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Менденхол Глациер Лаке Тоур кану

Доживите лепоту дивљине Аљаске на овој 3,5-4-сатној авантури до глечера Менденхол. Ова авантура почиње на пристаништу бродова за крстарење док ће стручни водич превести загарантовану малу групу на испричано 30-минутно путовање до поринућа брода Вест Глациер у Националној шуми Тонгасс. Гости се обувају у водоотпорну опрему врхунске квалитете и након кратке лекције веслања, лансираће кану на језеро Менденхол да започну путовање. Окружен стрмим литицама испуњеним арктичким чиграма, планинским козама, дикобразима и другим дивљим животињама; уживајте у спокоју ове авантуре дубоко у Аљаску. Осетите како хладан, живахни ваздух излази са глечера док водич безбедно управља кануом до најбољих видиковаца плавих пукотина и серака на врху глечера Менденхол. Будите један од ретких који ће се удаљити од гужве и суочити се са глечером. Ова тура је само вожња кануом и НЕ УКЉУЧУЈЕ планинарење по глечеру.
Цити: Јунеау
Sat 16 Nov
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Са почетком у $219.45
Sat 16 Nov
Са почетком у $219.45
Шта је укључено
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Повратни превоз са пристаништа брода за крстарење у центру Џуноа
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Погодно за све нивои физичке спремности<ли>Минимална старост: 12 година<ли>Минимална тежина: 90 лбс<ли>Максимална тежина: 240 лбс<ли>Не препоручује се гостима са проблеми са леђима или куковима<ли>Трудним гостима неће бити дозвољено на овој турнеји<ли>Пуна употреба удова за до 2 сата веслања кануом<ли>Потписано одрицање од одговорности<ли>Поглед на одређене карактеристике глечера није загарантован<ли>ВАЖНО ОБАВЕШТЕЊЕ: ОВА ТУРНЕЈА ЈЕ САМО КАНУОМ И НЕ УКЉУЧУЈЕ пјешачење по глечеру.<ли>Маске за лице потребне су водичима у граду. јавне површине<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема дезинфицирана између употребе<ли>Превоз возила редовно дезинфицирана<ли>Водичи обавезни за редовно прање руку
Шта да очекујете
Ликуид Аласка Тоурс
Ликуид Аласка Тоурс покупи госте на пристаништу бродова за крстарење и њихово искуство почиње управо тамо. Ово је 4-сатна свеобухватна тура, укључујући 2 сата веслања око језера Менденхол да бисте видели глечер Менденхол и искусили дивљину Аљаске у Националној шуми Тонгасс, највећој националној шуми у Сједињеним Државама.
Менденхалл Глациер
Гости ће се упознати са глечером Менденхол док ће се возити кануом до лица глечера и искусити га из кануа на језеру Менденхол.
Национална шума Тонгасс
Цела наша турнеја се одвија у Националној шуми Тонгасс. Доводимо госте у рекреативну зону глечера Менденхол до паркинга глечера Вест Сиде. Ово је место где се наша турнеја спрема, пролази кроз упутства за безбедност и веслање и почиње наше веслање до глечера Менденхол – све се налази у Националној шуми Тонгасс.
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (342)
Aug 2019
We had an absolutely wonderful day with Abbie and Cassey. We learned a lot about how glacier's change & get their color, we explored ice caves, and had a fun canoe paddle to/from the glacier! The glacier got more and more spectacular the closer we got to it. Abbie and Cassey were able to successfully lead a meaningful and fun expedition with an exceptionally large group from multiple nationalities. We gave the a lot of credit to the for having both patience and showing genuine excitement over sharing this amazing experience with everyone. Our two guides went above and beyond by adding some time onto our excursion because of the "new" ice cave we found and that they wanted everyone in our group to experience it. This took collaboration of other guides who had to support juggling the schedule a bit in order to make this happen. The excursion is pricey and I was a little skeptical about the value of it, but it truly was one of our trip highlights! We found ourselves in awe and a bit emotional experiencing this true raw beauty in nature. Thank you Liquid Alaska!
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2019
Awe-inspiring, emotional, and raw beauty are absolutely incredible ways to describe your experience on tour with us and we cannot thank you enough for the kind words! Our guiding team are true professionals and we are thrilled your family was able to join us!
Aug 2019
This was a perfect excursion on an Alaska cruise. Liquid Alaska is an independent tour company. They don’t tie themselves to a cruise ship. Our tour guides Grant and Ryan are the BEST!!! They really know what they are doing. We got picked up right at the cruise dock. And then Grant transported us to the lake. Gave us all the needed equipment for the tour even some small snacks. We canoed on a 16 people over the Mendenhall lake towards the glacier. The canoe paddling was not too rigorous because there were so many people on the canoe. And we took breaks. On the way to the glacier, you will see a nice waterfall. Once we reached the glacier, Grant and Ryan gave us ice cleats to fit onto the rain boots so that you can climb the Mendenhall glacier. We were not just walking on the glacier like what someone would be doing had they gone on a helicopter (land and walk). We actually climbed the glacier. Grant and Ryan took us to a small ice cave/hole. And while we were taking turns looking at this small cave/hole, Ryan went down a ravine about 50 feet and about a 35 degree inclined to scout the ravine. And what he found was the most amazing thing to see in Alaska. It was a huge ice cave at the bottom of the ravine. We all took our time to hike down the ravine and was astoundingly treated to the huge blue ice cave. Ryan said this cave is probably only have been formed for about 2-3 days and they don’t last forever because the glacier is constantly moving and melting. And not every tour gets to see a ice cave like this. What an amazing sight!!!! Thank you Ryan and Grant. And then on our canoe back, we saw beavers sun bathing. We highly recommend this tour for sure.
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2019
What a thorough review! Thank you so much. Sounds like you had a wonderful trip, from wildlife sightings to ice cave access! The most incredible thing about glacier ice formations like caves is that they aren’t a permanent feature, but come and go, forming different every time. No two glacier tours are unique, sometimes it’s hiking over ice to incredible viewpoints, other times it’s exploring under the ice, maybe seeing blue pools, or peering into crevasses! Ryan and Grant will be happy to hear that you had a great trip! Thanks again, and we hope to adventure with you again soon.
Aug 2019
Had a great time during our Mendenhall glacier canoe tour with our guide Abby. She was very knowledge and fun. She made sure we had everything we needed including waterproof jacket, pants, boots, gloves, hand warmers, and dry bags with snacks and water. We even got hot beverages and extra snacks at the end. We were able to get as close as we could to the glacier and see the waterfall. On the way there and back we saw several bald eagles and looked for bears. Abby was a great tour guide on the way to our destination as well as during the canoe around the glacier. I had a great time and would highly recommend Abby and this company while canoeing to those who are active and love a great adventure.
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2019
Thanks for recommending our Glacier Lake Canoe Tour and guide Abby! We love hearing feedback about the guides and even the little things we add to make the tour highly enjoyable, like hand warmers, healthy snacks, and a variety of hot beverages! Thanks again.

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