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Кратер Молокини за роњење на Мауију и град корњача на броду Приде оф Мауи

Највећи Маки Повер Катамаран на Мауију, са пространим отвореним простором. Ограничавамо број путника на половину капацитета обалске страже. Без гужве, без журбе, непревазиђена услуга са 40 година искуства. <бр><бр>Роњење на Молокинију је заиста јединствено искуство. Вода је мирна, па је морски живот у изобиљу. Наша посада чини све више и више како би се побринула да ваше време са нама буде забавно и безбедно, уз успомене које се неће брзо заборавити.<бр><бр>Са нашим мноштвом погодности, дугогодишњим искуством, безбедносним приоритетима и свеже припремљеном кухињом; да не спомињемо свеобухватну цену, верујемо да ћете се невероватно провести!
Цити: Мауи
Sat 21 Sep
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Sat 21 Sep
Са почетком у $196.12
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<ул><ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима<ли>У близини су доступне опције јавног превоза<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Пријавите се у 7.30 ујутро, 30 минута пре почетка.<ли>Маске за лице су неопходне за путнике у јавним просторима<ли>Лице потребне маске за водиче у јавним просторима<ли>Маске за лице обезбеђене за путнике<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Друштвено дистанцирање се примењује током целог искуства<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема се дезинфикује између употребе<ли>Превозна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Водичи су обавезни за редовно прање руку<ли>Редовне провере температуре за особље<ли>Провере температуре за путнике по доласку<ли>Плаћена политика боравка код куће за особље са симптомима<ли>Бесконтактно плаћање напојница и додаци<ли>ЦОВИД-19 вацц инација потребна за водиче<ли>Наша пловила пружају више простора по путнику. Намештај је дебело обложен глатким завршетком за дезинфекцију. Опрема је натопљена дезинфекционим средством за болницу. Опрема за тоалет се активира покретом. Станице за дезинфекцију руку налазе се свуда. Свакодневно чишћење целог пловила.
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Коментара (448)
Toni B
Sep 2019
I don't snorkel. I booked this trip for my husband. He was speechless!! The crew was awesome. Two lifeguards are in the water with you. Noodles and flotation belts are available. Lunch and an open bar, yay! My husband saw several turtles and lots of fish. It was the highlight of the trip.
Sep 2019
This was my husband and myself first time snorkeling and in Maui. I researched many snorkeling companies before going with this company, and was so happy I went with them. The staff were fun and made sure everyone was okay. I tend to get boat sick and did on the way to the Molokini Crater, but went away when the Dramamine kicked in. They helped anyone having problems with the masks and made sure they properly and watched everyone get off the boat into the water. I got sick at the Molokini Crater duet to the choppiness of the water. When I got on the boat they staff were amazing. When they found out I was sick they gave me a ginger ale drink, sea band sickness bracelet, vicks vapor rub, and ice chips. Throughout the ride back to the dock each staff member kept checking up on me and anyone else sick. I couldn't ask for a better experience even though I got sick!!!
