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Манта Магиц - Ноћна ронилица Манта Раи у селу Манта, Кона, Хаваји

Избегните гужву на другим „сточним чамцима“ у Кони и уживајте у искуству роњења с маском и дисањем у малим групама са максимално 12 путника.<бр><бр>Ова тура полази из луке Кеахоу у Јужној Кони и ужива у кратким 5 -минутна вожња чамцем до нашег места за роњење, Манта Виллаге.<бр><бр>Ваш капетан и водич за роњење ће вас образовати о чувеним зрацима Манта у Кони и разговараће о нашем безбедном и хуманом приступу дружењу са нежним дивовима.<бр><бр>Када уђете у воду, држаћете се за наш светионик, са ногама подупртим уређајима за плутање, док манта зраке изводе грациозан балет испод вас. Филтер манта зрака се храни планктоном који се природно скупља на површини непосредно пре заласка сунца, а затим се акумулира испод наших светла. Ово је прилика да уживате у вечери на води и зачуђено гледате како манта зраци клизе около и плешу за вас.<бр><бр>Поносни смо што смо компанија на зеленој листи и приступамо еколошки опрезним наше интеракције са зрацима манта.
Цити: Велико острво Хаваји
Fri 25 Oct
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Са почетком у $125.00
Fri 25 Oct
Са почетком у $125.00
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Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Путници би требало да имају најмање умерен ниво физичке кондиције<ли>Мора бити у стању да плива без помоћи плутајућег уређаја.<ли>Карта је обавезна за све путнике, без обзира на године и да ли су они који су. улазак у воду.<ли>Максимална тежина од 280 фунти по путнику.<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са проблемима са вратом.<ли>Опрема за роњење се дезинфицира између употребе.<ли>Опрема за роњење се дезинфицира.<ли> ли>
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (858)
Mar 2022
To preface, this is not a complaint about the experience itself. I cannot comment on that, and it very well could be enjoyable and a great experience. However, I am simply commenting on the level of customer service we were treated with. We originally arrived at the wrong dock and did not realize until a short while, because we did not recieve a courtesy call. Our party was 6 people, so we technically comprised half the spots on the boat. Realizing this, we quickly tried to make it to the correct dock, calling the number we were given to contact the crew. They did not pick up originally when I called a few times (using my phone which I used to book). Eventually, I asked my friend to call and they picked up immediately. We notified them of our mistake and told them we would arrive exactly when the boat was scheduled to leave. Of course this was entirely our fault, but they did not offer to hold the boat for even 5 minutes so we could make it (keep in mind we comprised half the boat). While we quickly drove to make the tour, I called an additional 10 times to update about our arrival time, and the woman did not pick up. It turns our she was the contact person to meet up with first before boarding the boat, and I can't help but feel like she intentionally did not pick up or answer our repeated calls. When we arrived (about a minute or two before the boat was scheduled to leave), we quickly found her and she notified us the boat had left. She was quite flat in her response, and said she could try to move us to a different day. However, we were leaving the next morning so this was not possible, and there were no more spots for the next tour that day. This was obviously deflating, but she made no attempt to try to accommodate or come up with another solution. Again, missing the tour was mostly our fault, but I suspect she did not contact the crew of our boat to notify them of our slightly late arrival and simply ignored our follow up calls. The customer service was lacking in this regard. We were simply unable to contact despite being told to "not hesitate to call or text with any questions." It's important to note that in contrast, when we told another tour company nearby about what had happen, they were extremely surprised that this company had not held the boat for us for a few minutes and did not call us or answer our calls. They were so surprised in fact that they went out of their way to make accommodations so we could still do a tour (something this company did not even attempt to do). Again I cannot comment on the actual your itself. It may very well be a great tour, but my experience with the customer service was lacking and we were not offered any refunds or accommodations.
Одговор домаћина
Mar 2022
This customer is upset that we did not hold our boat for them when they were late, which they acknowledge was their fault. We ask our guests to arrive 30 minutes before tour time, and we are not able to wait for guests who arrive late, because we run several tours each night. When our tours are sold out, and guests arrive late, the only option we have is to attempt to reschedule them, which we did. This guest left a 1-star review because we "made no attempt to accommodate or come up with another solution." There is literally no other solution beyond rescheduling them, so I'm not sure what they think we should have done differently. The only ways to resolve this issue were to 1) show up on time or 2) reschedule for a different tour. This review is absolutely ridiculous and should be removed.
Mar 2022
What an amazing experience!! Our guide was amazing and very knowledgeable! Answered every question we had and more! The mantas are amazing! Do it!
Manasi P
Mar 2022
Manta rays are like beautiful butterflies in the ocean. There were like 6-8 of them just circling and dancing around us. They come to eat the plantains and are lit by UV light so it looks unreal. The pictures that you see on the web here are real, exactly what you will experience. Also Hunter was such a great guy. He helped my boyfriend who can’t swim to get out there and experience this. It was his first real experience in the ocean and once in a lifetime thing!

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