disease via lego bricks, he can play with them at home in the shade. - If you love gift shops and paying full MSRP for legos, they've got you covered! There is no missed opportunity for them to reach into your wallet here. - Speaking of reaching into your wallet... Parking is $27! You heard me, $27. This is the single most expensive parking spot in NY outside of NYC! Anywhere else would provide Valet for that price, or even a covered garage. Nope, not Legoland, they just paved a section of once beautiful farm land and jack your wallet. Here's the best part: They don't even tell you about this until AFTER you've parked and wandered into the park. They do have a million signs around reminding you to pay for parking before you leave, though. How about you put up a sign on the way in saying it will cost to park, or that they don't take cash, or even maybe a sign that says how much it costs! In summary, like others have said, you get to pay Disneyworld prices for a Walmart experience. (At least Walmart doesn't charge for parking!). They make it abundantly clear that they are just here for your money. They have no intention of providing anything but the absolute minimum entertainment needed to get that money, nothing else, and I mean nothing. Every other theme park has a soul, a flow, a life of its own. This place feels like it was computer generated in a boardroom. There are so many nice little amusement parks in these hills that there is no reason to ever return.
Aug 2021
Be prepared to make long lines and I mean 40-45 minute lines on every ride. My kids love legos so we enjoyed the park regardless. We brought umbrellas to protect us from the sun which were so helpful.
Megan B
Aug 2021
LEGOLAND NewYork and the company that runts it has horrible customer service. I wanted to use my KIDS GO FREE coupon, which I had been saving for about a year! When I went to Guest Service prior to entering, they said I CANNOT apply the coupon and credit my reservation. The ticket agent even said ANOTHER guest just asked about it, and she went to her manager and was told NO, you cannot credit an account to use the KIDS GO FREE coupons that was sent to LEGO VIP members. What a disappointment. We drove over 5 hours to visit this park. Problem #2: IF you go, be prepared to spend a lot of time walking through the spread out park, including up very large hills, with NO SHADE anywhere and no cold water available. The website advertises: bring a water bottle and fill up at our water stations. Sounds like a great idea- only the water was WARM, not helpful on a 75 degree, sunny day. So I was forced to spend more money buying water. The long windy paths are wheel chair accessible, but even imagining pushing a wheel chair up those big hills (my mom uses one, so I have) is exhausting! Problem #3: The website advertised: all rides fully open! Reality, the only "big kid" ride that my older kids were looking forward to- The Dragon- was closed when we arrived and didn't open until 4 hours LATER! You can imagine the line when it did finally open. (On a Monday) And some of there rides only had a few seats open. For example: DJ's Dizzy Disco Spin (spinning tea cups) had at least 5 seats closed/out of order, in a brand new park (see the picture). So yes, the line moved extremely slow. And for some reason, it took FOREVER for staff to load and unload each ride. My child and I stood in line for 45 MINUTES, I timed it because what else did I have to do except listen to the same musical interlude over and over again, to ride the 1 minute Dragon's Apprentice. By the look on the other parents' faces who were waiting in line, I wasn't the only one not having fun. Problem #4- deceiving guests and charging ridiculous prices for "Extras". My children noticed a face paining station. (The one by The Dragon, not the one up on top of the hill when you first enter). They were interested, I look at all the signage, saw no prices listed, so I figured, no charge- go ahead. If there was a charge, I would not have agreed to it. The staff members did not tell me there was a price, when my child sat in the chair. I was right next to my children, and there was no one else around the face painting, at that time, so they definitely knew I was their adult. Imagine my utter shock and dismay when 3 children later, I was asked to PAY $77 for face painting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, you read that correct. $77 dollars I had to pay. There were NO prices listed in the front of the display or by the staff member stations. After they asked for money, I saw one sign taped to the back wall, behind everything. (see picture of the charges) That is very poor customer service to NOT TELL THE ADULT there is a charge, and to position the 1 sign with prices way in the BACK!!!!! Do parents a favor , please, and make sure they know LEGOLAND expects them to pay between $17.99 and $23.00 "PREMIUM" for face painting!!!! This was not a fun day. $317 to enter the park, only to find not all rides open, and the wait time for rides so long that you only have a chance to do a few of them because it takes around 45 minutes per ride.

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