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Доњи Манхаттан Хамилтон и Бурр пешачка тура

Хамилтон, Бур и дуел који је променио нацију<бр><бр>Заборавите све што мислите да знате о Александру Хамилтону и Арону Беру! Прошетајте кроз животе ова два невероватна човека. Испричаћемо вам причу коју НИКО други не може. Ко су заправо били ти људи? Бићете запањени колико је стварност другачија од онога у шта данас верујемо.<бр><бр>Ваш водич ће бити Карен К, њујоршка историчарка, ауторка и редовни сарадник Травел Цханнел-а Мистерије у музеју.<бр><бр> НАПОМЕНА: НАПОМЕНА: Карен К ће се суботом до краја септембра појавити у костиму из периода као њен живи лик из историје „Госпођа К“!
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Wed 06 Nov
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Валл Стреет: Адвокатске канцеларије Хамилтон & Бурр-а, Банк оф НИ, 1ст Банк Баилоут, Федералл Халл и још много тога!
Гробље и маузолеј цркве Тројице
Гробље Тројице: Херкулес Малиган, Црква Анђелике Шајлер, Елиза и Александар Хамилтон
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Коментара (38)
Mike M
Apr 2018
We had a wonderful tour with Karen on Thursday, 4/5/18. This was the closing day of our trip to NYC, and based on reviews of the various Hamilton tours we decided to go with the Patriot Tours even though it would be pushing us as far as time getting to the airport for our flight. After booking, I emailed to ask about the possibility of changing to the Tuesday tour in the event anyone cancelled due to inclement weather that day. This would make it easier for us to not worry about the time getting to the airport. Karen went a step better and moved up the tour time for us! Talk about excellent customer service. This was terrific for our time line! Karen shares some great information while walking down the streets that these two historic men wandered during their lives, she presents a bit of a different view of the story of these men than that portrayed in the Broadway hit. While giving credit to the Musical for presenting an under-served story of our nation's history, she does correct a few things (Such as Burr serving upstate during the portion of the musical leading to "The Room Where It Happens"). Unfortunately, Karen confirms that Burr never documented his side of the story leading up to the duel, so we really still don't know how it all played out in his mind. I was really interested in finding more information from that side of the story, but alas, we are left hungry with that end of things The only negative I would even ponder adding is that in the busy streets of New York on a cold and breezy day, it was sometimes hard to hear what Karen was saying. Having one of the microphone/headphone combinations like they are utilizing at the 9/11 Memorial would really benefit hearing all that she has to offer. Her tours serve up to 15 people, our group was 6, so I imagine some people on 15 person tours can feel a little lost at times. But Karen did happily repeat a few things for us when we indicated we had not heard her. If you are like me and have been looking at the different Hamilton Tours available to you during your Visit to New York, I would not hesitate to recommend the Patriot Tours experience. Karen is a published Historian and weaves the story very well, with some of the most reasonable pricing out there. Thanks to Karen and Patriot tours for giving us a nice end cap to our NYC trip.
Apr 2018
When you take one of Karen's Patriot Tours you know that the "facts" she shares are accurate and researched, and in many cases she will share the original documents or resources directly with you. We've had the unfortunate experience previously of taking tours whose "facts" directly contradicted each other and made you wonder what was actually true. Karen is incredibly passionate about history so this is no dry recitation of facts, but an interesting conversational style "sharing" of what she's learned and how she learned it. We had previously taken her Revolutionary War tour and I was a bit worried that the Hamilton and Burr tour would be a bit repetitive (same starting point, same era, same general landmarks in the area). I was relieved to discover that almost nothing was a direct repeat. She seemed to relate to the tweens in the group as well as she did the adults. She is one of the most interesting, yet factual tour guides I've ever had. I highly recommend her tours.
Tracie K
Apr 2018

Karen was amazing. My daughter loves the Revolutionary War. And Karen is a historian. She provided some much wonderful information. Truly had a passion for what she does. Was one of our favorite parts of our NYC vacation. DEFINITELY NEED TO INCLUDE IF YOUR TRIP

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