Sep 2019
We booked this several months before based on good reviews. We arrived a few minutes late but they were still checking guests in. There was parking at the Maui sea center and then a short walk down to the docks. The instructions in the email were accurate to get us there. When we arrived, we signed a waiver. (All other excursions and activities we did during our vacation with different companies, we were able to sign a waiver online, that would have been great if we could have done that ahead of time). We got on the boat and most seats were taken because people laid their bags and towels on the seats next to them. It was ok, we stood and held onto a pole and watched everyone rub sunscreen on themselves. It was almost comical 😂 The ship provided a large gallon with a pump of reed safe sunscreen and asked that no spray sunscreen is used. Of note, they recommend you reapply every 45 minutes. So plan to get in/out or you may get a sunburn. The drive out there was choppy but tolerable. It was windy so we were told we would only be going to Molokai crater. I get sick easy and felt ok going out. We had signed up for snuba and after grabbing a muffin and fruit we were asked to head to the front of the boat for instruction. Our snuba leader, Jason, split us into two groups (4 each group). He showed us equipment we would be using, taught us hand signs and discussed underwater safety. Someone dropped out at this point after hearing what to expect. It sounds like you should be a fairly good swimmer, this isn’t for someone with little to no water exposure. We got fitted for our equipment, signed more waivers, and waited to dock at the crater. The ride out was 7.5 miles and took about an hourish. They lowered a large grate down into the water and we stepped down and met Jason at the bottom. He got us hooked up to the snuba tank, which floats at the top of the water and has a 15ft line attached to you. The water was really choppy on the surface but nice once you get down underneath. It was important you stayed together and that you didn’t get tangled with your partner. I was so disappointed that we only snuba’d for such a short time. The ride out was about an hour and the snuba experience was about 35 minutes total but that includes hooking everyone up and getting everyone started. Once you got down, you cruised around for a bit then it was time to come back to the grate. I loved the actual snuba experience, but felt the cost vs time was not worth it and not I would not book it again. There were several boats (5 total) but we were a bit away from them so I didn’t feel as crowded as some reviews. There were a lot do people snorkeling but since we did the snuba first, I feel like when we actually got in to snorkel (around 9:50) people were already getting out or close to the boat just floating. It was windy and the waves pushed you around a bit but we were able to see some cool fish. My snorkel mouthpiece kept leaking and I had to take it to one of the helpers on a paddle board twice to fix it/get it looked at. She said a little valve had come loose. They aimed for 2 hours of water time and said it several times on the overhead PA system, but by the time everyone got in and out it was a bit less. The weather did not permit us to go to turtle town. We got anchor and up and headed towards shore. They started cooking lunch. The food was delicious, the burgers were great and they surprisingly moved the long lines through quickly. Luckily we found a spot to sit on the way back. We don’t drink alcohol but they had a lot of it around. Someone spilled his beer all over my husband because I’d the weather. Oh my haha! I heard a group sitting next to us saying they ran out of most of the alcoholic drinks, but we were having sprite and coke and had enough. The boat was going faster on the way back and the windy was breezing and the waves were big. I started to get sick. I want to recognize the gal that helped me. She was teeny and a local and she was so nice. She asked if I was ok and I told her. She took my husband and plate up to him for me, told me the best place to stand, got me a seaband, and gave me some ice chips. It was so nice of heramd really helped. The boat slowed down a bit as we got closer and it was a little more tolerable. They had taken some pictures both above and below water but wanted $100 for them. They can airdrop them onto your phone or do a thumb drive. They had about 6 pictures and a video of my husband and I, but the $100 seemed very high priced for my budget and we passed. The closer to the shore we got, our Snuba instructor brought us a small paper with the cost of that excursion listed. He said he was not part of the ships crew and that we could give him cash, our card, or Venmo him his tip. He would come back around and see what we decided. If we say zero he will know he did not do a good job. They also came over the PA and askedus to clap and cheer for the crew but that they ultimately would have a tip box to show our support on our way out. Overall it was fun and I would recommend it to a friend. I did have a good time and just wanted to post as much factual information about our experience in hopes it helps other travelers. The ship/crew did a great job and the experience was good. We wouldn’t have gotten to make it out to snorkel at that crater any other way. We did see 2-3 unique fish we hadn’t seen with any other snorkeling we had done so far. The water was nice and even with the windy weather it was still beautiful. Thanks to everyone who helped make our experience a good one. My sweet little friend saw me at the end and I told her thanks for keeping me from throwing up! We celebrated and she and gave me a big hug. She made the trip extra special by being so kind. I wish I caught her name. Thank you!
Одговор домаћина
Sep 2019
Aloha! We truly appreciate you taking the time to leave such a detailed and honest review of your trip for future guests to see, and for understanding, locations are weather dependent! Molokini is the highlight of the trip, so we do hope you really enjoyed that location. Our guess is it was Takako that helped you, and she is wonderful. Always knows best when a guest gets a little ill! We will make sure she sees this review! We do hope the rest of your time on the island was fantastic and you will join us again one day soon. Mahalo! -Lawrence S PR COORDINATOR

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