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Маунакеа Стеллар Екплорер из КОНА

За искуство изван овог света, погледајте Маунакеа Стеллар Екплорер из КапохоКине Адвентурес. Ова узбудљива авантура је једина звездана турнеја на Великом острву која укључује ноћно астрономско посматрање И безбедно дневно посматрање Сунца са добродошлицом свих узраста! Наши истраживачи звезда у кући су најбољи и најискуснији на Хавајима, а један је направио Центар за посетиоце Мауна Кеа и њиме управљао деценију. Други запослени су писали запажене чланке и критике за познате астрономске часописе и радили су у опсерваторијама светске класе.
Цити: Велико острво Хаваји
Thu 24 Oct
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Thu 24 Oct
Са почетком у $263.76
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<ул><ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности
Шта да очекујете
Авантура почиње вечером.
Саддле Роад
Затим ћете путовати преко Саддле Роада између Мауна Кеа и Мауна Лоа, два од највиших и најмасивнијих вулкана на Земљи. Ваш водич обучен за Службу Националног парка ће разговарати о вулканологији, геологији и историји ових монструозних чуда, као и да ће вам пружити детаљну причу о различитим токовима лаве и флори и фауни поред којих ћете пролазити. На крају, ваш водич ће вас одвести до једне од наших омиљених локација на Мауна Кеи за ноћно посматрање звезда.
Мауна Кеа
Посматраћете дубоко небо и планетарне објекте кроз Добсонов телескоп са великим отвором испод једног од најмрачнијих и најнеоштећенијих неба на планети Земљи! Наши Добсонови телескопи су право пуристичко искуство за гледање ноћног неба. Њихов брзи фокусни однос омогућава вам да видите широке погледе на објекте који једноставно нису могући са типовима телескопа које користе друге туре. У зависности од тога шта је видљиво на тренутном небу и временских прилика које дозвољавају, посматраћете галаксије, маглине, звездана јата, планете, системе двоструких звезда, месец и још много тога; сви истакнути делови и експонати које никада раније нисте видели! Након тога, загрејте се уз Кона кафу и топлу чоколаду пре него што се вратите у своје одмаралиште. Обезбеђене топле јакне. Ова турнеја не посећује самит Маунакее из поштовања према забринутости домородаца са Хаваја.
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (70)
Nov 2019
Lawrence was a great guide; knows Hawaii and the night sky. There was no "tour" of the coffee farm, just a coffee from an urn, no tasting, no staff telling us about the farm and its history. Very disappointing as we are in the coffee business and love to hear from others in the business. The property was on a steep hill and we were not able to walk around. Dinner was good, Lawrence was a good cook. The main event was the night sky and that did not disappoint. We spotted satellites, planets, stars, constellations and so much more. Notwithstanding everything else, i would recommend this tour if you have any interest in the night sky!
Stephen P
Nov 2019
I was picked up from my accommodation at the stated time. We were then driven to a coffee farm owned by Doutour (Japanese company) to take a nice walk through the farm and its lovely gardens. There were lots of little birds, wild turkeys and mongoose. You then get a free coffee tasting and an informal talk about the farm and products from the farm's staff. I haven't drunk coffee for about 30 years but I had to do it and it was nice enough. We then went to a nice outdoor reception area where we had an early BBQ dinner. Following dinner, we had the chance to look at the sun through a specially filtered scope. We then drove up Old Saddle road and stopped to watch the sunset at a suitable spot before travelling up the mountain to find a stargazing spot. We looked at Jupiter and its 4 big moons, Saturn and its rings. It was a full moon which may have restricted some of the things we could see but there's lots up there so Todd had no trouble finding lots of interesting things to view. There were only 3 of us so we all had plenty of viewing time on each object. We finished by checking out the full moon in all its glory. Todd and his colleague (sorry I can't remember your name mate) were both very knowledgeable about the night sky and also about Hawaiian geology, flora and fauna. It was really cold up on the mountain (about 10 Celcius) but they provided warm jackets and blankets. Wear thick socks!
Одговор домаћина
Dec 2019
Aloha Stephen, mahalo for the great review and for the great tips. Happy to hear you had a wonderful time. I just wanted to let you know, we have a giveaway on Instagram to win a 2-night stay at the Grand Naniloa and a Zippin' Volcano Adventure for two -- check out @Kapohokine on Instagram to learn more and to enter.
Les M
Oct 2019
We had originally booked a Mauna Kea Summit tour, but our plans were cancelled due to the ongoing protests over the TMT. At the last minute we booked the Maunakea Stellar Explorer tour with Kapohokine and I'm so glad we did! Out tour guide Lawrence picked us up right ontime in a very comfortable tour van. Lawrence is the very embodiment of the aloha spirit. He was a perfect guide for our tour! I don't know if Kapohokine will let you request tour guides, but ask for Lawrence if you can! We picked up the other groups at some other resorts and then we were off to our first stop, a coffee plantation. I'm not a coffee person. I don't drink coffee, don't know the difference between beans, etc. and even I thought the coffee plantation was cool. The property is beautiful and the food they prepare for you is very good! We learned about coffee and got to do a tasting as well. We even were able to picks beans to taste right from the tree. It was cool. After dinner, we went about half way up Mauna Kea via saddle road to a park and met the Kapohokine group from Hilo. The elevation there is about 7,000 feet and it did get chilly - bring a jacket! Lawrence and the other guide set up 2 big telescopes and then trained them on several celestial objects for us to view. It was incredible! We saw the rings of Saturn, Jupiters Great Red Spot, several stars, Nebulas, Galaxies, etc. You could see the Milky Way with the naked eye (only 3rd time I've ever seen it) and we saw several shooting stars and even some satellites. When we got cold, they served coffee/hot chocolate to warm us up. We were dropped off at our resort a bit ahead of schedule and I would recommend this tour to anyone!
Одговор домаћина
Nov 2019
Aloha Les, mahalo for adventuring with us and for the great review. Happy to hear you had a wonderful time exploring Mauna Kea. We'd love to see your photos from your tour with us. Be sure to tag us on Instagram @KapohoKine.

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