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Манта Магиц - Ноћна ронилица Манта Раи у селу Манта, Кона, Хаваји

Избегните гужву на другим „сточним чамцима“ у Кони и уживајте у искуству роњења с маском и дисањем у малим групама са максимално 12 путника.<бр><бр>Ова тура полази из луке Кеахоу у Јужној Кони и ужива у кратким 5 -минутна вожња чамцем до нашег места за роњење, Манта Виллаге.<бр><бр>Ваш капетан и водич за роњење ће вас образовати о чувеним зрацима Манта у Кони и разговараће о нашем безбедном и хуманом приступу дружењу са нежним дивовима.<бр><бр>Када уђете у воду, држаћете се за наш светионик, са ногама подупртим уређајима за плутање, док манта зраке изводе грациозан балет испод вас. Филтер манта зрака се храни планктоном који се природно скупља на површини непосредно пре заласка сунца, а затим се акумулира испод наших светла. Ово је прилика да уживате у вечери на води и зачуђено гледате како манта зраци клизе около и плешу за вас.<бр><бр>Поносни смо што смо компанија на зеленој листи и приступамо еколошки опрезним наше интеракције са зрацима манта.
Цити: Велико острво Хаваји
Mon 21 Oct
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Са почетком у $125.00
Mon 21 Oct
Са почетком у $125.00
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Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Путници би требало да имају најмање умерен ниво физичке кондиције<ли>Мора бити у стању да плива без помоћи плутајућег уређаја.<ли>Карта је обавезна за све путнике, без обзира на године и да ли су они који су. улазак у воду.<ли>Максимална тежина од 280 фунти по путнику.<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са проблемима са вратом.<ли>Опрема за роњење се дезинфицира између употребе.<ли>Опрема за роњење се дезинфицира.<ли> ли>
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (858)
Aug 2022
There are other manta places that have to be better than Manta Magic. First of all, it is only for 30 minutes. Too short. We left before seeing anything and all the other boats stayed out. Second, safety. I got injured while returning to the boat, in our too quick getting back on the boat, I got smashed against the motor and will have a chunk out of my left thigh for life because of it (though it was not cut or broken, just bruised). They didn't know what to do with an injury. They didn't have the right form for me to fill out at the end and never bothered to check on me. I know they're not liable as I signed a waiver, but it's just plain rude and bad customer service. Sea Quest seems super professional and they go out at the same place, Manta Village, the traditional Kona manta spot.
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2022
Aloha, and thank you for your feedback. We spend 30-40 minutes in the water for each tour, which is about as long as most people can comfortably remain in the ocean at night. If we stay in the water longer, our guests get cold, which we want to avoid. It seems the manta rays showed up late on this night. We see manta rays about 92% of the time, so this is a rare experience. Regarding the injury, we are not aware of any injuries that are consistent with the description. If we ever do get an injury on a tour, which is incredibly rare, we have the proper forms on board to report the injury, which is a US Coast Guard requirement. Also, it seems impossible to "have a chunk out of my left thigh for life" in addition to "it was not cut or broken, just bruised." The fact that a competitor is named in this review is very suspicious, and we don't believe this "customer" is being truthful. We have thousands of other happy customers, and more than 1,000 5-star reviews, which is the experience our customers should expect.
Rachel F
Aug 2022
This was a once in a lifetime, unforgettable experience. I’m VERY happy our family booked with Hawaii Oceanic for a few reasons. The staff was fantastic, professional, and personable. Justin was in the water with us the whole time and told us all about the mantas and their behavior while positioning and repositioning our board in the ideal locations. He frequently checked in on all of us to make sure we were doing ok. There was also a captain on the boat and another staff member keeping an eye on everyone and helping people get in/out of the water. I felt very safe and was very happy we were on this boat. There were many other boats out there- and some were literally packed with people like sardines. I really don’t know how they kept tabs on all of those people or how they even get alerted if someone wanted to get out of the water. The experience was incredible, but please keep in mind that this might be a panic-inducing for some people. I found it very disorienting to be in the dark, in dark water, looking down for 45 minutes into blue nothingness with twinkling plankton. (One woman in our group actually went back in the boat within the first 3 minutes.) Even though you’re a 5 minute boat ride off shore it’s very rocky when you’re in the swells in the water and you’re bobbing up and down constantly. If there is any chance whatsoever you might get motion sickness, do yourself a favor and take a Bonine beforehand. (I sure wish I did!) We did the sunset/twilight tour and it was great. It was still dusky when we entered the water, but totally dark when we got out. The mantas didn’t care that we were the first group of the night- there were tons of them and they put in a great show!!! The mantas were absolutely incredible and I am so happy we went with Hawaii Oceanic. They are professional, organized, knowledgeable, and run a great operation.
Aug 2022
WOW!! What an awesome experience. Definitely a must do!! The staff was friendly and helpful with everyone and ensured everyone was safe at all times.

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