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Луау Каламаку са вечером и шоу на бази шведског стола

Дочекујући госте на Кауаију од 2007. године, Луау Каламаку је једина луау емисија на Хавајима која се изводи „у кругу“, пружајући оптималан поглед на сцену. Будите сведоци ископавања свиње из традиционалне иму (подземне пећи) и уживајте у лекцији хула. Сајам заната са јединственим предметима локалних занатлија чека на пространом травњаку. Уживајте у укусном шведском столу са локалним и познатим јелима и уживајте у Маи Таи-у из отвореног бара. 45-минутна главна емисија прича невероватну причу о древној хавајској легенди о Каламакуу „дете нове земље." Кроз смех, страх, завођење и ватру, ствара се ново наслеђе, рођено из негованог семена њихових предака. позоришна представа луау кулминира фантастичним ватреним сном који укључује ватрене пои лопте и традиционални плес са ватреним ножевима.
Цити: Кауаи
Tue 01 Oct
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Са почетком у $191.10
Tue 01 Oct
Са почетком у $191.10
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Газирано пиће
Отворена трака (док не почне главна емисија)
Вечера на бази шведског стола
Луау Схов
Кафа и/или чај
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Коментара (432)
May 2019
The show is a very good theatrical display that holds your attention. Food met my expectations, ok, not amazing, but not terrible. Unfortunately, Chivalry is strictly prohibited! Don't even think about ordering your wife a drink, they only allow one drink per person, per line wait, and the bar ABRUPTLY shuts when show is fixing to start. Bar in dark corner behind DJ is less crowded. The cheapness on the leis is my biggest complaint. We were clearly in the first 15% of people through door and they were "out" of flower leis, just handing out CHEAP wimpy shell necklaces. Thankfully my husband noticed that they stored a few boxes of flowers behind the sound booth, and occasionally brought one box out.... then back to the cheap shells for the next 100 guest. I've been to a dozen luaus, never seen such blatant frugality before you even get through the door. It truly stomps out excitement immediately and makes the shell losers look longingly at the pretty flowers around a few lucky necks. We paid for premium seats, and enjoyed them. It's set up like a wheel with elevated stage in middle, so I guess everyone had a fair view. It's covered, so rain would not have ruined show. They ripped the desert tray up right as we were reaching for a piece of cake, so don't linger too long before getting it, they were probably trying to save a few pieces for tomorrows show.... in the end the multitude of thrift scams ruined a really good show. I suggest Smiths!
Одговор домаћина
May 2019
Aloha and thank you for posting a review. We are glad to hear that you enjoyed the main performance. Women receive flower leis and the men shell leis and we are sorry to hear that you didn't receive a flower lei that evening - we have forwarded your comments to the manager. The policy is that each guest is required by law to get their own drink, this is something that is controlled by our license. We apologize that your expectations were not met and we thank you for your valued feedback. Mahalo.
May 2019
We were a party of 7 and enjoyed the entire experience. The food was delicious! The train ride was educational! The show was SPECTACULAR!
May 2019
This was our first trip to Kauai. We had visited the other islands years ago and attended a great luau in Maui, which I would rate as a 10. I would rate this luau as a 3. It was well organized, the center staging allowed most people to get a closer view, but if your emphasis is the quality of food, then I would stay clear of this luau. Some food I couldn't eat, some desserts tasted like they were store bought, and even the pig itself, although tender, was bland. I booked this luau myself before coming to Kauai, but when I returned and talked to the concierge, she had also attended this luau at a previous time and also said the food was bland. She mentioned the Smith Family luau. I am not promoting them; I know nothing about them, but I definitely have my opinion about Luau Kalamaku. It may be the largest, but when it comes to food quality, they definitely need some improvement.
Одговор домаћина
May 2019
Thank you for taking the time to post a review - we are sorry to hear that your expectations were not met. We do appreciate the feedback that we have forwarded to our luau manager. Mahalo.

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