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Манта Магиц - Ноћна ронилица Манта Раи у селу Манта, Кона, Хаваји

Избегните гужву на другим „сточним чамцима“ у Кони и уживајте у искуству роњења с маском и дисањем у малим групама са максимално 12 путника.<бр><бр>Ова тура полази из луке Кеахоу у Јужној Кони и ужива у кратким 5 -минутна вожња чамцем до нашег места за роњење, Манта Виллаге.<бр><бр>Ваш капетан и водич за роњење ће вас образовати о чувеним зрацима Манта у Кони и разговараће о нашем безбедном и хуманом приступу дружењу са нежним дивовима.<бр><бр>Када уђете у воду, држаћете се за наш светионик, са ногама подупртим уређајима за плутање, док манта зраке изводе грациозан балет испод вас. Филтер манта зрака се храни планктоном који се природно скупља на површини непосредно пре заласка сунца, а затим се акумулира испод наших светла. Ово је прилика да уживате у вечери на води и зачуђено гледате како манта зраци клизе около и плешу за вас.<бр><бр>Поносни смо што смо компанија на зеленој листи и приступамо еколошки опрезним наше интеракције са зрацима манта.
Цити: Велико острво Хаваји
Sat 02 Nov
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Са почетком у $125.00
Sat 02 Nov
Са почетком у $125.00
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Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Путници би требало да имају најмање умерен ниво физичке кондиције<ли>Мора бити у стању да плива без помоћи плутајућег уређаја.<ли>Карта је обавезна за све путнике, без обзира на године и да ли су они који су. улазак у воду.<ли>Максимална тежина од 280 фунти по путнику.<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са проблемима са вратом.<ли>Опрема за роњење се дезинфицира између употребе.<ли>Опрема за роњење се дезинфицира.<ли> ли>
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (858)
Jul 2021
This is a must do experience during your visit to Kona. It is however, not exclusive and there are several operators that offer identical longer trips. It was a pretty short trip. You only go out a couple hunderd yards max. You can get this for about $70 and stay out for 2 hours. We paid $129 and were in the water 25 minutes. I know this because I started filming with my underwater camera when we started to get out of the boat. Shop around. It is right off the shore from the Sheraton and people go there to see the mantas come up for the plankton. This trip says approximately an hour, we were back in less than 50 minutes max. An extra 10 minutes would have been nice. We saw about 5 mantas, all female we were told. They come up and brush against you but it is illegal to touch them. A little scary at first but really exciting and as I said, a must do. The workers were super nice all the way around but I would still shop around. I overpaid $118 and you should book early, before you get here.
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2021
Thank you for the feedback. Regarding the 2 hour tour for $70, there are a few major differences between that tour and our tour. 1) Boats that run 2-hour tours are leaving from a different harbor that has a longer boat ride. Boats running from Honokohau Harbor have a 25-minute boat ride to the manta ray site at Garden Eel Cove. Our boat leaves from Keauhou Harbor and has a 5-minute boat ride to Manta Village. The 5-minute boat ride is preferable for anyone who gets motion sickness, and for anyone who wants to be home earlier in the evening. 2) The time in the water on that tour is the same or less than our tour. They also target 30-45 minutes in the water, depeding on conditions. 3) We offer a small-group experience with a max of 12 passengers, where the $70 2-hour tour is a "cattle boat" that carries dozens of passengers. Larger groups are less mobile and can not easily move into the best manta ray viewing zones, where our swim guides tow our small groups into the best manta ray viewing zones. If you prefer a small-group experience and a shorter boat ride, we think it's worth spending the extra money for Hawaii Oceanic. If your goal is to go on the cheapest tour possible, and you're interested in a longer boat ride with a larger group, the $70 tour is a great option. Mahalo
Jul 2021
I couldn’t believe how close the mantas came to us, absolutely amazing!! Great experience! I would definitely do again!! Our guides Kokio and Allia were fantastic! Patient, professional, and knowledgeable. They should warn about the parking though. They should give instruction ahead of time and tell you to allow extra time to find parking.
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2021
We're glad you had a great time with the manta rays, Keoki, and Ali'i. Thank you for the wonderful feedback! Regarding parking, it can be a little tough to find parking at the harbor, and some guests need to park up the street and walk a few minutes to our meeting location. Because of that, we request that all customers arrive 30 minutes before the time of departure, allowing ample time to get checked in and fitted for a wetsuit (optional) before the time of departure. Mahalo
Jul 2021
Great crew, very knowledgeable. Very safe boat and an absolutely magical time seeing the mantas in the water.
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2021
We're glad to hear you had a magical experience with Manta Magic. Thanks for the feedback! Mahalo

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