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Локално посматрање китова на Аљасци уз бонус снимке китова

Посматрање китова у дивљим и нетакнутим водама Леденог мореуза, где су грбави китови у изобиљу и примећени на сваком путовању, са власником малог предузећа, капетаном Џошом! Морски лавови видре и стелера су такође веома чести, са оркама, смеђим медведима и другим дивљим животињама које се често примећују!<бр><бр>У власништву и под управом нашег капетана Џоша, он ће бити ваш лични водич док плови по дивљим водама Ледени теснац. Оно што његове турнеје чини посебним је енергија коју има и креативни начини које проналази да вам покаже своје вољене дивље животиње, тако да заиста можете да видите и цените ова створења са њим и да сваку турнеју учините невероватном. <бр><бр> Његово 14 путничко пловило је дизајнирано посебно за посматрање китова у водама Аљаске, и обезбедиће вам безбедну и стабилну платформу за посматрање. Он такође пружа једну заиста јединствену турнеју за посматрање китова са дроном, пружајући вам погледе и видео записе дивљих животиња које су заиста јединствене, а на крају ћете моћи да понесете снимке из свог обиласка кући!
Цити: Хоонах
Wed 06 Nov
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Са почетком у $190.00
Wed 06 Nov
Са почетком у $190.00
Шта је укључено
Газирано пиће
УСБ диск са Дроне Схотс оф Вхалес! (један по групи)
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<ул><ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Бебе морају да седе у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема се дезинфикује између употребе<ли>Превозна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Вадичи обавезни за редовно прање руку<ли>Вакцинација против ЦОВИД-19 потребна за водиче
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Коментара (64)
Aug 2022
Watching magnificent humpback whales with Captain Josh and crew was one of the best 3 hours of my life - no exaggeration. To see whales from the boat breaching, slapping the water, eating, diving and feeding was unbelievable. But then to get home and see the drone footage view of what we were seeing made it magical. From a high altitude the drone can zoom in to see minute details which helped my husband and me learn more about these gorgeous creatures. Not only did we see whales, but sea lions, otters and puffins too! I believe we have a responsibility to protect our world and all of the animals in it - and there was not one minute we spent with Captain Josh where any of us felt the drone or boat was impeding on these beautiful creatures. He believes in small groups and his price was better than other tours. As a bonus - he shared his knowledge of the area, the waters, the wildlife and Alaska in general throughout our tour. When we visit Hoonah (Icy Straight Point) again - we will contact Captain Josh to be our guide.
Aug 2022
I can not say enough about this experience. We booked this tour during our Alaskan cruise and it was 3+ hours that changed my life forever. First, Capt Josh, his boat and crew, are all top notch. They are very professional and extremely knowledgeable. They definitely knew what they were doing. Our trip started with us pulling up on a pod of whales and Capt Josh killed the engines. The whales were surfacing then they suddenly dove. Capt Josh told us keep a sharp eye for them. The next thing we knew, we were hearing whale songs through the hull of the boat. Suddenly, the water erupted just behind the boat and the whales surfaced during a bubble feed. We were close enough to feel the spray and smell the whales. It was awe inspiring. We spent the next 3 plus hours, with minor detours to see some other wildlife, following a pod of 13-15 humpback whales. We ended up seeing the pod bubble feed 4 more times, multiple dives, fin slaps and breaches. There is simply nothing I can compare it too. And the drone, it just add another level to the experience. Watching the footage after we got home helped us relive the experience all over again. Capt Josh is the only operator offering the drone experience. I bet others will be copying him soon. I just want to wrap up by saying, we know it was an exceptional tour with exceptional timing. Even Capt Josh said this was an exceptional day and it isn't always that good. I'm just forever thankful I was there when it was.
Aug 2022
Do not be afraid to go outside cruise ship company and book directly with Alaska Whale & Drone Tours in Icy Strait (Hoonah Alaska). Josh and crew will ensure your excursion is the best. We absolutely loved seeing the whales. Very knowledgeable of the area and not only the whales but other animals. He took us to an area where we saw at least 5 whales at one time bubbling and showing off the Tails. I believe it was a total of 9 whales in all the entire trip and I can't tell you how many more that was only bubbling or swimming just on the surface. The drone that he takes on board to get views of the whales from above were great and he gives you the opportunity to purchase a USB of it which had awesome footage. Recommendation for rating is a 5 star but I would definitely give the a 10 easily. I do recommend if you have a nice camera to bring it as you can get better and faster photos. The boat only holds I believe 14 passengers. There were 4 couples on the boat with us on our tour.

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