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Манта Магиц - Ноћна ронилица Манта Раи у селу Манта, Кона, Хаваји

Избегните гужву на другим „сточним чамцима“ у Кони и уживајте у искуству роњења с маском и дисањем у малим групама са максимално 12 путника.<бр><бр>Ова тура полази из луке Кеахоу у Јужној Кони и ужива у кратким 5 -минутна вожња чамцем до нашег места за роњење, Манта Виллаге.<бр><бр>Ваш капетан и водич за роњење ће вас образовати о чувеним зрацима Манта у Кони и разговараће о нашем безбедном и хуманом приступу дружењу са нежним дивовима.<бр><бр>Када уђете у воду, држаћете се за наш светионик, са ногама подупртим уређајима за плутање, док манта зраке изводе грациозан балет испод вас. Филтер манта зрака се храни планктоном који се природно скупља на површини непосредно пре заласка сунца, а затим се акумулира испод наших светла. Ово је прилика да уживате у вечери на води и зачуђено гледате како манта зраци клизе около и плешу за вас.<бр><бр>Поносни смо што смо компанија на зеленој листи и приступамо еколошки опрезним наше интеракције са зрацима манта.
Цити: Велико острво Хаваји
Fri 25 Oct
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Са почетком у $125.00
Fri 25 Oct
Са почетком у $125.00
Шта је укључено
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Мокро одело (опционо)
Коришћење опреме за роњење
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Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Путници би требало да имају најмање умерен ниво физичке кондиције<ли>Мора бити у стању да плива без помоћи плутајућег уређаја.<ли>Карта је обавезна за све путнике, без обзира на године и да ли су они који су. улазак у воду.<ли>Максимална тежина од 280 фунти по путнику.<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са проблемима са вратом.<ли>Опрема за роњење се дезинфицира између употребе.<ли>Опрема за роњење се дезинфицира.<ли> ли>
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За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (858)
Mar 2022
Overall, the experience felt rushed. At $129, it was totally not worth the cost over larger, more cost-effective tour groups (which I have been on). I chose this tour for two reasons, neither of which materialized. First, I hoped a smaller tour would provide more individualized attention for my parents who are in their 60s. Second, I had read reviews mentioning prescription goggles (I really should have called ahead to confirm). Instead, we were given snorkel gear with minimal interaction, then were rushed into the water. My dad put his snorkel gear on incorrectly, ended up swallowing a bunch of water, got flustered in the water and dark while not being able to see (due to not being able to wear his glasses), and ended up being directed back to the boat. I understand the crew needs to prioritize safety, but instead of a little bit of patience and understanding, I felt the crew assumed my parents didn't know how to swim (untrue) and chastised me for attempting to sneak them on this tour. Not how you want to feel on a special vacation with family. Our entire trip was 50 minutes from harbor back to harbor, which was shorter than I expected. Other things I'd enjoyed more about a prior tour I did with a bigger boat: a bigger light board may have attracted more manta rays, and hot chocolate at the end of the snorkel was much appreciated. The snacks offered at the end of this tour were not appealing.
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2022
Aloha - thank you for your feedback and we apologize that you did not have a positive experience. On our tours, we have a staff of 3 people to assist a group of 11 guests or less. We are not aware of any boats that have a lower ratio of staff to guests, and most people find the interaction with our team to be very personable. Regarding your dad's experience, we're sorry he was removed from the water. We need to put safety first, and we need to protect the safety of our staff and other guests. If a guest is flustered in the ocean and displays that they can not comfortably swim, we need to take them back to the boat and re-assess the situation. If iwe determine a guest can not comfortably swim, we can not allow them to re-enter the water. When a guest is flustered and can not calmly float on the water surface, they risk kicking the manta rays and injuring them and / or scaring them away from our group. While we want all of our guests to have an amazing experience on their family vacation, there are rare instances when we have to protect the safety of our staff, other guests, and the manta rays, and this sometimes includes making difficult decisions. This tour is advertised as a 50-minute tour, so we're not sure why that was an issue. Some boats run longer tours because they depart from a different harbor with a longer boat ride to the manta ray site. Regarding prescription goggles, we do not provide them to our guests. Our guests sometimes rent them from snorkel shops in town, or bring their own masks on the tour. We do not make promises about prescription masks.
Mar 2022
Our group was the first out so we enjoyed the sunset from the water. Seeing these magnificent creatures was absolutely amazing and thrilling. The boat ride is only 5 mins. Wear bug spray at dusk.
Mar 2022
Mantas get up close and personal!! Crew was super helpful, nice, and educational. Best part was how short of a trip out the water it was

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