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Полудневни обилазак Националног парка Меса Верде

Имајте на уму да се због изградње пута не очекује отварање Цлифф Палаце & Балцони Хоусе Рангер обилазак <бр>до јула 2022.<бр><бр>Меса Верде је био први археолошки национални парк на свету и један од првих Ознаке УНЕСЦО-а у САД-у Локације и рушевине су у великој мери побољшане страшћу туристичких водича и познавањем подручја, укључујући флору и фауну, геологију, домородачке народе и његове историјске археолошке записе. У Меса Вердеу постоји прича и мистерија до којих се не може доћи само разгледањем.
Цити: Дуранго
Sat 15 Mar
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Sat 15 Mar
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<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Допуштене су животиње услужне.<ли>Опције превоза су доступне за инвалидска колица<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке кондиције<ли>Обилазак је доступан свим инвалидским колицима, осим опционе посете НПС ренџеру уз помоћ Цлифф Двеллинг-а. <ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Транспортна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Водичи обавезни за редовно прање руку
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Коментара (104)
Oct 2022
We arrived for our 11:00 AM tour on Friday, October 28 at 10:30. Another family was there waiting for the tour. The tour operator never showed up. After numerous phone calls, we finally were able to talk with someone at 11:30. The tour operator had the wrong day written down. I find that hard ti believe as I had been called the day before to go over all of the details. We also received an email that all 5 of us filled out for medical responses. This was very unacceptable as 8 people had planned their day around a 5 hour tour that never happened.
Одговор домаћина
Nov 2022
I sincerely apologize for this happening. The tour guide responsible has composed an apology posted below and has reached out by phone to personally apologize. Although this is just one mistake in an otherwise outstanding season of tours at Mesa Verde, she and I both understand what a negative experience this was for your group and as owner of the company I wish to offer a complimentary trip should you visit the area again. From the Guide: "My name is Kristin and I was supposed to be your Tour Guide to Mesa Verde October 28th. I misinterpreted the seasons closing date. I truly apologize for compromising your tour. I can only imagine the disappointment this must have created. This is not a reflection of Mountain Waters Rafting, and this review may hurt their business and limit their ventures. I take full responsibility and am so very sorry this led to a frustrating end to your vacation in Durango. Again, My Truest Apology. Kristin."
Oct 2022
Amazing experience just wondering around the Mesa's. Traveling on the roads to the palace tour area you could easily get distracted by the views and wildlife. From the wild horses and step drop's you won't have a dull moment. The cliff palace and long house guides were great. Not too crowded even during peak season. I would recommend going in the morning so you have enough time to wonder without being rushed. We missed our tour time due to the long travel from the gate to the parking lot (about 25 mins drive) but the rangers helped us out by letting us go on the next tour. There is a snack shake to buy water and drinks. They keep the prices cheaper than anywhere in town. Bring good walking shoes and leave enough time to explore.
Одговор домаћина
Nov 2022
A great park that your experience shows really benefits from a guided tour, thank you!
John M
Oct 2022
We and another group of five waiting at the meeting spot at 10:30. Meeting time was stated as 10:45 with a departure time of 11. As it reached 11 my group and the other group attempted to reach the tour leader. No response and we learned we had about 4 different numbers to call. It was confusing and frustrating leaving voicemails for 4 different numbers. By 11:45 the tour leader called us back and said, they forgot and that they thought it was for tomorrow. They offered to reschedule us which was not possible because we would be on a flight tomorrow morning and also because we couldn’t trust they would keep that appointment anyways. Terrible experience with time wasted
Одговор домаћина
Nov 2022
I sincerely apologize for this happening. The tour guide responsible has composed an apology posted below and has reached out by phone to personally apologize. Although this is just one mistake in an otherwise outstanding season of tours at Mesa Verde, she and I both understand what a negative experience this was for your group and as owner of the company I wish to offer a complimentary trip should you visit the area again. From the Guide: "My name is Kristin and I was supposed to be your Tour Guide to Mesa Verde October 28th. I misinterpreted the seasons closing date. I truly apologize for compromising your tour. I can only imagine the disappointment this must have created. This is not a reflection of Mountain Waters Rafting, and this review may hurt their business and limit their ventures. I take full responsibility and am so very sorry this led to a frustrating end to your vacation in Durango. Again, My Truest Apology. Kristin."

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