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Левистон Нев Иорк Фоод Тоур

Дођите да откријете шта село Левистон (на неколико минута од Нијагариних водопада) може да понуди на нов и забаван начин! Пробајте храну и пиће из 6 локалних ресторана у једном тросатном обиласку. Неки од њих су представљени на националном нивоу у емисијама „Ман в. Фоод“ на Фоод Нетворк-у и „Бест оф тхе Роад“ на Тхе Травел Цханнел-у, заједно са другим локалним омиљеним садржајима. Дегустације су довољне за заситан ручак и све су укључене у цену карте! Док шетате, такође ћете научити о богатој историји Левистона, укључујући везе са подземном железницом, Рат из 1812. и још много тога. Дођите да пробате Левистон!
Цити: Нијагарини водопади
Sat 19 Oct
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Са почетком у $68.00
Sat 19 Oct
Са почетком у $68.00
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<ул><ли>Путници треба да имају најмање умерен ниво физичке спремности<ли>Минимална старост за пиће је 21 годину.<ли>Ради у свим временским условима, обуците се прикладно<ли>Највише 10 људи по резервацији
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Тхе Роаминг Табле
Наши стручни водичи ће вас водити кроз историјско село Левистон. На нашем тросатном обиласку упознаћемо богату историју овог кључног малог града. Сазнаћете о Левистоновој улози у подземној железници, рату 1812, па чак и о његовим везама са мафијом! Левистон је такође познат по својим невероватним ресторанима. Постоји преко 30 ресторана у радијусу од пола миље! Зауставићемо се у „мама анд поп“ продавницама, ресторанима на обали, ресторанима у власништву кувара, ужурбаним кафићима и још много тога. На свакој станици ћемо пробати издашне порције хране (заједно са паровима пића на 2 станице), довољне за заситан ручак!
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (129)
Ashleigh C
May 2014
This was the first food tour we had ever taken, and we had such a great time! The food was delicious with a great variety of food and drinks to try. Learning about the history of Lewiston was fascinating and fun! It was great to walk around a beautiful town. Everything was so well organized and the tour and restaurant staff were all so knowledgeable and friendly. I would absolutely recommend this fun tour to friends and family, from WNY and beyond!
Jordan T
May 2014
The Roaming Table is probably the best hybrid of historically accurate and interesting information, scrumptious food, and thirst quenching beverages that I have ever encountered. The tour guides, Chris and Alicia, are a genuinely hilarious couple who make you forget about the world for 3 hours and take you on a trip to the past, present, and future while feeding you and hydrating you along the way. I cannot express how perfectly this power couple combines fun, historical facts with awesome visits to some of Lewiston's hottest eateries and sites. By the end of the tour, I was left feeling informed, comfortably full, and my palate had been teased with some amazing beer, wine, and coffee which tempted me into staying in gorgeous, scenic Lewiston for an additional 3 hours after the tour was over. I was so engaged during the tour, I did not even realize that because it was an on-foot tour, I had been basically exercising the entire time and felt great about that fact afterward! The only complaint about the tour is that I wish it was longer... I know 3 hours seems long enough, but I felt so comfortable with Chris, Alicia, and the tour group that I honestly did not even want to leave them. I would highly suggest this tour to ANYONE, because there's actually something for EVERYONE: history, food, wine, beer, coffee, exercise, laughter, nature, and most of all, FUN! 5 Stars all the way!
Barbara R
May 2014
I enjoyed my first, but not last food tour! Never having explored this type of opportunity, I didn't know what to expect. As a resident of suburban Buffalo, I've enjoyed Lewiston on numerous occasions! Overlooking the beautiful Niagara Gorge, Lewiston is a quaint town with a breathtaking view. Chris + Alicia Tepas, owners of The Roaming Table combined an informative historical tour combined with local tastings along the way! These restaurants take great pride in being unique, offering speciality dishes, and supporting local farmers with their commitment to serve local, knowing fresh is best! What I learned along the way about the role Lewiston played in the early settlement of the States was information I did not know, despite my many visits to the area....of particular note, the important role of this town and it's citizens in leading slaves to freedom! This was a wonderful afternoon spent sampling wonderful food, meeting new people and learning amazing information along the way. Be sure to come with an appetite....not only is every bite delicious, but extremely filling! I can't wait to introduce my friends to this unique tour! Thank you for a great day!

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