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Левистон Нев Иорк Фоод Тоур

Дођите да откријете шта село Левистон (на неколико минута од Нијагариних водопада) може да понуди на нов и забаван начин! Пробајте храну и пиће из 6 локалних ресторана у једном тросатном обиласку. Неки од њих су представљени на националном нивоу у емисијама „Ман в. Фоод“ на Фоод Нетворк-у и „Бест оф тхе Роад“ на Тхе Травел Цханнел-у, заједно са другим локалним омиљеним садржајима. Дегустације су довољне за заситан ручак и све су укључене у цену карте! Док шетате, такође ћете научити о богатој историји Левистона, укључујући везе са подземном железницом, Рат из 1812. и још много тога. Дођите да пробате Левистон!
Цити: Нијагарини водопади
Sat 19 Oct
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Са почетком у $68.00
Sat 19 Oct
Са почетком у $68.00
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<ул><ли>Путници треба да имају најмање умерен ниво физичке спремности<ли>Минимална старост за пиће је 21 годину.<ли>Ради у свим временским условима, обуците се прикладно<ли>Највише 10 људи по резервацији
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Тхе Роаминг Табле
Наши стручни водичи ће вас водити кроз историјско село Левистон. На нашем тросатном обиласку упознаћемо богату историју овог кључног малог града. Сазнаћете о Левистоновој улози у подземној железници, рату 1812, па чак и о његовим везама са мафијом! Левистон је такође познат по својим невероватним ресторанима. Постоји преко 30 ресторана у радијусу од пола миље! Зауставићемо се у „мама анд поп“ продавницама, ресторанима на обали, ресторанима у власништву кувара, ужурбаним кафићима и још много тога. На свакој станици ћемо пробати издашне порције хране (заједно са паровима пића на 2 станице), довољне за заситан ручак!
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (129)
Jun 2014
Very awesome tour, food portions are perfect, you will leave full. The food is amazing, the tour guides are awesome and very knowledgable. Loved the stories about ghosts, hidden rooms/tunnels and about the mob. I learned a lot all while enjoying beautiful scenery and eating food made with love! I highly recommend that you check out this tour!
al t
Jun 2014
A group of us had the pleasure of going on a culinary and historical tour of Lewiston NY. I grew up in Buffalo and had previously only been to Lewiston a handful of times, never really doing anything more than grabbing a pint and seeing a concert so I had no idea that Lewiston had such a rich history involving the War of 1812 and the Underground Railroad. There were several stops along the way to talk about different events and stories that had taken place over time. The historical part, while very interesting and educational, was the second reason we had gone on the tour, the first being the FOOD. Starting off at the Silo, a destination right on the Niagara River with beautiful views all around, we had the "Haystack Sandwich". Awesome. The food was great and it was the perfect place to meet up for the tour. The rest of the tour followed with some different types of cuisine (sandwich, smoked wings, potato fries, jambalaya in vodka cream sauce, apple pie) with some beer and wine pairings along the way. Very well spaced out as to not get too full from one stop; there were stops at D'Avolio for an Olive Oil tasting, The Orange Cat coffee shop which was a great pick me up 3/4 of the way through the day. The tour ended with a personal giant apple pie creation. Again, awesome. Our guides, Chris and Alicia, were great. Alicia is from Lewiston and the pride for that showed well throughout the day. Honestly, I wasn't sure what to expect as I had never been on a food tour before, but without a doubt I would do this tour again, this summer. It's a perfect way to get a group of friends or family together to spend a day eating, drinking and laughing in what I have discovered is a beautiful town of Lewiston.
May 2014
Being from the Buffalo/Niagara area, I had no idea there was so much to learn about a small town like Lewiston! I left The Roaming Table tour not only feeling full, but educated on the charming village of Lewiston. Every stop had both unique and delicious dishes to offer, while the tour guides, Chris and Alicia Tepas, kept me entertained between food stops. The guides left no time for a dull moment! Each restaurant had its own welcoming feel. You truly get the taste of Lewiston from this tour, since all of these restaurants can only be found in the Buffalo/Niagara area. I highly recommend The Roaming Table to visitors of the area or even local Buffalonians looking to try something new! Enjoy!

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