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Менденхалл Глациер Виев Сеа Каиакинг

Клизите у величанствену авантуру на морском кајаку за две особе да бисте видели моћни глечер Менденхол. Научите технике веслања од стручњака, а затим крените у могуће блиске сусрете са дивљим животињама на спектакуларној позадини шумовитих падина, оближњих врхова и ледених торњева глечера. Обиђите залив Фриц, потражите ћелаве орлове и грбаве китове и посетите мочваре Менденхол, заштићено станиште које врви птицама, сисарима и морским светом. На обали, уживајте у ужини и присетите се своје авантуре. Сигурно ће бити врхунац вашег одмора на Аљасци.
Цити: Јунеау
Tue 05 Nov
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Са почетком у $130.20
Tue 05 Nov
Са почетком у $130.20
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Сва опрема (укључујући опрему за кишу, чизме, спреј сукњу)
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<ул><ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Путници треба да имају најмање умерен ниво физичке спремности<ли>Деца од 7 до 12 година морају да буду у пратњи одрасле особе.<ли>Деца од 13 до 17 година морају имати потписан формулар за сагласност родитеља да учествују у одсуству родитеља или старатеља.<ли>Минимална тежина: 40 фунти да стане у потребан прслук за спасавање<ли>Деца од 13 до 17 година морају имати потписан образац за сагласност родитеља. ли>Максимална тежина: Приближно 250 лбс у зависности од величине струка да би се уклопило у кокпит кајака<ли>Максимална висина: Гости преко 6'3" неће моћи да користе кормила за управљање и можда ће им бити непријатно у кајаку<ли>Гости треба да буду доброг здравља и мораће да веслају око 2 сата.<ли>Ради у свим временским условима, молимо да се обуците прикладно<ли>У време резервације, крстарење путници на броду морају дати следеће податке приликом резервације: назив брода, време пристајања, време искрцавања и време поновног укрцавања
Политика отказивања
Све продаје су коначне. Није могуће поврат новца за отказивање.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (79)
Deb W
Aug 2018
This was a fun excursion. Our guide Chow was very good. We had great views of the glacier. There were American bald eagles, seals and sea lions. Seemed we spent most of our time stopped. We didn't go far at all. That was a bit of a let down. Otherwise it was nice to get on a nice day.
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2018
Thank you for sharing! Dale E Smith Director of Sales & Marketing
Aug 2018
We did the sea kayaking on an overcast day so the glacier wasn't in view. That wasn't an issue with the tour company so my reason for an average score was because I was expecting to see more wildlife. We did see several eagles, but there weren't any herons or others birds as mentioned. We saw a few seals pop their heads up out of the water, but the distance covered wasn't much. There were some young kids in kayaks with their parents so maybe we couldn't go far due to their abilities, but we didn't see much which left the 5 of us fairly disappointed. We had about 20 people in our tour - maybe more, but our guides did a good job at keeping us together. Overall, we saw a few seals and several eagles - that was it. I was expecting more.
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2018
Yeah, wildlife can be fickle when not in a zoo setting. I am sorry more didn't come around when you were there. Dale E Smith Director of Sales & Marketing
Ally S
Aug 2018
When I booked our Alaska cruise the only thing my husband cared about was going Kayaking so I booked this excursion through Costco. As we wandered through the town I turned my phone on and got a text that the excursion was cancelled "due to weather". I found this startling given the information provided: Operates in all weather conditions, please dress appropriately Subject to favorable weather conditions. If canceled due to poor weather, you will be given the option of an alternative date or full refund I was further disturbed upon learning in town that the roads had been flooded for weeks, so clearly this tour was not an option long before we received our text message. We were left to scramble to find another excursion when this company could have provided the information far sooner and we would have a much better experience in Juneau. Furthermore, despite the text that a full refund would be given, I had to call the company and was told, rudely, that i needed to call " you know the other people" which eventually was determined to be the travel agent/Costco. I called Costco who had to call the company to confirm the cancelled trip before I could get my refund. I found the entire process highly unacceptable.
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2018
Ally, Safety is our first concern for our guests. I am sorry mother nature was wicked while you were here. Operating in inclement weather does not include flood situations and putting lives at risk. The waters in our area are all under 45 degrees. We do everything in our power to keep you safe on your trip, even if that includes having to cancel for your safety. Flooding in Juneau can subside quickly (within hours) and return to normal. That is why we did not cancel the tour days in advance. I am sorry our front desk sounded short with you on the refund. That was not our intent. It is true that since you did not give us a payment for the tour, we could not give you a refund and you needed to go through the company you had paid. It is common for a company to have to verify that the tour was canceled prior to issuing a refund. I know it sounds like a lot of moving parts, (and there are), I am so sorry you had this experience. Feel free to contact me or our company President, Chris M. at any time. Sincerely, Dale E Smith Director of Sales & Marketing [email protected] 907.789.0052

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