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Вожња чамцем Маид оф тхе Мист (сезонски) или зимски обилазак Пећине ветрова

Крените на обилазак који одузима дах и укључује легендарно крстарење бродом Маид оф тхе Мист. <бр><бр>Упустите се у срце водопада Хорсесхое који изазива страхопоштовање и уверите се у снагу 700 хиљада галона воде која баре изнад водопада. Доживите авантуристичку шетњу и сазнајте више о Нијагариним водопадима и њеној историји, као и сазнајте више о Даре Девилсима који су покушали да јој пркосе. <бр><бр>Ваш обилазак укључује професионалног водича и у зимским месецима од 7. новембра до 1. маја видећемо невероватан призор Пећине ветрова<бр><бр>
Цити: Нијагарини водопади
Mon 18 Nov
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Са почетком у $49.00
Mon 18 Nov
Са почетком у $49.00
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Маид оф тхе Мист и приступ парку
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<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима<ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживање<ли>У близини су доступне опције јавног превоза<ли>Опције превоза су приступачне за инвалидска колица<ли>Све области и површине су приступачне за инвалидска колица<ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке спремности<ли> у овом тренутку су укинута сва ковид ограничења
Шта да очекујете
Државни парк Нијагарини водопади
Вожња чамцем Маид оф тхе Мист (укључује улаз и пончо) Шеталиште врановог гнезда до подножја продавнице Осматрачница (гледање сва три водопада) Продавница поклона Маид оф тхе Мист Прошетајте до Проспецт Поинта и уз бесне Рапидс до Стате Троллеи-а Хеннепин Роцк  Стручни водич Имаћете професионалног водича за целу ову авантуру и научићете историју Нијагариних водопада, легенде оних који су тамо живели и Даредевиле који су изазвали Моћну Нијагару!!!
Пећина ветрова
Током зимских месеци урадићемо обилазак Пећине ветрова. овде ћемо се упустити испод водопада и видети Зимску земљу чуда од леда, то је невероватно
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (133)
Kathleen D
Aug 2019
My family had a great time with our tour guide George. He was very knowledgeable and the experience was fantastic. He even spent extra time with us showing us Goat Island.
Aug 2019
George was such a great guide! This tour operator kept the group small (less than 12) so he was able to keep track of everyone. He was friendly, provided us with nice bits of historical trivia, gave us some good ideas for sightseeing in the park and getting lunch afterward. George met us promptly at 9:00am (don’t be late!) outside the front door of the Hard Rock Cafe (AMERICAN side). It’s called a “Walking tour”, however, don’t be afraid to wear sandals. There is very little walking (.25 mile maybe), but you can walk much more if you choose to AFTER the boat ride. The Hard Rock is, literally, across the street from the entrance of Niagara Falls Park. From there you walk into a small museum, then to the ticket booth and onto the boat. There is no opportunity to use the bathroom after you go through the ticket booth, so ‘go’ beforehand. Initially I was ‘put off’ by the early 9:00am tour time, especially as I was coming from Toronto that day, but 9:00am was the best! The park gets crowded by 11:00am and the museum and observation areas are wall-to-wall people. Now the boat ride...it got WAAAAY closer to the Horseshoe Falls than my husband and I were comfortable with. That said, they sail a boat into the Falls every 15 minutes 7/365, so I’m sure they know just how close they can get. They give you a long and large souvenir rain poncho with a drawstring hood that does a fairly good job at keeping you dry. Your face and hair will get wet from the heavy mist, but not enough to soak your sneakers/socks. However, they DO NOT give you a life vest. They are on the boat in about a half dozen white painted chests throughout, but you’d have to be standing next to it and ready to unlatch it quickly should an emergency occur. I imagine they don’t distribute them for the sake of expediency. What takes 10-15 mins to load passengers would then take 20-30 mins if they gave you a vest. And they know that less than half the people would want to wear it. There are only 2 companies running boats into the bottom of the Falls: Maid of the Mist, blue poncho, American side AND Horn Blower, red poncho, Canadian side. That’s it. The American side is nice in that the State Park has a museum, concessions, and stairwells/footbridges at the top of the falls and to the islands above. It’s a nice 2-3 hours in the park. But the town is a dump and feels unsafe with children. The Canadian side feels safer and has hotels, restaurants, and touristy things to do. All in all I would recommend this tour to everyone. It’s a wholesome and memorable experience and my teenage boys really liked it. We would do it again!
Aug 2019
We had a great tour with David. He told us about the history of the area & the falls. He got our tickets, timed it perfectly before it got too crowded, and told us where to stand to get the best view & pictures on Maid of the Mist. He had a very comfortable van, had water for everyone too. He has a great tour and is very knowledgeable, professional and pleasant. I highly recommend the all American tour especially if you prefer a small group! Thanks David!!

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